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Latin Prefixes

Latin Prefixes. Chapter 4 7-8. 7. E-, EX-: “out,” “from,” “away 8. IN-, IM-: “in,” “into,” “on,” “against,” “over”. 1. Emigrate . Move out of a country or region to settle in another At thirteen, Maria Callas emigrated from the United States. 2. Immigrate .

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Latin Prefixes

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  1. Latin Prefixes Chapter 4 7-8

  2. 7. E-, EX-: “out,” “from,” “away8. IN-, IM-: “in,” “into,” “on,” “against,” “over”

  3. 1. Emigrate • Move out of a country or region to settle in another • At thirteen, Maria Callas emigrated from the United States.

  4. 2. Immigrate • Move into a foreign country or region as a permanent resident • At thirteen, Maria Callas immigrated to Greece.

  5. 3. Eminent • Standing or jutting out; conspicuous; famous; distinguished; noteworthy • Maria Callas became an eminent opera singer.

  6. 4. Imminent • Hanging over one’s head; threatening; about to occur; impending • At the first flash of lightning, the beach crowd scurried for shelter from the imminent storm.

  7. 5. Enervate • (literally, “take out the nerves or strength”) lessen the strength of; feeble; weaken • I was so enervated by the broiling sun that I had to sit down.

  8. 6. Erosion • Gradual wearing away; deterioration; depletion • Running water is one of the principal causes of soil erosion.

  9. 7. Evoke • Bring out; call forth; elicit; produce • The suggestion to lengthen the school year has evoked considerable opposition.

  10. 8. Invoke • Call on for help or protection; appeal to for support • Refusing to answer the question, the witness invoked the Fifth Amendment, which protects persons from being compelled to testify against themselves.

  11. 9. Excise • Cut out; remove by cutting out • With a penknife, he peeled the apple and excised the wormy part.

  12. 10. Incise • Cut into; carve; engrave • The letters on the cornerstone had been incised with a power drill.

  13. 11. Exclusive • Shutting out or tending to shut out others • An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers. • Not shared with others; single; sole • Before the game, each team had exclusive use of the field for a ten-minute practice period.

  14. 12. Inclusive • (literally, “shutting in”) including the limits (dates, numbers, etc.) mentioned • The film will be shown from August 22 to 24, inclusive, for a total of three days. • Broad in scope; comprehensive • An unabridged dictionary is much more inclusive than an ordinary desk dictionary.

  15. 13. Exhibit • (literally, “hold out”) show, display • The museum is now exhibiting the art of the Inuit people of northern Canada.

  16. 14. Inhibit • (literally, “hold in”) hold in check; restrain; repress • Many could not inhibit their tears; they cried openly.

  17. 15. Expel • Drive out; force out; compel to leave; banish; eject • The student who was expelled from the university because of poor grades applied for readmission the following term.

  18. 16. Impel • Drive on; force; compel • We do not know what impelled the secretary to resign.

  19. 17. Implicate • (literally, “fold in or involve”) show to be part of or connected with; involve; entangle • One of the accused persons confessed and implicated two others in the crime.

  20. 18. Impugn • (literally, “fight against”) call in question; assail by words or arguments; attack as false; contradict; attack; malign • The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report. No one was impugning his honesty.

  21. 19. Incarcerate • Put in prison; imprison; confine • After their escape and recapture, the convicts were incarcerated in a more secure prison.

  22. 20. Inscribe • (literally, “write on”) write, engrave, or print to create a lasting record; imprint; autograph • The name of the winner will be inscribed on the medal.

  23. 21. Insurgent • One who rises in revolt against established authority; rebel; mutineer • The ruler promised to pardon any insurgents who would lay down their arms. • Rebellious; insubordinate; mutinous • General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War.

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