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ENV-NCP-TOGETHER. FP7 - What European funding is available for ICPCs? -. Dr. Shilpi SAXENA Partner im EU-Project " Environment NCP Together " National Contact Point Environment, Germany. 7 th European Framework Programme - FP7.

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  1. ENV-NCP-TOGETHER FP7 - What European funding is available for ICPCs? - Dr. Shilpi SAXENA • Partner im EU-Project "Environment NCP Together" National Contact Point Environment, Germany

  2. 7th European Framework Programme - FP7 • Biggestpan-European publicfundinginstrumentby European Commission: research & innovation • 2007-2013, budget € 54 billion • Support for individual researchers, fellowships, academia, companies, ... • Biggerpartoftheprogrammeis top-down (projectthemesaregiven) • Open totheworld- EU Member States / Candidate Countries / Associated Countries - 3rd Countries

  3. The main policies behind FP7 • Foci on economydevelopmentthrough: • intelligent growth – based on knowledge & • innovation • sustainablegrowth – moreresource-efficient, • ecological & competitive • integrative growth - highemployment, • distinctivesocial & territorial cohesion 'Europe 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth' (COM (2010) 2020 final of 3.3.2010) • Foci • moreinnovation – fromresearchtothe • market; all typesofinnovation • • societalchallengesref. EU: e.g. health, • clean energy, transportation • • simplifiedaccess – for all companies, • universities, institutes in EU andbeyond 'Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation' (COM(2011) 808 final of 30.11.2011)

  4. How is a frame work programme (FP) developed? Source: EU Commission; KoWi

  5. FP7 Structure: What are the 4 specific programmes? Health2. KBBE* (Food, Fisheries, Agriculture, Biotech)3. ICT4. Nanotech, Materials Processes NMP5. Energy6.Environment7. Transport8. Security9. Space 10. SocialSiencesand Humanities SSH * Sometimesthe abbreviation FAFB is used COOPERATION Collaborative research IDEAS(European Research Council) Basic Research PEOPLE(Marie Curie) Mobility CAPACITIES Horizontal research

  6. Development of a work programme (WP) Political context Frame workprogramme Specificprogramme Work programme Calls Projects Source: KoWi

  7. Development of a work programme (contd.) - Environment - Framework Programme FP7 Specific Programme 'Cooperation' • Work Programme Cooperation – Theme 6 ''Environment'' • one annual call per year • structure of a call: • 6.1-1 Topic Annuallynew:

  8. Development of a work programme (contd.) - Environment - • Challenge 6.1 Coping with climate change ENV.2012. 6.1-1 Seasonal-to-decadalclimatepredictionstowardsclimateservices …Proposalsmayfocus on specificknowledgegaps Fundingscheme: Collaborative Project The requested EU contribution per projectshall not exceed € 9 000 000Oneormoreproposalscanbeselected Expected Impact: Contribution to WMO Global frameworkforClimate Services….New businessopportunitiesfor SMEs

  9. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? COOPERATION Collaborative research 67% IDEAS(European Research Council) Basic Research 15% • Startinggrants • (Advancedgrants) • (Synergygrants) 10% PEOPLE(Marie Curie) Mobility 8% CAPACITIES Horizontal research ICPC researchers ICPC researchers ICPC researchers ICPC researchers - IIF - IOF - ITN - IAPP - INCO - SME specific - Infrastructure Total Budget: € 53.4 billion for 7 years (2007 - 2013)

  10. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.)- Personal career - COOPERATION Collaborative research IDEAS(European Research Council) Basic Research IIF: International Incoming FellowshipPost-Docs( goingto Europe)IOF: International Outgoing Fellowship Post-Docs( leaving Europe) ITN: Initial Training Networks (PhD) IAPP: Industry-AcademiaPartnershipsandPathways PEOPLE(Marie Curie) Mobility CAPACITIES Horizontal research

  11. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.)- International Incoming Fellowship - IIF: ''experienced researchers'‘ what: individual research projects by excellent scientists where: MS/AC who: postdocs OR researchers 4-yr full-time res. exp. of any nationality working in ICPCs goal: to intensify and increase research with excellent scientists from ERA duration: 1-2 year stay host country + re-integration phase (in home country) of up to 1 yr mobility rule: stay in host country not morethan 12 monthswithin last 3 yrsbeforeapplicationdeadline funding: livingexpenditure; researchcosts; overheadsofresearchinstitute; re-integrationphase application: once per yr

  12. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.)- International Outgoing Fellowship - IOF: ''experienced researchers'‘ what: focus on intl. career by funding research project where: ICPC who: postdocs OR researchers 4-yr full-time res. exp. of any nationality working in MS/AC goal: to enhance personal skills; to shape personal scientific career through new qualifications & contacts duration: 1-2 year stay host country + re-integration phase (in home country) of up to 1 yr mobility rule: stay in host country not morethan 12 monthswithin last 3 yrsbeforeapplicationdeadline; ICPC nationality min 5 yrs in MS/AS) funding: livingexpenditure; researchcosts; overheadsofresearchinstitute; re-integrationphase application: once per yr

  13. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.)- Initial Training Networks - ITN: ''early stage researchers'' what: training network on European level on basis of common research training project goal: for structured postgraduate training to increase scientific & general competencies participation: as coordinator or project partner Multi partner ITN: min 3 members MS/AC additionally institutions from ICPCs duration: 4 yrs; active inclusion from private sector mobility rule: stay in host country not morethan 12 monthswithin last 3 yrs who: Postgraduates (< 4 yrs res exp) for 3-36 months; in Multi partner ITNs additionally Postdocs (< 5 yrs res exp) for 3-24 months funding: personnelcostsjuniorscientists; institutionsrcvsupportforprojectcosts, managementcost

  14. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.)- Industry-AcademiaPartnershipsandPathways- IAPP: ''early stage researchers'‘ what: cooperation & knowledge transfer b/n institutions public sector & SME by exchange of researchers, management & technical personnel who: researchers all levels; management & technical personnel for 2-24 months project proposal (bottom-up approach): open to all scientific & technological research topics of interest to EU participation: min 2 MS/AC & 2 different sectors (public, pvt), add. Institutions from ICPCs funding: personnel costs; grant for project/management costs

  15. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.)- excellent research - • ERC aims: • Autonomousscience • Basic research but pioneer • research • Criteriaof''excellence'' COOPERATION Collaborative research IDEAS(European Research Council) Basic Research Startinggrants (Advancedgrants) (Synergygrants) • Eligibility: Postdocs (2-7 yrs after PhD) • Aim: Buildorconsolidateindependentexcellentresearchteam • Topics: Bottom-up • Funding: researchersfromICPCs max . 2 Mill. EUR • Duration: max. 5 years PEOPLE(Marie Curie) Mobility CAPACITIES Horizontal research

  16. FP7 – Structure, where do you fit in? (contd.) COOPERATION Collaborative research IDEAS(European Research Council) Basic Research Projects (manypartners) Top-down Projects (manypartners) «EU» Coordinatortowritetheproposal PEOPLE(Marie Curie) Mobility CAPACITIES Horizontal research Individual Fellowships Bottom-up Individual Fellowships Youwritetheproposal

  17. FP7 – WhatCooperationcannotfund • onlyifintegrated • within an EU • project: • PhDpositions • summerschools • conferences / travel • publications COOPERATION Collaborative research Bilateral cooperationbetween individual researchers Tenuretrackprogramme

  18. What is next?

  19. Horizon 2020 • - The framework programme for research and innovation - Source: suggestion by the EU-Commission 30. November 2011

  20. The National Contact Point Project

  21. Conceptandobjectives Concept to mix training, practical work side-by-side with experienced NCPs and effective work to ensure that services offered by NCPs reach similar qualitative level across Europe. The main objectivesare: 1. Strengthening the cooperation between NCPs from EU Member States by promoting transnational cooperation 2. Reinforcing international cooperation with NCPs from some of the International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) with high potential of participation to FP7 3. Increasing the number and improving the quality of project proposals submitted to FP7 calls for proposals by a better service offered by National Contact Points to potential proposers (scientific community industry, NGOs, etc.) http://www.env-ncp-together.eu/

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