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Food Sources of Saturated Fat and Risk of Heart Disease

Food Sources of Saturated Fat and Risk of Heart Disease. Dariush Mozaffarian, MD DrPH Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, BWH/HMS Department of Epidemiology, HSPH Saturated or Not: Does Type of Fat Matter? Harvard School of Public Health April 25, 2014. Dietary Fats & Blood Lipids. SFA.

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Food Sources of Saturated Fat and Risk of Heart Disease

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  1. Food Sources of Saturated Fat and Risk of Heart Disease Dariush Mozaffarian, MD DrPH Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, BWH/HMS Department of Epidemiology, HSPH Saturated or Not: Does Type of Fat Matter? Harvard School of Public Health April 25, 2014

  2. Dietary Fats & Blood Lipids SFA SFA MUFA No Δ ApoB PUFA ∆ LDL-C, mmol/L ∆ HDL-C, mmol/L MUFA PUFA SFA ∆ Triglycerides, mmol/L ∆ Total:HDL-C Ratio MUFA MUFA SFA PUFA PUFA Meta-analysis of 60 feeding RCTs. Mensink & Katan, AJCN 2003

  3. Dietary Fats & CHD Events Chowdury et al, Annals Intern Med 2014

  4. Saturated Fat & CHD Events 16 prospective cohort studies from around the world No Significant Association RR comparing extreme categories (highest vs. lowest) of saturated fat intake Siri-Tarino et al, AJCN 2010

  5. Food Sources of Saturated Fat in the US Based on NHANES 2005-06. From USDA Dietary Guidelines 2010

  6. Food Sources: Meats & CHD Unprocessed Red Meat (100 g/d) RR = 1.00 (0.81, 1.23) Processed Meat (50 g/d) RR = 1.42 (1.07, 1.89) Micha et al., Circulation 2010

  7. Food Sources: Meats & CVD Mortality Total Red Meat RR = 1.09 (0.93, 1.27) Processed Meat RR = 1.17 (1.02, 1.33) O’Sullivan et al., Am J Public Health 2013

  8. Food Sources: Meats & CVD Mortality Among 448,568 European men and women (EPIC), including 5,556 CVD deaths Total Red Meat (100 g/d) RR = 1.09 (1.00, 1.18) Processed Meat (100 g/d) RR = 1.69 (1.37, 2.10) Rohrmann et al., BMC Medicine 2013

  9. Food Sources: Dairy & CVD Mortality Milk RR = 0.96 (0.81, 1.13) Cheese RR = 1.00 (0.81, 1.24) O’Sullivan et al., Am J Public Health 2013

  10. Dairy Foods & Diabetes Among 340,234 Europeans from 8 countries, with 12,403 cases of incident diabetes P-trend=0.50 P-trend=0.06 P-trend=0.01 RR of Diabetes Quintiles of Consumption Adjusted for age, sex, center, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, and consumption of fruits, vegetables, red meat, processed meat, sugar sweetened beverages, coffee, cereals, and cerearl products. Sluijis et al., AJCN 2012

  11. Healthy Diet Patterns & CVD Events Randomized controlled trial among 7447 Spanish adults at higher risk No change in saturated fat. HR = 0.70 (0.55, 0.89) Estruch et al. NEJM 2013

  12. Global Disease Burdens Due to Major Risk Factors in 2010 Diet high in SFA & low in PUFA 0.47 Lim et al, Lancet 2012

  13. Healthy Food Replacements

  14. Healthy Food Replacements

  15. Healthy Food Replacements

  16. Prioritizing Fat or Saturated Fat: Useful ?

  17. Preventing Chronic Diseases: Food Patterns

  18. Essential Dietary Habits for Health EAT: • Seafood • Fruits • Nuts • Vegetables • Vegetable Oils • Whole grains • Yogurt LIMIT: • Starches, refined grains, sugars • Processed Meats • Sweetened Drinks • Industrial Trans Fat * • Salt * Also: Don’t smoke, turn off the TV, get enough sleep, and be physically active. Mozaffarian, Appel, & Van Horn. Circulation 2011

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