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Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes

Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes. Reading 7 / Ms. Kelly. Verba Ad Origine : Vocabulary from its origin. Latin Derivatives 3: Prefixes. Ad Ante Bi Circum Co Contra, Contro , Counter De Inter Intra, Intro Mis Multi Post Pre Pro Quadr Quasi Quint Retro Semi Sub Super

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Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes

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  1. Latin Derivatives III: Prefixes

    Reading 7 / Ms. Kelly Verba Ad Origine: Vocabulary from its origin
  2. Latin Derivatives 3: Prefixes Ad Ante Bi Circum Co Contra, Contro, Counter De Inter Intra, Intro Mis Multi Post Pre Pro Quadr Quasi Quint Retro Semi Sub Super Trans Tri Ultra Uni
  3. 1. ad: to; toward 2. ante: before Examples: antebellum, antedate, anterior Antebellum days came ___ [before / after] the Civil War. That which is toward the front or which comes before is ____ [anterior / posterior]. Examples: adhesive, admissible, advocate A substance such as tape that sticks to other things is ______ve. Admissible evidence ____ [may/may not] be used in a court case.
  4. 3. bi: two 4. circum: around Examples: circa, circumference, circumvent The line around a circle is the ___ [circumference / diameter[]. To circumvent a villain is (a) to get around him and outwit him, (b) to fall into his trap. Examples: bicameral, bifocal, biped, bipolar Glasses with two different prescriptions in each lens are called ___ [bifocals / monocles].
  5. 5. co: together 6.contra, contro, counter: against Examples: contraband, controvert, countercharge Contraband is ___ [legal / illegal/ merchandice. de: away; down Examples: degradation, delusion, derision The lunatic was lured away from reality by ____ [illusions / delusions] of grandeur. Examples: coagulate, coeducation, coexistence, coincidence Coeducation refers to the teaching of male and female student ___ [together / separately]. When blood or any other fluid coagulates, it (a) gets thinner, (b) clumps together.
  6. 8. inter: between 10. mis: wrong, bad Examples: misadventure, misdemeanor, misunderstanding, misnomer Our plumber is called Speedy, but that’s a misnomer (wrong name). He is actually very (a) fast, (b) slow. It’s important that you study your Latin prefixes. A ________ingcan make a big difference! Examples: intercultural, interlinear, interview Relations between cultural groups are said to be ___ [intercultural / subcultural]. An interview is a meeting ____ two or more people. 9. intra, intro: within Examples:intramuscular, intrastate, intravenous Intrastate business goes on between New York City and ___ [Chicago / Albany].
  7. 11. multi: many 13. pre: before Examples: preamble, precedence, prejudice That which has precedence comes ___ [before / after] the rest. The word prejudice implies that a judgment is made _____ [after / before] the facts are studied. Examples: multimillionaire, multiped, multitude A multiped insect has ___ [many / two] feet. 12. post: after Examples: posterior, posterity, posthumous Heath Ledger won an Oscar for his role in Batman: The Black Knight posthumously, that is ___ [before/after] his death.
  8. 14. pro: forward; favoring 15. quadr: four Examples: quadrangle, quadrant, quadruplets The pie graps was equally divided into four ____________ts. A quadrangle, as on a college campus, is an area with ______ sides and _______ angels. Examples: progeny, prognosis, prolabor Those interested in their _________ny(offspring) tend to look (a) forward, (b) backward.
  9. 16. quasi: seemingly but not actually 17. quint: five Examples: quintessence, quintet, quintuplets “I’m pooped,” said the stork. “I just brought Mrs. Shlep a set of ____________ts” (five children). Examples: quasi-antique, quasi-poetry, quasi-scientific A writer who refers to the “quasi-scientific mumbo-jumbo of astrology” ___ [does / does not] believe that astrology is a true science.. 18. retro: back Examples: retroactive, retrogress, retrofit If society is retrogressing, is is (a) improving, (b) going to a worse condition. A law or rule which includes an earier period is ___ [retroactive / radioactive].
  10. 19. semi: half 20. sub: under Examples: subconsious, subway, subcutaneous, subtrahead The subconscious operates ____ [within / under] the conscious mind. A subcutaneous infection is ___ [on / under] the skin. Examples: semicircle, semiannual, semilunar A semilunarshape is like that of the ____ [full / half] moon. A semiannual sale happens once every ___ [two years / six months].
  11. 21. super: above; beyond 22. trans: across Examples: transgress, transpolar, transversal, transcontinental The _______________al railroad was built to connect the east and west coasts of the United States. Examples: supersensory, supersonic, superstructure Supersensory impressions are ____ [within / beyond] the normal limits of the senses. Speeds beyond the speed of sound are _______________ic. 23. tri: three Examples: tricuspid, trilingual, triplicate My Swiss friend speaks French, Geman, and English. He’s ____________al.
  12. 24. ultra: very; beyond 25. uni: one Examples: unicameral, unicorn, unicycle, The horns on a unicorn reach the grand total of ________. A tricycle has three wheels; a bicycle, two. A ____________ has one wheel Examples: ultraconservative, ultramodern, ultraviolet Ultraviolet rays are invisible because they lie ____ [beyond / inside] the violet end of the visible spectrum. The Gelts had a dream kitchen – the latest in _______modern equipment – but they always ate out.
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