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Regional Meeting April 2008

Regional Meeting April 2008. Maine Department of Education No Child Left Behind Team. Purpose of Presentation. Assist SAUs in beginning to plan for the use of NCLB Funds during the transition to RSUs Heighten current awareness of applicable federal requirements on RSUs

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Regional Meeting April 2008

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  1. Regional MeetingApril 2008 Maine Department of Education No Child Left Behind Team

  2. Purpose of Presentation • Assist SAUs in beginning to plan for the use of NCLB Funds during the transition to RSUs • Heighten current awareness of applicable federal requirements on RSUs • Provide information to assist in continuing the dialogue to clarify priorities for use of NCLB funds

  3. Today’s Focus Cross-Cutting Considerations Title Specific Requirements Examples Resources

  4. Cross-Cutting Considerations • There is likely to be a greater range of needs at the school and district levels that will influence decisions about the use of these funds. • Planning for the use of these funds will require the RSU to devote attention to high needs schools and to determine RSU priorities to establish equity among schools. • High needs may include high poverty, low % of experienced teachers, priority school status, degree of substance abuse/violence, highly mobile students, etc.

  5. Cross-Cutting Considerations • There is an allowable 2%-4% setaside from NCLB funds for an NCLB Administrative project which could allow sufficient funds to have a primary person to focus on the NCLB paperwork and program requirements for consistent planning and implementation. • Staff development opportunities will be more cost effective and allow for collaboration among peers.

  6. Cross-Cutting Considerations • Private Schools will need to be informed of changes the reorganization will bring regarding the RSU’s NCLB Contact person for consultation, resources, and program planning. • 50% Transfer option will provide the primary provision for flexibility. • REAP Flex will be extremely limited . • Unsafe School Choice/AYP School Choice will now be available to more families.

  7. Title VI Small Rural Schools • RSU enrollment may be too large to qualify for this provision. (600 or fewer & locale code of 7 or 8) • REAP-Flex is available only to schools who meet the enrollment size. So RSUs with an enrollment of 600+ will not be eligible to use this flexibility.

  8. Title VI Rural Low Income • SAUs that are rural and do not qualify for REAP-Flex • Includes moderate size communities with fewer than 25,000 total population and a locale code of 6 or 7 or 8 • Allows alternative poverty measure to be used for RSUs with a total population to be less than 20,000

  9. Title IV-A The pooling of multiple & smaller Title IV-A allocations into a single & larger allocation might allow the RSU to employ more effective prevention strategies. (The RSU might now have enough Title IV-A funding to provide substance abuse counseling services or implement a model prevention program.)

  10. SAUs that currently REAP Title IV-A funds to Title V to support prevention-related projects…but will not be eligible to REAPafter reorganization…should be collecting meaningful attitude/behavior change data during the final REAP year if they plan to request future funding of these projects under Title IV-A regulations. A PowerPoint presentation that provides a complete overview of the Title IV-A program is available at: www.mainesdfsca.org

  11. Title IIA • Funding should not change significantly. • RSU Title IIA funds must target schools with the lowest proportion of highly qualified teachers, the largest class size, or schools that are identified for school improvement. • Once those needs are met, the RSU can prioritize the use of these funds for staff development or class size reduction.

  12. Title IA Considerations • Less flexibility • Applications will be more complex • Title IA allocations must be focused on highest poverty schools • AYP set-asides—20% of the RSU Title IA allocation for CIPS2 schools • Disparity of services among the entities • Title IA Comparability Requirements

  13. Title IA • Title IA Allocations to RSUs at this time will still be based on most current Census numbers and Free Lunch numbers. • SCHOOL eligibility could be impacted now that most new RSUs will have to follow the Ranking and Distribution guidelines. • Schools with the highest poverty must receive priority by way of a higher or equal Title IA per pupil expenditure. • An RSU receiving more than a $500,000 Title IA allocation must setaside 1% for Parent Involvement activities at the schools.

  14. Title IA Specifics A practice RSU to determine Title IA school eligibility Ranking and Distribution of Title IA Funds: Review Federal Examples Where to find free and reduced lunch numbers to make a similar chart for your RSU Other NCLB Title Considerations NCLB Planning Steps + + + + = = New RSU

  15. Practice RSU #

  16. Practice RSU (cont.)

  17. Per Pupil

  18. Where Do I Find Free and Reduced Lunch Numbers? Maine Department of Education Home Page • Click on Data Center • Click on School Food Services Reimbursement System • Click on View Reports • Click on ED 534 • Scroll to the district http://portalx.bisoex.state.me.us/pls/doe_sfsr/sfsrdev.ED534.ED534_report

  19. Create Your Own Table • Look at the districts that may be combining with you • Check their free and reduced lunch numbers—you know how • Call these districts and ask the NCLB or Title I Contact for schools served and other information • Talk to each other to see what issues you may need to address • Call us, send us a copy of chart; we can join your discussion via telephone.

  20. Planning Team Decisions • Rank Order by Poverty or Grade Span—which best meets the RSU’s needs • Check the Per Pupil Allocations—are they within the program’s guidelines • Plan for changes—with staff and with parents

  21. Combined RSU NCLB Allocation

  22. Allowable Administrative Costs • Title IA $73,000 • Title IIA 19,268 • Title IID 888 • Title IV 915 • Total $94,071

  23. Here’s What, So What, Now What See NCLBA Planning Calendar: • Form an RSU NCLB Planning Team with existing NCLB Coordinators/staff • Identify Title contacts • Begin conversations--Inventory of each unit’s current practices • Conduct a Needs Assessment to determine priorities in the RSU • Review financial situation • Make recommendations regarding programming and finances for the RSUs FY2010 application

  24. Coming Together Good Program Design

  25. Knowledge of Program Requirements Program is well planned/organized- Requirements met Needs Assessment Parental Involvement Sufficient supplemental Services to ensure success Coordination with General programs For seamless programming

  26. Knowledge of Program • Projects are clearly defined. • Selection policy is specific. Students are prioritized for services. • Supervision is provided to keep program operating in alignment with federal regulations and NCLB Consolidated Application. • Staff are knowledgeable about program decisions—NCLB Planning Team, aware that there is an Application

  27. Needs Assessment • Data analysis of formative, on-going assessment consistent with what is used in general program is used to determine needs. • Decisions are based on data vs. tradition or subjective measures.

  28. Sufficient Supplemental Services to Ensure Success • Identified students receive general program and something more from Title IA. • Students receive services as planned—records kept to make sure Title IA staff work with identified students as planned. • Services are planned to make students more independent—not help with homework.

  29. Coordination/Consultation for Seamless Programming • Assessments used for Title IA selection and performance objectives are existing, local assessments valued by the school/district. • Regular coordination takes place among all appropriate staff. • All staff use the same terms so that students can make connections.

  30. Parental Involvement • Parent Involvement Policy updated on a regular basis • Parent Compacts updated and used • Activities planned to assist parents in understanding student needs/school programming. • Evaluation done for all parent activities • Parent input into programming

  31. Program Well-Planned and Organized • Program requirements submitted on time in approvable form • Activities based on needs • Scientifically based programming • Programming changes to meet student needs • Program supervision keeps program on track • Services are supplemental

  32. Do you have any questions? NCLB Clearinghouse 624-6705

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