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GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS. ANTACIDS moa---weak bases that react with gastric HCl to form salt and water to reduce gastric acid. adverse reactions----constipation, diarrhea consider----frequent dosage yields noncompliance impairs tetracycline, OTC available

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  1. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS ANTACIDS moa---weak bases that react with gastric HCl to form salt and water to reduce gastric acid. adverse reactions----constipation, diarrhea consider----frequent dosage yields noncompliance impairs tetracycline, OTC available indication---gastroesophagelal reflux,duodenal ulcer examples- aluminum hydroxide/amphojel Al hydroxide & magnesium hydroxide/ maalox magnesium hydroxide/milk of magnesia

  2. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS H2 receptor antagonists moa----used to block the action of histamine on parietal cells (specifically the histamine H2 receptors) in the stomach, decreasing the production of acid by these cells. important site of histamine storage and release is the enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cell of the stomach. adverse reactions----constipation, diarrhea consider----bedtime doseage works best, low dose OTC indication---gastric ulcer,duodenal ulcer examples- cimetidine/tagamet ranitidine/zantac famotidine/pepcid

  3. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS Proton pump inhibitor moa---inhibit parietal cell ATP pump adverse reactions----constipation, diarrhea consider----possible reduced bone density, hypertension(in studies) indication---stomach ulcer, GERD examples- esomeprazole/nexium lansoprazole/prevacid omeprazole/prilosec pantoprazole/protonix rabeprazole/aciphex

  4. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS coating agents moa----form protective coat over gastric ulcer, binds to necrotic tissue consider----sucralfate requires several daily doses, do not take with antacid at same time. indication---gastric ulcer,duodenal ulcer examples- alginic acid/gaviscon carafate/sucralfate

  5. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS antiinflammatory agents indication---Crohns disease/ulcerative colitis adverse reactions------naseau, headache,vomit consider---will bind to iron tablets, keep hydrated, yields orange/yellow urine, makes soft contact lenses yellow. sulfasalazine not used with sulfa and aspirin allergies. examples- mesalamine/pentasa sulfasalazine/azulfidine

  6. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS antidiarrheals moa---similar to opioids. in the bowel peristaltic waves are diminished; this delays passage of the fecal mass and allows increased absorption of water adverse reactions----constipation, drowsiness, respiratory depression consider----severe diarrhea yields dehydration examples- attapulgite/kaopectate bismuth subsalicylate/pepto bismol loperamide/imodium AD (OTC)

  7. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS emollient laxative----draw water in colon for evacuation examples--lactulose/cephulac mineral oil magnesium hydroxide/milk of magnesia stimulant laxative---stimulates/irritates intestine examples--bisacodyl/dulcolax bulk forming laxative---increase diet fiber distends intestine yields increased peristalsis examples--psyllium/metamucil methyl cellulose/fiber trim

  8. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS ANTIEMETICS moa----block dopamine receptors in medulla for vomiting adverse reactions------drowsiness consider---phenothiazines may cause hypotension, seizures in children. examples- dimenhydrinate/dramamine chlorpromazine/thorzine meclizine/antivert prochlorperazine/compazine promethazine/phenergan

  9. GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS antiflatulents moa---reduce surface tension, yields gas released easily indication---bloating, flatulence examples- simethicone/gas-x, mylicon OBESITY DRUGS- adverse reactions----CNS stim, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, arrhythmia consider----regulations for processing, filling, dispensing examples--- diethylpropion/tenuate sibutramine/meridia

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