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Engineering Graphics I - Department of Applied Sciences & Engineering

This presentation covers various topics from Engineering Graphics and is presented by Professor Yogiraj Deshmukh from the department of Applied Sciences and Engineering at International Institute of Information Technology, Iu00b2IT. The learning objectives of this presentation are: To study concept of principle planes, To understand theory of projections, Analysis of a point in various quadrants, Analysis of a point in 1st quadrant, Theory of projections by auxiliary plane method: AVP & AIP.

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Engineering Graphics I - Department of Applied Sciences & Engineering

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  1. Engineering GraphicsI Prof. Yogiraj Deshmukh AssistantProfessor Department of Applied Sciences& Engineering Hope Foundation’s International Institute of Information Technology,I²IT

  2. Learningobjectives • To study concept of principleplanes • To understand theory ofprojections • Analysis of a point in variousquadrants • Analysis of a point in 1st quadrant, differentcases • Summarization of concepts & observations • Theory of projections by auxiliary plane method: AVP &AIP Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 2

  3. Concept ofPlane • Plane: • Also known as Plane or Polygon or Lamina orPlate • Are two dimensional figures i.e. length & width, or width & height, or height &width. • Every plane is bounded by the true lines; hence it has only one True Shape(TS). • Regularpolygons: • Triangle (Equilateral, Isosceles, Rightangle) • Square, Rectangle,Rhombus • Pentagon, Hexagon,Circle. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.e3du.in

  4. Projections ofPlane • If any polygon is parallel to any one reference plane, then view obtained in that reference plane is always True Shape of polygon while its corresponding view is an Edge View, parallel to XY or in XY, andvice-a-versa. • Inclination made by the plane with HP is(θp) • Inclination made by the plane with VP is(Φp) Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 4

  5. Types of Problems on Projections of aPlane • There are two types of problems on projections ofplane; • Type A: The true shape of plane and data to make it inclined to HP & VP are given, and then draw the projections to find its inclinations with HP andVP. • Plane resting in HP on its side orcorner • Plane resting in VP on its side orcorner • Type B: The apparent views – FV and TV, of a plane are given, and then draw the projections to find its inclinations with HP and VP. Also, find the true shape of aplane. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 4

  6. Projections of a Plane: TypeA The true shape of plane is given along with the inclinations made by the plane and line with HP or VP or specialcases. Draw the projections to make the plane inclined to both reference planes (obliqueplane). Find the inclinations made by the plane with HP andVP. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 4

  7. Type A: StageI • If plane is resting in HP, then first draw TV as trueshape. • While drawing true shape check that whether it is resting on its side or corner. • If resting on its side, draw that side extreme left, perpendicular toXY. • If resting on corner, locate that corner extreme left with specific cases mentioned ifany. • [And vice-a-versa, if plane is resting inVP]. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 4

  8. Type A: StageII • If plane is resting in HP, then make its surface inclined to HP first and draw the second TV from various casesbelow; • Surface is inclined to HP(θp). • The corner or side opposite to resting side or corner is aboveHP. • The side adjacent to resting side or corner appears as plan or TVlength. • --- Continued-- Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 4

  9. Type A: StageII • Some special cases: • The plan or TV of a plane resting on itsside • An Isosceles triangle appears as Equilateral triangle or Right angletriangle; • Rectangle appears asSquare • The plan or TV of a plane resting on itscorner • Square appears as a Rhombus of minoraxis, • Rectangle appears as aSquare, • Circle appears as an ellipse of minor axisetc. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 4

  10. Type A: Stage III • Draw the final FV and TV by reference plane method or by auxiliary planemethod. • If the resting side of plane is inclined to VP(ΦL). • If resting on the corner of polygon, then a line passing through resting corner is inclined to VP (ΦL). Then, this line is TL, its 2nd TV line is PL inclined to VP i.e.‘β’. • Find angle made by PL with VP i.e. ‘β’, external construction. • [And vice-a-versa, if plane is resting inVP] Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 10

  11. a1’ a’ c’ c1’ 50 b’ b1’ 45º b1 a1 c a.b 70 a.b c c1 Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 10

  12. d’1 d’ c’e’ c’1 e’1 30 a’ b’ c’e’ b’a’ d’ X b’1 Y a’1 30 0 e1 a 1 e e1 a1 b1 a d1 d d1 c1 b b1 Hope Foundation’s Interncational Institute of Information Tce1chnology,I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquarei1t.2edu.in

  13. Type A: Stage III • If resting on the corner of polygon, then a TV line passing through resting corner is inclined to VP i.e.‘β’. • Then, it’s a line of 2nd TV as PL and it is inclined to VP at any angle of‘β’. • Noexternalconstruction.[Andvice-a-versa,ifplaneis resting inVP]. • If resting on the corner of polygon, then the side opposite to resting corner (e.g. all triangles and pentagon) is inclined to VP(ΦL). • [And vice-a-versa, if plane is resting inVP]. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 13

  14. Type A: StageIV • By usingauxiliaryplane • method, find the inclinations made by the plane with HP (θp) and with VP(Φp). • Procedureto find (θp) and (Φp) will be discussed in problems of TypeB • Summarization of various stages of problems in TypeA Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 13

  15. Projections of a Plane: TypeB • The apparent views– Elevation (FV) and Plan (TV), of a plane are given with point coordinates and linedimensions. • Draw the given views FV andTV. • Draw the projections by using auxiliary plane method to find its inclinations with HP andVP. • Drawthetrueshapeofaplanebyauxiliaryplane method for any one edge view of earlierstage. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in 13

  16. Type B: To findθp • Draw auxiliary FV as an edge view, to find(θp). • Hence, any one line in the given TV should beTL. • Check scorresponding line in FV 50 25 c’ 15 a’ 1’ • must be parallel toXY. • If yes, find the point view ofthat 20 b’ 10 15 Y x1 X TL by auxiliary plane method which will give FV as an edge view of plane. [Extend the TL line, take a line perpendicular to this TL line as new reference line - X1Y1 , drawtheprojectionsfromallthe a c 40 1 c’1 y2 a’1 b corners of TV polygon toX1Y1 c 1 andlocatetheirdistancesof b’ 1 y1 previous FV fromXY]. x2 • Ifnot,thenconstructaline parallel to XY inside the planeof givenFV.Projectitinthe b1 corresponding line of TV & find its TL. Then, repeat the procedure d 1 explained asabove.

  17. Type B: To findΦp • Draw auxiliary TV as an edge view, to find(Φp). • Hence, any one line in the given FV should beTL. • Check its corresponding line in TV must be parallel toXY. • If yes, find the point view of that TL by auxiliary plane method which will give TV as an edge view of plane. [Extend the TL line, take a line perpendicular to this TL line as new reference line - X1Y1 , draw the projections from all the corners of FV polygon to X1Y1 and locate their distances of previous TV fromXY]. • If not, then construct a line parallel to XY inside the plane of given TV. Project it in the corresponding line of FV & find its TL. Then, repeat the procedure explained asabove. • Y1 • a1b1 Y 2 b’ b’1 15 a’ 15 C1 C’ 10 X1 a’ X2 X Y 1 c c’1 650 300 a b 50mm 17

  18. Type B: To find TrueShape • To find out the TS of a plane, first draw any one edge view of plane by the procedure explained in earlierstages. • When we take the auxiliary projections of any one edge view by drawing the new reference line - X2Y2, parallel to the edge view, we get the True Shape of theplane. • For example: Draw a new reference line - X2Y2, parallel to the FV as edge view, Draw the projections from all the corners of this edge view to X2Y2 and locate their distances of previous TV from X1Y1, then we get a new TV as a True Shape. [Andvice-a-versa]. Hope Foundation’s International Institute of InformationTechnology, I²IT P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Phase I, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411 057 Tel +91 20 22933441/2/3 | www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in

  19. Thankyou For further information pleasecontact Yogiraj Deshmukh yogirajd@isquareit.edu.in Department of Applied Sciences & Engineering Hope Foundation’s International Institute ofInformation Technology, I²ITPune P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC PhaseI, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411057 Phone - +91 2022933441/2/3 www.isquareit.edu.in |info@isquareit.edu.in

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