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Estimating Constraint Costs using Regression Trees

Estimating Constraint Costs using Regression Trees. David DeVault December 8, 2003. FIGLET. Constraint satisfaction for natural language understanding. Utterance: “Erase the head.” Intention: do A where action(A) & target(A, X) & holds(now, head(X)) &

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Estimating Constraint Costs using Regression Trees

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  1. Estimating Constraint Costs using Regression Trees David DeVault December 8, 2003


  3. Constraint satisfaction for natural language understanding Utterance: “Erase the head.” Intention: do A where action(A) & target(A, X) & holds(now, head(X)) & holds(result(A,now), erased(X))

  4. Related work on CSP with expensive constraints • Lots of work on CSP, under assumptions: • Constraint solutions can be tabulated in advance • Variable domains known in advance • Closest work: Sansare & desJardins (2002, unpublished) explore expensive CSP without tabulated constraints, known constraint costs • Arc consistency: • Jonsson & Frank (2000) use expensive CSP framework for planning on spacecraft: but work with arc consistency only • Chopra et al. (1996) describe arc consistency algorithm for expensive CSP in vision app.

  5. My iCML03 project • Let v be a partial variable assignment • Idea: using shallow features of v, let’s try to estimate, for each constraint c: • Cost of solving c under v • How many solutions c will have under v E.g.: With v = { X  {circle1,circle2} }, Consider solving c = above(X,Y) ? • This will get us part of the way to a cost-sensitive heuristic search technique for expensive CSP (best-first, A*, etc.)

  6. Building regression trees with the CART algorithm • Try to learn real-valued f(x) given samples <xi, f(xi)> • Build a decision tree with real-valued output at leaf nodes • At node T with • relevant training data D • untested attributes {Ai} where Ai has values <a1,…,aik> • Split on attribute giving minimum avg. variance ik A = argmin Σ p(Ai = aj ) VAR(DAi=aj) Ai j=1 • Output the mean value of training data at leaf nodes

  7. Training data • Collected data for 5-utterance interaction • Features: • Constraint { holds, target, simple, number, region, in_region } • Arity { 1, 2, 3 } • For each of (up to) three constraint arguments, X1, X2, and X3, its status under v: status: XiS { bound, unbound, n/a } functor: XiF { now, visible, list, action, fits_plan, result, 1, type, shape, multiple, size, shorter_than } variables: XiV { 0, 1, 2, 3 } • Outputs: SOL (number of solutions), TIME (milliseconds)

  8. Example data • Example training data point for an attempt to solve c = holds(now, visible(X)) : <Pred=holds, arity=2, X1S=bound, X1F=now, X1V=0, X2S=bound, X2F=visible, X2V=1, X3S=n/a, X3F=n/a, X3V=0, SOL=127>

  9. Results – Number of solutions Trained on: 8131 samples (90%) output mean = 1.099 output std = 12.9, variance = 167.17 CART training produced tree with 26 leaves. E.g.: X2V=1 & X2F=fits_plan [T=77, M=34.9480, V=0.20509] X2V=1 & X2F=shape [T=1, M=4.0, V=0.0] X2V=1 & X2F=size [T=235, M=0.34042, V=0.22453] X2V=1 & X2F=visible & X1V=1 [T=2, M=309.0, V=2304.0] X2V=1 & X2F=visible & X1V=0 & X1F=result [T=44, M=13.8636, V=577.708] X2V=1 & X2F=visible & X1V=0 & X1F=now [T=20, M=24.2, V=1219.35] X2V=0 & X2F=fits_plan [T=543, M=0.93001, V=8.35237] X2V=0 & X2F=na & X1V=1 [T=62, M=1.0, V=0.0] … Tested on: 903 samples (10%) RMSE(training)=2.83 RMSE(test)=2.19

  10. Results – Time Trained on: 8996 samples (90%) output mean = 6.7 output std = 58.3, variance = 3394 CART training produced tree with 30 leaves. E.g.: X2F=fits_plan & X2V=1 [T=77, M=2.98701, V=20.9478] X2F=fits_plan & X2V=0 [T=550, M=1.81818, V=14.8760] X2F=1 & X1S=unbound [T=3, M=0.0, V=0.0] X2F=1 & X1S=bound [T=44, M=0.22727, V=2.22107] X2F=na & X1V=2 & predicate=target [T=22, M=0.90909, V=8.26446] X2F=na & X1V=2 & predicate=simple [T=692, M=0.15895, V=1.56432] X2F=na & X1V=0 & X1S=bound [T=963, M=0.26998, V=2.62700] X2F=size & X2V=1 [T=228, M=1.44736, V=12.3788] … Tested on: 900 samples (10%) RMSE(training)=30.9 RMSE(test)=30.6

  11. Analysis / Future work • It is possible to capture a significant amount of the variation in expensive constraint cost and number of solutions with only shallow features of variable assignments. • To do: • Overfitting? • Exploit for cost-sensitive CS. • Would deeper features help?

  12. Why can constraint satisfaction be expensive in FIGLET? One reason: Relations of high arity over large domains. Consider above(X, Y). X and Y are sets (or: fusions) of figure objects. If there are just 7 objects in the figure, there are ~ 16,000 <X,Y> pairs. We cannot tabulate the relevant facts!

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