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ERSA Summer school Groningen 2006

ERSA Summer school Groningen 2006. Convergence among regions of the enlarged Europe: impact of spatial effects Nicolas Debarsy Cem Ertur. General ideas.

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ERSA Summer school Groningen 2006

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  1. ERSA Summer school Groningen 2006 Convergence among regions of the enlarged Europe: impact of spatial effects Nicolas Debarsy Cem Ertur

  2. General ideas • My research topic consists in implementing theoretically spillovers effects in growth models, and thus using spatial econometrics as methodology • Many studies over EU 15 NUTS-2 regions but barely one over enlarged EU • This study shows importance of spatial effects in EU-25 NUTS-2 regions

  3. General framework • β-convergence framework • Absolute (unconditional) convergence • Spatial regimes

  4. General framework • Clubs convergence (allow to take some spatial heterogeneity into account) • Use of Getis statistics (local autocorrelation statistics) to define spatial regimes

  5. Description of clubs

  6. D1,i=1 if region i belongs to club West D2,i=1 if region i belongs to club East Estimated equation

  7. Empirics • Period: 1993-2002 • 237 NUTS-2 regions • Creation of a weight matrix based on time distance

  8. Estimation of absolute convergence by SAR

  9. Future research and questions • Develop a growth model including spatial effects • work on panel data methods applied to spatial econometrics (Matlab routines) • How to take outliers effet into account in a frequentist approach? • Bayesian econometrics ?

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