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Summary of CSMEP Str engths and Weaknesses Assessment

Summary of CSMEP Str engths and Weaknesses Assessment. Idaho. D ata Rich Subbasin: South Fork Salmon River. Chris Beasley (FishPro/HDR), Paul Kucera (NPT), and Sam Sharr (IDFG). Data Poor S ubbasin: Selway River. Data poor. Data rich. Pilot Subbasins. Selway. S. Fork Salmon.

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Summary of CSMEP Str engths and Weaknesses Assessment

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  1. Summary of CSMEP Strengths and Weaknesses Assessment Idaho Data Rich Subbasin: South Fork Salmon River Chris Beasley (FishPro/HDR), Paul Kucera (NPT), and Sam Sharr (IDFG) Data Poor Subbasin: Selway River

  2. Data poor Data rich Pilot Subbasins Selway S. Fork Salmon

  3. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Single pass index redd counts Multiple pass extended redd counts Escapement in three tribs Juvenile abundance in four tribs Overlapping data Weaknesses: Inconsistency in methods Data gaps Data Poor: Selway River Strengths: Bi-monthly redd counts in 5 tribs Single pass index redd counts 6 tribs Video weir (meadow Creek and Running Creek) Juvenile abundance 2 tribs (one ongoing) Weaknesses: adult abundance in only one trib What is size of CRB fish populations?

  4. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Same as previous Weaknesses: Need to validate scale ageing Should consider applying better ageing methods Tag recovery Fin ray Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: Same as previous Weaknesses: No estimates of age structure Redd counts are the primary measure of adult abundance What is the annualized growth rate of CRB fish populations?

  5. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Paired weir and screw trap data in three tribs Weaknesses: Adult escapement estimates need improvement in upper SFSR Missing adult escapement estimates for Secesh Juvenile data potentially affected by trap location Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: Meadow Creek – video weir + redd counts Running Creek – video weir + screw trap Weaknesses: Lack adult escapement estimates Limited time series of juvenile abundance What is the freshwater productivity?

  6. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Multiple and overlapping data available Tag recovery Scale ageing Fin ray ageing Weaknesses: Sample sizes small for all but scale ageing Reliance on carcasses Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: Juvenile age at emigration Meadow Cr Running Cr Weaknesses: No adult age data What is the age-structure of CRB fish populations?

  7. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Collected at weirs (3 tribs) Intense carcass collection effort Weaknesses: Carcass collection biased Weir on Lake Creek uses video – requires high quality visual mark Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: None Weaknesses: No data What is the fraction of potential natural spawners that are of hatchery origin?

  8. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Weirs on 3 tribs Screw traps on four tribs Weaknesses: Operation of weirs/screw traps optimized for chinook salmon, may not be properly located/timed for resident spp. Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: Screw trap data (2 tribs) Snorkel data Lower Selway 1991-97 (SR) O’Hara and Butte Cr 1993-03 (SR) 21 other tribs (NRGPM) Weaknesses: Salmon-centric How frequently do resident fish spawn?

  9. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Life stage specific juvenile abundance/emigration timing Electrofishing/snorkel data Geographic/ temporal distribution of spawning Weaknesses: Location of screw traps likely affects life stage specific emigration estimates Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: Screw trap data in Meadow and Running Cr. Weaknesses: Limited time series for screw trap data No adult data What life history types make up different populations?

  10. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Continuously recording thermographs USFS core sample time series Weaknesses: Short time-series of temperature data Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: 24 streams habitat survey (physical) 1984-92 Meadow Creek Temperature 1997-03 Dominant substrate, LWD, pool frequency/quality, off channel habitat, wetted and bank full width, riparian structure/disturbance, canopy cover 1996-97 Streamflow (SR) 2000-03 Weaknesses: Limited time series/need updated surveys What is the biological condition of CRB fish spawning and rearing habitat?

  11. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: None Weaknesses: No Data Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: None Weaknesses: No data What is the chemical water quality in CRB fish spawning and rearing habitat?

  12. Data Rich: SFSR Strengths: Same as biological Weaknesses: Same as biological Data Poor (Selway River) Strengths: Same as biological Weaknesses: Same as biological What is the physical habitat condition of CRB fish spawning and rearing habitat?

  13. Opportunities for Action Effectiveness Evaluations • Supplementation – Johnson Creek and upper SFSR

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