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Community Children s Service

Working Together to deliver for Children and Families. Lambeth Children's Centre Conference23 November 2007Stella ClarkeAD Community Children's Service. Raising standards - improving outcomes. Childcare Act 2006: duty for local authorities working together with their NHS and Jobcentre Plus partne

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Community Children s Service

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    1. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    2. Working Together to deliver for Children and Families Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference 23 November 2007 Stella Clarke AD Community Children’s Service Thank you to Phyllis Introduce self Welcome to Ying and Bal – sharing slot Strength of partnership working in Lambeth across the statutory and voluntary sectors to develop the Team around the Child approach reflected in Early Years. Now reinforced by the Childcare Act 2006 and guidance on the new Outcomes Duty.Thank you to Phyllis Introduce self Welcome to Ying and Bal – sharing slot Strength of partnership working in Lambeth across the statutory and voluntary sectors to develop the Team around the Child approach reflected in Early Years. Now reinforced by the Childcare Act 2006 and guidance on the new Outcomes Duty.

    3. Raising standards - improving outcomes Childcare Act 2006: duty for local authorities working together with their NHS and Jobcentre Plus partners to; ‘Improve the Every Child Matters outcomes for all young children in their area and reduce inequalities between them’ Parents and prospective parents to see a coherent pattern of accessible child health, early years provision and family support ahead of them from the outset Children to benefit from a good start in life to fulfil their potential - promoting social mobility and narrowing the gap between the children doing least well and the rest Provide high quality services that result in better outcomes for young children, families and society to make a real difference to the life chances of children. Agenda to achieve this working in partnership is broad. Today the focus is on Children’s Centres.Parents and prospective parents to see a coherent pattern of accessible child health, early years provision and family support ahead of them from the outset Children to benefit from a good start in life to fulfil their potential - promoting social mobility and narrowing the gap between the children doing least well and the rest Provide high quality services that result in better outcomes for young children, families and society to make a real difference to the life chances of children. Agenda to achieve this working in partnership is broad. Today the focus is on Children’s Centres.

    4. Where do Children’s Centres fit in? ‘Children’s Centres are at the heart of the Every Child Matters Programme and will play a central role particularly in reducing inequalities in outcomes for those in areas of high disadvantage’ Key to delivery of integrated services along with the extended services for schools programme. In Lambeth critical to the succcess of the Team around the Child Key to delivery of integrated services along with the extended services for schools programme. In Lambeth critical to the succcess of the Team around the Child

    5. The future for Children’s Centres - funding and guidance 2008-2011 Confirmation of Children’s Centres as a universal and mainstream provision alongside schools Sustained emphasis on concentrating resources on deprived areas Emphasis on outreach - response to ongoing Sure Start evaluation Focus on Children’s Centre Manager as key figure in co-ordinating services and directing resources

    6. Children’s Centres in Lambeth 13 open and 26 in total by 2008 largest Children’s Centre programme in London Universal coverage of under 5s Mix of maintained and voluntary sector settings Phase 1 : working towards delivery of full core offer Phase 2: capital builds and designation plans Phase 3: funding allocation received One O Clock Clubs

    7. What services can children and families expect at a Children’s Centre? Integrated early learning and childcare Family support and parenting Health: midwifery, health visitors, speech and language therapy Jobcentre Plus services Information and advice Childcare should be sustainable Teacher input critical Beacon of good practice Involvement of childminders - associated carer scheme and drop ins Linking to wider childcare provision - PVI Social services - more detail on next slide Health - Ying to go into more detail - how PCT services will be shaped to deliver through Children’s Centres, Service Level Agreement to deliver additionality particularly in most deprived areas. Jobcentre Plus: Bal to go into more detail. Strong link to child poverty agenda Childcare should be sustainable Teacher input critical Beacon of good practice Involvement of childminders - associated carer scheme and drop ins Linking to wider childcare provision - PVI Social services - more detail on next slide Health - Ying to go into more detail - how PCT services will be shaped to deliver through Children’s Centres, Service Level Agreement to deliver additionality particularly in most deprived areas. Jobcentre Plus: Bal to go into more detail. Strong link to child poverty agenda

    8. Commissioning family support services Joint Commissioning Group Local authority, PCT, voluntary sector, parents Research on local needs and level of services already provided Consultation in localities with parents Types of services to be commissioned Voluntary sector lead on bids Timetable for process – January annoucement of successful bids History of Sure Start Local Programmes - services currently being delivered and expanded. Commissioning framework will formalise and bring more coherent pattern of services across the borough. Ł2.7 million for commissioning process. High numbers of lone parents (N and SE) Teenage conception rates (N and SE) No.s of under 5s dependent on benefits (SE and SW) Levels of domestic violence (SE and SW) Level of services ( N higher) Types of services Ante and post natal depression Under 5s accident prevention Parenting support for teenage parents Home visiting for vulnerable families Support and counselling for domestic violence Home safety and accident prevention Interactive story telling Specialist parenting programmes: eg lone fathers Assertiveness training and life skills coaching to support participation in parents forums etc ESOL Debt management counselling History of Sure Start Local Programmes - services currently being delivered and expanded. Commissioning framework will formalise and bring more coherent pattern of services across the borough. Ł2.7 million for commissioning process. High numbers of lone parents (N and SE) Teenage conception rates (N and SE) No.s of under 5s dependent on benefits (SE and SW) Levels of domestic violence (SE and SW) Level of services ( N higher) Types of services Ante and post natal depression Under 5s accident prevention Parenting support for teenage parents Home visiting for vulnerable families Support and counselling for domestic violence Home safety and accident prevention Interactive story telling Specialist parenting programmes: eg lone fathers Assertiveness training and life skills coaching to support participation in parents forums etc ESOL Debt management counselling

    9. Progress towards the core offer in phase 1 4 on site childcare under 3s 5 on site childcare 3 and 4 2 extended day All have childminder associate carer scheme and childminder drop in Good practice emerging on family support linked to local need Links to wide range of organisations across the statutory, voluntary and community sector Some gaps – e.g. outreach, working with fathers Coin street - good links with G&T midwifery - baby massage and parenting skills Ethelred - drop in for children with Sen at the Mary Sheridan Henry Fawcett - weekly advice sessions on domestic violence Hitherfield - project on child behaviour and development Jubilee - mental health awareness with CAMHS Little starz - fathers group at OOCC Holmewood - FWA home visiting Effra - teen parent group Coin street - good links with G&T midwifery - baby massage and parenting skills Ethelred - drop in for children with Sen at the Mary Sheridan Henry Fawcett - weekly advice sessions on domestic violence Hitherfield - project on child behaviour and development Jubilee - mental health awareness with CAMHS Little starz - fathers group at OOCC Holmewood - FWA home visiting Effra - teen parent group

    10. How will Children’s Centre services be delivered? Seamless, integrated Outreach to excluded families Involving parents Involving PVI providers Taking account of views of young children Questionnaires - e.g. Clapham consulted parents on what services they wanted to see delivered there, larkhall regular newsletter, sunnyhill comments sheet Brightstart partnerships involving parents, practitioners and PVI providers Voice of the Child project - conference/celebration in march - focus on emotional wellbeing.Questionnaires - e.g. Clapham consulted parents on what services they wanted to see delivered there, larkhall regular newsletter, sunnyhill comments sheet Brightstart partnerships involving parents, practitioners and PVI providers Voice of the Child project - conference/celebration in march - focus on emotional wellbeing.

    11. How will we know if Children’s Centres are successful? Children’s Centre self evaluation National indicators for Children’s Centres cover Foundation Stage Profile Obesity Breastfeeding No. of under 5s dependent on workless benefits 16-19 mothers in education, employment and training Access for excluded groups Local indicators eg: smoking, post natal depression

    12. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    13. JCP & Children’s Centre Achieving Together & Reducing Child Poverty Bal Virdee Childcare Partnership Manager bal.virdee@jobcentreplus.gsi.gov.uk

    14. Child Poverty in Lambeth Reduction of Child Poverty is DWP’s number one priority. Target to halve child poverty by 2010 and eradicate it by 2020. Raise employment rate to 80% Contribute to increasing the number of children in lower income families using formal childcare Child Poverty in Lambeth (children aged 0-16 dependent on workless benefits- IS, IB, JSA) : 20,010 (35%) Lone parents in receipt of benefits: 7,970. Target to get 70% of lone parents back to work Highest concentration of lone parents in Coldharbour, Vassall, Tulse Hill & Stockwell

    15. Events in the Children’s Centres Access to Work and Success Two week intensive programme in Children’s Centres delivered by specialist tutors covering modules which include motivation, CV preparation, job search techniques, presentational skills etc Four-week structured job search activities at the Tomorrows People Trust’s Centre in Kennington which include 1-1 jobsearch support, interview preparation and counselling support. 13 weeks initial “in work” support to maximise sustained employment. Childcare throughout the programme ,

    16. Where? Access to Work and Success Events have been held in Partnership with the following Children’s Centres : Kennington Park Children’s Centre (June, July, Sept, Oct) Jubilee School (August) Stockwell Children’s Centre (Sept, Nov, Jan ’08, March ’08) St Stephens Primary School (Nov, Feb’08, Mar ’08) Clapham Manor (Jan ’07) Sure Start Tulse Hill (Feb ’07)

    17. Success stories 70 lone parents have gone into work through this programme and we are expecting more results shortly! All 70 of these lone parents were long term unemployed and have found employment in Sales, School Learning Support Assistants, Prison Service, Accounts Assistant, Transport for London, Social Work and Call Centres. 43 of the lone parents were from the Lambeth Children’s Centres

    18. Jobcentre Plus Group Presentations in Children’s Centres 30.10.2007 Kennington Park Children’s Centre in Parents House. Crčche facilities were made available to parents. Event held in partnership with Children’s Centre, REED, Work Directions, Skills UK and JCP All attendees agreed to participate with at least one of the programmes being offered by providers More events to be planned 2008

    19. Key Lambeth Jobcentre Plus Contacts

    20. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    21. Working Together To Improve Health Outcomes & Reduce Inequalities Ying Butt Children Integration Partnership Manager Lambeth PCT

    22. Policy Context Health inequalities are unacceptable. They start early in life and persist not only into old age but subsequent generations. Tackling health inequalities is a top priority.

    23. Policy Context Health inequalities are the result of a complex and wide-ranging network of factors. People who experience material disadvantage, poor housing, lower educational attainment, insecure employment or homelessness are among those more likely to suffer poorer health outcomes and an earlier death compared with the rest of the population.

    24. Lambeth PCT’s Response to Children’s Centre Programmes Reshape services Build partnerships to deliver services User involvement

    25. Service Development to Meet Need Redesign of Health Visiting service Renaming- “Healthy Start Service” (2005) Creating teams to deliver services Intensive support to the most vulnerable Evaluating the redesign ( 2007)

    26. Service Development to Meet Need Cont. Developmental assessments – Loughborough Baby clinic & developmental reviews – Effra Baby clinic & developmental reviews- Loughborough Baby massage – Jubilee

    27. Service Development to Meet Need Cont. 2 year checks – Jubilee & Holmewood Breast feeding café - Effra

    28. Speech & Language Therapy Input Focus Health Promotion Preventative programmes

    29. Examples of Service ‘Baby Babble Bag’ Advice clinics and ‘drop ins’ Parent and toddler groups Training Evaluation

    30. Dietetic Services Weaning parties Cook & eat sessions Training 1 to 1 sessions Parenting group Home visits

    31. Key PCT Contacts: Children Service Managers Kate Morgan -SE Locality Kate.Morgan@lambethpct.nhs.uk Eleanora Bennie- N Locality Eleanora.Bennie@lambethpct.nhs.uk Daphne Horton – SW Locality Daphne.Horton@lambethpct.nhs.uk Speech & Language Therapy Jane Conway-Mary Sheridan Centre Jane.Conway@lambethpct.nhs.uk Dietetics Carys Marke- Carys.Marke@lambethpct.nhs.uk

    32. More to Come "I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended." Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom 1994

    33. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    34. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    35. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    36. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    37. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    38. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    39. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

    40. Community Children’s Service 2nd Annual Lambeth Children’s Centre Conference ‘the journey so far…’ Friday 23 November 2007

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