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Starting off

Starting off. Digital tools in education. The start. Sign up with Google + Sign up with Twitter Create a blog Start using OneNote. Google+. Google+ will enable us to share documents by using google docs Share information Work on the same document at the same time

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Starting off

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Startingoff Digital tools in education

  2. The start • Sign up with Google + • Sign up withTwitter • Create a blog • Start using OneNote

  3. Google+ • Google+ willenableus to sharedocuments by usinggoogledocs • Shareinformation • Workonthe same document at the same time • Who’swrittenwhatwillappearautomatically • Facilitatesgroupworkwhenoffschool – Internetaccess is theonlyrequirement

  4. Twitter • Twitterwillenableus to communicatewithshortmessages (max 140 characters) onthego • Twitterwillenableus to shareinterestingwebsites • Twittercan be used as a searchengine by usinghashtags (#) • Twittercanalso be used for giving short, private messages. • Twittercankeepyouupdatedonyourinterests. • Twittercanhelpyou in creating a network.

  5. Blog • We present ourworkon a blog. • A blogwill make it possible for you to get feedback onyourwork from more that just theteacher. • The feedback youreceivewill make it possible for you to develop and to expandyouknowledge. • The blog is a gateway to theworld, throughwhichyoucanshareyourworkwithothers in yournetwork.

  6. OneNote • Start using OneNote as yourprimarytool for taking notes. • OneNote willenableyou to hand in oral work to yourteacher, making it possible to • Conductpresentations in yourown private sphere • Get feedback onyourpronunciation and intonation • Rehearseyourpresentation and doing it to yourownlikingbeforeyou hand it in. • Notebooks can be sharedwithothers (entirelyoptional). • Your notes areautomaticallysaved. Youwon’t lose a note again • Youcansyncronizeyour notes, making it possible for you to workonthe same document from different computers, tablets, phones etc. • It is alreadyinstalledonyour computer. • Lots and lotsofotheradvantages.

  7. This is not the end…. • …..it is just thebeginning!

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