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Outline. Creating Objects The String Class Packages Formatting Output Enumerated Types Wrapper Classes Components and Containers Images. Formatting output. It is often necessary to format values output looks appropriate when printed or displayed

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  1. Outline Creating Objects The String Class Packages Formatting Output Enumerated Types Wrapper Classes Components and Containers Images

  2. Formatting output • It is often necessary to format values • output looks appropriate when printed or displayed • NumberFormat part of java.text package • Provides generic formatting capabilities • is not instantiated using the new operator • instead by requesting an object • From one of the static methods invoked thru the class name • NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

  3. Creating NumberFormat instance • NumberFormat objects • are created using • getCurrencyInstance() invoked thru class name • returns a formatter for monetary values • getPercentInstance() invoked thru class name • returns an object that formats a percentage • are used to format numbers using method format() • Refer to Purchase.java • NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() • double subtotal=19.35; • System.out.println(fmt.format(subtotal) ); • Output: $19.35

  4. DecimalFormat class • DecimalFormat part of java.text package • allows to format values based on a pattern • To determine how many digits should be printed • To the right of the decimal point (for instance) • is instantiated in the traditional way • using the new operator • Its constructor DecimalFormat takes a String • That represents a pattern for the formatted number • Refer to CircleStats.java

  5. Outline Creating Objects The String Class Packages Formatting Output Enumerated Types Wrapper Classes Components and Containers Images

  6. Enumerated types • Java allows you to define an enumerated type • Which can then be used to declare variables • as the type of a variable • establishes all possible values for a variable of that type • By listing, or enumerating the values • Where the values are identifiers, and can be anything desired • enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall} • There is no limit to the number of listed values • Any number of values can be listed

  7. Declaring and using an enumerated type • Once a type is defined • A variable of that type can be declared • enum Grade {A, B, C, D, F}; Grade score; • And it can be assigned a value • Thru the name of the type score = Grade.A; • Enumerated types are type-safe • You cannot assign any value other than those listed

  8. Ordinal values • Internally, each value of an enumerated type • is stored as an integer, called its ordinal value • The first value has an ordinal value of zero • The second one, and so on • You cannot assign a numeric value • to enumerated type, even if it corresponds to an ordinal value

  9. Enumerated types: methods • The declaration of an enumerated type • is a special type of class • And each variable of that type is an object • methods associated with enumerated objects • The ordinal() method returns the numeric value • Of an enumerated type • The name() returns the name of the value • Refer to IceCream.java

  10. Outline Creating Objects The String Class Packages Formatting Output Enumerated Types Wrapper Classes Components and Containers Images

  11. Wrapper classes • A wrapper class • is used to wrap a primitive value into an object • Ex: create an object that serves as a container to hold an int • represents a particular primitive type • Ex: Integer class represents a simple integer value • instantiated, stores a single primitive type value • Ex: Integerobject store a single int value • its constructor accept the primitive value to store • Ex: Integer ageObj = new Integer (40);

  12. Wrapper classes in the JAVA class library • For each primitive type in JAVA • There exists a corresponding wrapper class (java.lang)

  13. Wrapper classes methods • Wrapper classes methods • manages the associated primitive type • Ex: Integerprovides methods returning the int stored in it • Some methods of the Integer class • Integer (int value) • Constructor: creates an new Integer object storing value • float floatValue() • returns the value of this integer as the float type • static int parseInt (String str) • Returns the int corresponding to the value in str

  14. Autoboxing/Unboxing • Autoboxing is the automatic conversion between • Primitive value and corresponding wrapper object • Integer obj1; int num1 = 69; Obj1 = num1; // automatically creates an Integer object • Unboxing is the reverse condition • Integer obj2 = new Integer (69); int num2; num2 = Obj2; // automatically extracts the int value • Refer to wrapper_error.java

  15. Formatting output • It is often necessary to format values • output looks appropriate when printed or displayed • NumberFormat part of java.text package • Provides generic formatting capabilities • is not instantiated using the new operator • instead by requesting an object • From one of the static methods invoked thru the class name • NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

  16. Creating NumberFormat instance • NumberFormat objects • are created using • getCurrencyInstance() invoked thru class name • returns a formatter for monetary values • getPercentInstance() invoked thru class name • returns an object that formats a percentage • are used to format numbers using method format() • Refer to Purchase.java NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() double subtotal=19.35; System.out.println(fmt.format(subtotal) ); Output: $19.35

  17. DecimalFormat class • DecimalFormat part of java.text package • allows to format values based on a pattern • To determine how many digits should be printed • To the right of the decimal point (for instance) • is instantiated in the traditional way • using the new operator • Its constructor DecimalFormat takes a String • That represents a pattern for the formatted number • Refer to CircleStats.java

  18. Outline Creating Objects The String Class Packages Formatting Output Enumerated Types Wrapper Classes Components and Containers Images

  19. Enumerated types • Java allows you to define an enumerated type • Which can then be used to declare variables • as the type of a variable • establishes all possible values for a variable of that type • By listing, or enumerating the values • Where the values are identifiers, and can be anything desired • enum Season {winter, spring, summer, fall} • There is no limit to the number of listed values • Any number of values can be listed

  20. Declaring and using an enumerated type • Once a type is defined • A variable of that type can be declared • enum Grade {A, B, C, D, F}; Grade score; • And it can be assigned a value • Thru the name of the type score = Grade.A; • Enumerated types are type-safe • You cannot assign any value other than those listed

  21. Ordinal values • Internally, each value of an enumerated type • is stored as an integer, called its ordinal value • The first value has an ordinal value of zero • The second one, and so on • You cannot assign a numeric value • to enumerated type, even if it corresponds to an ordinal value

  22. Enumerated types: methods • The declaration of an enumerated type • is a special type of class • And each variable of that type is an object • methods associated with enumerated objects • The ordinal() method returns the numeric value • Of an enumerated type • The name() returns the name of the value • Refer to IceCream.java

  23. Outline Creating Objects The String Class Packages Formatting Output Enumerated Types Wrapper Classes Components and Containers Images

  24. Wrapper classes • A wrapper class • is used to wrap a primitive value into an object • Ex: create an object that serves as a container to hold an int • represents a particular primitive type • Ex: Integer class represents a simple integer value • instantiated, stores a single primitive type value • Ex: Integerobject store a single int value • its constructor accept the primitive value to store • Ex: Integer ageObj = new Integer (40);

  25. Wrapper classes in the JAVA class library • For each primitive type in JAVA • There exists a corresponding wrapper class (java.lang)

  26. Wrapper classes methods • Wrapper classes methods • manages the associated primitive type • Ex: Integerprovides methods returning the int stored in it • Some methods of the Integer class • Integer (int value) • Constructor: creates an new Integer object storing value • float floatValue() • returns the value of this integer as the float type • static int parseInt (String str) • Returns the int corresponding to the value in str

  27. Autoboxing/Unboxing • Autoboxing is the automatic conversion between • Primitive value and corresponding wrapper object • Integer obj1; int num1 = 69; Obj1 = num1; // automatically creates an Integer object • Unboxing is the reverse condition • Integer obj2 = new Integer (69); int num2; num2 = Obj2; // automatically extracts the int value • Refer to wrapper_error.java

  28. Using Dialog Boxes for Input/Output • Another way to gather input is to use a GUI • such as JOptionPane offered by Java • Which allows a programmer to use GUI for I/O • Making I/O more efficient and the program more attractive • JOptionPane • Contained in the package javax.swing • Offers two methods: • ShowInputDialog: allows user to input a string from keyboard • ShowMessageDialog: allows user to display results

  29. Syntax for ShowInputDialog • To display a dialog box • Containing the string in the object stringExpression • Storing the input data in the String object str • The syntax to use the method is: • str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(stringExpression); • A dialog appears on the screen • prompting user to enter data • Data is returned as a string and assigned to variable str • The user enters the data in the white area • Called text field

  30. Syntax for showMessageDialog • The syntax to use showMessageDialog is • JoptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, messageStringExpression, boxTitleString, messageType). • messageStringExpression:evaluated and value appears in box • boxTitleString: the title of the dialog box • messageType: type of icon appearing in the dialog box • JoptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE • JoptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE • JoptionPane.Question_MESSAGE • JoptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE • JoptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE

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