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Outline. Distributed Mutual Exclusion Introduction Performance measures Centralized algorithm Non-token-based algorithms Lamport’s algorithm Ricart-Agrawala algorithm Token-based algorithms Suzuki-Kasami’s broadcast algorithm Singhal’s heuristic algorithm Raymond’s tree-based algorithm

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  1. Outline • Distributed Mutual Exclusion • Introduction • Performance measures • Centralized algorithm • Non-token-based algorithms • Lamport’s algorithm • Ricart-Agrawala algorithm • Token-based algorithms • Suzuki-Kasami’s broadcast algorithm • Singhal’s heuristic algorithm • Raymond’s tree-based algorithm • Comparison COP5611

  2. Announcement • Next Tuesday (Feb. 18, 2003) Dr. Ted Baker will lecture on distributed deadlock detection (Chapter 7) • Please read the materials ahead of time • Please review the local deadlock detection algorithms (Chapter 3) • I will post his lecture notes on the class web too COP5611

  3. The Critical Section Problem • When processes (centralized or distributed) interact through shared resources, the integrity of the resources may be violated if the accesses are not coordinated • The resources do not record all the changes • A process may obtain inconsistent values • The final state of the shared resource may be inconsistent COP5611

  4. An Example • Suppose we have two processes, (one is called producer and the other one consumer), the shared variable counter is 5 initially • Producer: counter = counter +1 P1: load counter, r1 P2: add r1, #1, r2 P3: store r2, counter • Consumer: counter = counter - 1 C1: load counter, r1 C2: add r1, #-1, r2 C3: store r2, counter COP5611

  5. An Example - cont. • A particular execution sequence • P1: load counter, r1 • P2: add r1, #1, r2 --- Context switch ---- • C1: load counter, r1 • C2: add r1, #-1, r2 • C3: store r2, counter --- Context switch ---- • P3: store r2, counter • What is the value ofcounter? COP5611

  6. An Example - cont. • A particular execution sequence • C1: load counter, r1 • C2: add r1, #-1, r2 --- Context switch ---- • P1: load counter, r1 • P2: add r1, #1, r2 • P3: store r2, counter --- Context switch ---- • C3: store r2, counter • What is the value ofcounter this time? COP5611

  7. An Example - cont. • A particular execution sequence • C1: load counter, r1 • C2: add r1, #-1, r2 • C3: store r2, counter --- Context switch ---- • P1: load counter, r1 • P2: add r1, #1, r2 • P3: store r2, counter --- Context switch ---- • What is the value ofcounter this time? COP5611

  8. Mutual Exclusion • One solution to the problem is that at any time at most only one process can access the shared resources • This solution is known as mutual exclusion • A critical section is a code segment in a process which shared resources are accessed • A process can have more than one critical section • There are problems which involve shared resources where mutual exclusion is not the optimal solution COP5611

  9. The Structure of Processes • Structure of process Pi repeat entry section critical section exit section reminder section untilfalse; COP5611

  10. Mutual Exclusion in Traditional OS • Through semaphores, monitors or other programming-language constructs • Semaphore S – integer variable • can only be accessed via two indivisible (atomic) operations wait (S): whileS 0 dono-op;S := S– 1; signal (S): S := S + 1; COP5611

  11. Mutual Exclusion in Traditional OS – cont. • Shared variables • varmutex : semaphore • initially mutex = 1 • Process Pi repeat wait(mutex); critical section signal(mutex); remainder section untilfalse; COP5611

  12. Distributed Mutual Exclusion • Due to the absence of shared memory, solutions for mutual exclusion based on shared memory cannot be used in distributed systems • It must be based on message passing COP5611

  13. Performance Measure for Distributed Mutual Exclusion • The number of messages per CS invocation • Synchronization delay • The time required after a site leaves the CS and before the next site enters the CS • System throughput 1/(sd+E), where sd is the synchronization delay and E the average CS execution time • Response time • The time interval a request waits for its CS execution to be over after its request messages have been sent out COP5611

  14. Performance Measure for Distributed Mutual Exclusion COP5611

  15. A Centralized Algorithm • It is a simple solution • One site, called the control site, is responsible for granting permission to the CS execution • To request the CS, a site sends a REQUEST message to the control site • When a site is done with CS execution, it sends a RELEASE message to the control site • The control site queues up the requests for the CS and grant them permission COP5611

  16. A Centralized Algorithm – cont. • Process 1 asks the coordinator for permission to enter a critical region. Permission is granted • Process 2 then asks permission to enter the same critical region. The coordinator does not reply. • When process 1 exits the critical region, it tells the coordinator, when then replies to 2 COP5611

  17. A Centralized Algorithm – cont. • Analysis of the centralized algorithm • There is a single point of failure • Number of messages per CS • The synchronization delay • System throughput • Response time • Best case • Worst case COP5611

  18. Distributed Solutions • Non-token-based algorithms • Use timestamps to order requests and resolve conflicts between simultaneous requests • Lamport’s algorithm and Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm • Token-based algorithms • A unique token is shared among the sites • A site is allowed to enter the CS if it possess the token and continues to hold the token until its CS execution is over; then it passes the token to the next site COP5611

  19. Lamport’s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm • This algorithm is based on the total ordering using Lamport’s clocks • Each process keeps a Lamport’s logical clock • Each process is associated with a unique id that can be used to break the ties • In the algorithm, each process keeps a queue, request_queuei, which contains mutual exclusion requests ordered by their timestamp and associated id • Ri of each process consists of all the processes • The communication channel is assumed to be FIFO COP5611

  20. Lamport’s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  21. Lamport’s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  22. Lamport’s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  23. Lamport’s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  24. Lamport’s Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm – cont. • Performance analysis • Number of messages per CS • Synchronization delay • Throughput • Response time COP5611

  25. Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm COP5611

  26. Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  27. Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  28. Ricart-Agrawala Algorithm – cont. • Performance analysis • Number of messages per CS • Synchronization delay • Throughput • Response time COP5611

  29. A Simple Toke Ring Algorithm • When the ring is initialized, one process is given the token • The token circulates around the ring • It is passed from k to k+1 (modulo the ring size) • When a process acquires the token from its neighbor, it checks to see if it is waiting to enter its critical section • If so, it enters its CS • When exiting from its CS, it passes the token to the next • Otherwise, it passes the token to the next COP5611

  30. A Simple Toke Ring Algorithm – cont. • An unordered group of processes on a network. • A logical ring constructed in software. COP5611

  31. A Simple Toke Ring Algorithm – cont. • Performance analysis • Number of messages per CS • Synchronization delay • Response time • Problems • Lost token • Process crash COP5611

  32. Suzuki-Kasami’s Algorithm • Data structures • Each site maintains a vector consisting the largest sequence number received so far from other sites • The token consists of a queue of requesting sites and an array of integers, consisting of the sequence number of the request that a site executed most recently COP5611

  33. Suzuki-Kasami’s Algorithm – cont. COP5611

  34. Suzuki-Kasami’s Algorithm – cont. • Performance analysis • Number of messages per CS invocation • Synchronization delay • Response time • System throughput COP5611

  35. Singhal’s Heuristic Algorithm • In this algorithm, each site maintains information about the state of other sites in the system • The site only sends the request to a subset of sites that most likely have the token will in a near future • This reduces the number of messages per CS execution COP5611

  36. Raymond’s Tree-Based Algorithm • In this algorithm, sites are logically arranged as a directed tree COP5611

  37. Comparison of Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithms COP5611

  38. Summary • Mutual exclusion is one solution to the critical section problem • Due to the absence of shared memory, distributed mutual exclusion algorithms are message-based • Centralized algorithms • Non-token-based algorithms • Token-based algorithms COP5611

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