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Ecosystems & Communities: Organisms and their Environments

Ecosystems & Communities: Organisms and their Environments. Units 12&14. Ecosystems have living and non-living components. 14.1. Living organisms. Non-Living Environment. Ecosystem. The  biotic environment of all the living organisms in an area .

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Ecosystems & Communities: Organisms and their Environments

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  1. Ecosystems & Communities:Organisms and their Environments Units 12&14

  2. Ecosystems have living and non-living components 14.1

  3. Living organisms. • Non-Living Environment Ecosystem

  4. The biotic environment of all the living organisms in an area. • can be any size and diversity – bacteria • - single celled organisms • - insects • - other larger sized creatures Communities

  5. The abiotic (aka non-living or physical) environment • , the chemical resources • the physical conditions, Habitat

  6. Different species interacting together at the same place and time Examples of ecosystems

  7. Ecosystem

  8. An ecosystem is made of two components: • the biotic environment, • the habitat Ecosystem

  9. Ecosystems have living and non-living components 14.2 Biomes

  10. Average • seasonal Biomes occur around the world, determined by temperature and rainfall.

  11. Tropical Rain Forest

  12. Equatorial: Tropical Rain Forest

  13. Rainfall: Tropical Rain Forest

  14. Indicator Species

  15. Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Plant Species

  16. Gorilla  Gorilla gorilla Orangutan (Pongopygmaeus) Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Animal Species Spider Monkey Atelesgeoffreyi

  17. 2-toed sloth Cholepushoffmanni Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Animal Species Three-toed Sloth (Bradypusvariegatus) with baby - Costa Rica

  18. Tropical Rain Forest – Indicator Animal Species Collared Aracari Pteroglossustorquatus

  19. Grasslands (Prairie)

  20. Temperate Grasslands (Prairie)

  21. Grasslands (Prairie)

  22. Dry: • Wet: Grasslands (Prairie)

  23. Species: Grasslands (Prairie)

  24. Old Field Habitat, Ohio Grasslands– Indicator Plant Species Ironweed (Vernoniasp.)with Hedge Bindweed Vine  (Calystegiasepium) Grassland, North Dakota

  25. Ironweed (Vernoniasp.) Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium purpureum Grasslands– Indicator Plant Species

  26. Common Teasel Dipsacusfullonum Queen Anne's Lace (Daucuscarota) Grasslands – Indicator Plant Species

  27. Bison (Bison bison) on the range, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota Grasslands – Indicator Animal Species

  28. Grasslands – Indicator Animal Species Przewalski's horse (Equuscaballusprzewalskii), The Wilds, Ohio

  29. Grasslands – Indicator Animal Species

  30. Taiga

  31. Cold Temperate Taiga

  32. Seasons Taiga

  33. Balsam Fir Abiesbalsamea Taiga – Indicator Plant Species Black Spruce Piceamariana

  34. White Poplar Populus alba Taiga – Indicator Plant Species Paper Birch Betulapapyrifera Jack Pine Pinusbanksiana

  35. Taiga – Indicator Animal Species American Black Bear Ursusamericanus Bald Eagle Haliaeetusleucocephalus

  36. Taiga – Indicator Animal Species Snowshoe Rabbit Lepusamericanus Long-eared Owl Aisootus

  37. Desert

  38. Desert – Evaporation Exceeds Precipitation

  39. Desert – Indicator Plant Species

  40. Fishhook Cactus Mammillariamicrocarpa Desert – Indicator Plant Species Saguaro Cactus Carnegieagigantea

  41. Trichomes Desert – Indicator Plant Species

  42. Desert – Indicator Animal Species Zebratail Lizard - Callisaurusdraconides

  43. Desert – Indicator Animal Species Rock hyrax (Procaviacapensis)

  44. Desert – Indicator Animal Species Bactrian Camel, Camelusbactrianus

  45. Temperate Deciduous Forest

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