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Opportunities For Early Student Design Topic Investment: The Early SET-UP Design Strategy

Opportunities For Early Student Design Topic Investment: The Early SET-UP Design Strategy ( S tudent E ngagement of T opics for U ndergraduate P rojects) Dr. John DesJardins. Bioengineering Faculty Dr. John D. DesJardins, Senior Lecturer in Bioengineering.

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Opportunities For Early Student Design Topic Investment: The Early SET-UP Design Strategy

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  1. Opportunities For Early Student Design Topic Investment: The Early SET-UP Design Strategy (Student Engagement of Topics for Undergraduate Projects) Dr. John DesJardins

  2. Bioengineering FacultyDr. John D. DesJardins, Senior Lecturer in Bioengineering • Education/ExperiencePh.D., Biomedical Engineering, 2006 Clemson UniversityM.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1994 U. PittsburghB.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1992 Carnegie Mellon • Bioengineering Research Posts: U. Pittsburgh, U. Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, U. College London • Research Interests Biomaterials TribologyOrthopaedic BiomechanicsDesign/Evaluation of Orthopaedic Implants • Teaching InterestsBiomechanics, Biomedical Design

  3. Clemson University • A State University in South Carolina • Clemson, SC (2 hours North of Atlanta) • Founded 1889 (Former Military School) • Land Grant University, Ag&Eng dominant • 14,000 Undergrad., 3,000 Grad. • 27th Public Univ. Ranking • Clemson Tigers

  4. Clemson University • Department of Bioengineering • 17 Full-time T/TT Faculty • 2 Endowed Chair Positions • 85 Graduate Students, 60 Undergraduate Students • Degree Programs • 1963 - Ph.D. Program, 1966 – M.S. Program, 2006 – B.S. Program • Founder: Society For Biomaterials (1974) • Annual Clemson Awards in Biomaterials Research Excellence

  5. Opportunities For Early Student Design Topic Investment: The Early SET-UP Design Strategy (Student Engagement of Topics for Undergraduate Projects)

  6. BioE 401 Senior Biomedical Design • One Semester, 3 Credit Capstone Design Course • Spring 2007, 6 students (next-to-last class of BioE minors) • 4 Biosystems Engineering, 1 Mechanical, 1 Electrical • Course Content • Principles of Engineering Design Process • Project Proposal Development • Engage in Biomedical Design • ABET Criteria (a-k) • c) Ability to design to meet a needs • d) Function on multi-disiplinary teams • h) understand eng. impact on society/world • j) Knowledge of contemporary issues

  7. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • The Design Topic Selection Problem: • Professors Objectives • Discipline relevant, Potentially successful, Related to funding, Research or career building, Multi-Year • Design intensive, Team Oriented, Challenging • Students Objectives • Straight-forward, Dual-serving, Minimally team dependent, last-week-of-class attainable, A+ deserving The Solution: “SET-UP”

  8. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Week 1-2: (The Introduction) • Course lectures: Introduction to design, Brainstorming, Team building, Process flowcharting, Idea evaluation, QFD • Introduction to Design Project Ideas: (National, Regional), Brainstorming, Student/Professor Interaction, Site Visits, Guest Lectures, Investigative Assignments into Biomedical Design Issues • End of Week 2: (The Interest) • Student self-selection and engagement of topic • Each student selects their favorite design topic and distributes a 1 page description of design topic to student peers for review • Students assigned to rank them for potential merit

  9. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Start of Week 3: (The Investment) • Student Peer-Review and Presentation • Students rank abstracts, best abstracts get presented • 10 minute conference-style presentation • Students sell their topic, and themselves charisma oral-written skills leadership abilities

  10. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Final Design Topic Selection (The Engagement) • Students vote for best design/presenter (not their own) • Topic Presenters rewarded as Team Leader • Team Leaders select team-mates by Draft, Lottery and/or Polling

  11. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Advantages • Design Topic Diversity Explored • Significant exploration/development of design topics • Professor/Student interaction/discussion early • Critical examination of field from design perspective • Student Engagement Assured • Students identify and share “invested” topic with peers • Students review and critique topics of peers • Students present and/or review formal presentations • Students vote for best topics, and their own team leader

  12. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Advantages (continued) • Professor Wins • Student interaction/discussion early in semester • Early identification of team attributes (thinkers, leaders, troublemakers, etc.) • New (student) design ideas discovered • No “assignment” of topics needed • Best Design Topics Selected

  13. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Disadvantages • Professors design topic interests not assured • Persuasion and guidance critical • 1-2 Class Periods devoted to initial student presentations • Charismatic Presenter ≠ Best Topic? • Latent student investment in original topic

  14. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy • Student Topic Abstracts • Burn Care Band-Aid • Ultra-Sonic Tooth Brush • Driver-Friendly Walker • Easy-On/Off Compression Stocking • Mouth-Wand for Quadriplegics • Driving Stress Sensor System Spring 2007Experience Students = 6 Teams = 2 Team Car-DiacA Stress Testing Device for a Driving Simulator Team Burned-AidA Novel Burn Treatment

  15. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy(Student Engagement of Topics for Undergraduate Projects) • Discussion/Conclusions • Early Engagement of Student in Design Topic • Early Professor/Student and Student/Student Interaction • Positive, Non-Assigned, High Quality Designs Selected

  16. The Early SET-UP Design Strategy(Student Engagement of Topics for Undergraduate Projects) • Thank You

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