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4 0 3 . 0 1. The Atmosphere. The Atmosphere. COMPOSITION: Made up of invisible gases . These gases are:. a) Nitrogen 78%. b) Oxygen 21%. c) Other 1% (Argon, carbon Dioxide, water vapour, etc.) .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4 0 3 . 0 1 The Atmosphere

  2. The Atmosphere COMPOSITION: Made up of invisible gases . These gases are: a) Nitrogen 78% b) Oxygen 21% c) Other 1% (Argon, carbon Dioxide, water vapour, etc.) From the standpoint of weather, water vapour is the most important component of the air.

  3. Properties of the atmosphere A) Mobility B) Compression C) Expansion These in combination are the cause of almost all atmospheric weather phenomena. The most important property of the atmosphere is expansion.

  4. CONFIRMATION STAGE NOTE: You must use the buttons in the Confirmation Stage

  5. Meteorology Properties of the Atmosphere Let's try a few review questions on Meteorology: Question #1 - What percentage of nitrogen makes up the atmosphere? A 21 B 62 C 78 D 1

  6. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  7. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  8. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  9. Flying Scholarship Program That answer iscorrect. Let's move on...

  10. Meteorology Properties of the Atmosphere Let's try a few review questions on Meteorology: Question #2 - What is the most important component of the atmosphere from the standpoint of weather? A Mobility B Expansion C Compression D Water vapour

  11. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  12. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  13. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  14. Flying Scholarship Program That answer iscorrect. Let's move on...

  15. Divisions of the Atmosphere Troposphere • Temperature and pressure decrease with height. • Lowest layer of the atmosphere. • Most weather occurs here! • Top layer is known as Tropopause. Here the temperature stops dropping.

  16. Divisions of the Atmosphere Stratosphere • Pressure still decreases but temperature continues to increase gradually to zero degrees Celsius. • Water vapour and air currents are almost non-existent. • Top layer is called Stratopause.

  17. Divisions of the Atmosphere Mesosphere • Marked increase in temperature that reaches 10°C. This is due to presence of the ozone layer (the ozone layer absorbs radiation from the sun). • Top layer is called Mesopause. • Temperature drops rapidly to -100 °C at the Mesopause.

  18. Divisions of the Atmosphere Thermosphere • Thermosphere is the highest layer of the atmosphere. • Temperature continues to rise in the thermosphere. • The Ionosphere is located within the thermosphere and reflects low and medium frequency waves affecting radio communications.

  19. Divisions of the Atmosphere Exosphere • Layer wherein the pressure drops to little more than a vacuum • The spectacular auroras (Northern Lights) form in this region • Bottom is undefined and is located at 500 km above the surface of the earth.

  20. Divisions of the Atmosphere Space • Very difficult to define because of density • The temperature can rise as high as 3,000 degrees Celsius at 600 kilometers

  21. 25-30,000’ N 55,000’ - 65,000’ EQUATOR S TROPOSPHERE STRATOSPHERE MESOSPHERE THERMOSPHERE DIVISIONS OF ATMOSPHERE The divisions are primarily based on the temperature of each layer

  22. Confirmation Stage NOTE: You must use the buttons in the Confirmation Stage

  23. Meteorology Properties of the Atmosphere Let's try a few review questions on Meteorology: Question #3 - What layer reflects low and medium frequency waves? A Troposphere B Stratosphere C Ionosphere D Exosphere

  24. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  25. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  26. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  27. Flying Scholarship Program That answer iscorrect. Let's move on...

  28. Meteorology Properties of the Atmosphere Let's try a few review questions on Meteorology: Question #4 - What layer does the temperature first increase? A Troposphere B Stratosphere C Mesosphere D Thermosphere

  29. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  30. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  31. Flying Scholarship Program I’m afraid that answer is incorrect Let's try again...

  32. Flying Scholarship Program That answer iscorrect. Let's move on...

  33. Meteorology Properties of the Atmosphere Congratulations!! You have now completed the Properties of the Atmosphere lesson of the Meteorology Module. Of course, this lesson is always available to you for future reference if required. You are now ready to move along to the next Meteorology lesson you have not completed or to any other module you wish. You can advance to the Self Test Module if you feel ready to challenge the final exam. Good Luck!

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