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The Kingdoms’ Fall 2 Chronicles & Jeremiah Chapter 17

The Kingdoms’ Fall 2 Chronicles & Jeremiah Chapter 17. The Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Israel is dragged into exile and disbursed throughout the Assyrian Empire. Judah. Assyria expands, but Judah remains faithful to the Lord and is sustained by God.

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The Kingdoms’ Fall 2 Chronicles & Jeremiah Chapter 17

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  1. The Kingdoms’ Fall 2 Chronicles & Jeremiah Chapter 17

  2. The Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah

  3. Israel is dragged into exile and disbursed throughout the Assyrian Empire.

  4. Judah Assyria expands, but Judah remains faithful to the Lord and is sustained by God.

  5. 2 Kings 21:1 (NIV) 1 Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years. -- page 231 in The Story

  6. 2 Kings 21:2 (NIV) 2 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, following the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites.

  7. 2 Kings 21:3 (NIV) 3 He rebuilt the high places his father Hezekiah had destroyed; he also erected altars to Baal and made an Asherah pole, as Ahab king of Israel had done. He bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshiped them.

  8. 2 Kings 21:9 (NIV) 9 But the people did not listen. Manasseh led them astray, so that they did more evil than the nations the Lord had destroyed before the Israelites. page 232 in The Story

  9. Never let your leaders lead you away from God.

  10. Each generation is responsible to remain faithful and true to the God of the Bible.

  11. One leader can make a huge difference in the direction of a country—and if we have a choice about our leadership we need to carefully choose our leadership.

  12. As leaders, we need to be very attentive to our life. As choosers of leaders we need to choose wisely.

  13. Diligently guard your life against idolatry and superstition of every kind.

  14. God is intensely jealous for you. He will not share you with anyone or anything. When you abandon Him, He will do everything in His power to demonstrate his love and get you back. No consequence is to great, not cost to high.

  15. 2 Kings 21:4–5 (NIV) 4 He built altars in the temple of the Lord, of which the Lord had said, “In Jerusalem I will put my Name.” 5 In the two courts of the temple of the Lord, he built altars to all the starry hosts.

  16. 2 Kings 21:6 (NIV) 6 He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced divination, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger.

  17. We need to be just as diligent today because God will not share us with anyone or anything.

  18. 2 Kings 21:10–11 (NIV) 10 The Lord said through his servants the prophets: 11 “Manasseh king of Judah has committed these detestable sins. He has done more evil than the Amorites who preceded him and has led Judah into sin with his idols.

  19. 2 Kings 21:12 (NIV) 12 Therefore this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I am going to bring such disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle.

  20. 2 Kings 21:14–15 (NIV) 14 I will forsake the remnant of my inheritance and give them into the hands of enemies. They will be looted and plundered by all their enemies; 15 they have done evil in my eyes and have aroused my anger from the day their ancestors came out of Egypt until this day.”

  21. 2 Choronicles 33:10 (NIV) 10 The LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention.

  22. When God speaks to you, when he shows you your wrong way, the only option is not to argue with Him, not to ignore Him, but to listen and repent.

  23. When you abandon God, He will do everything in His power to get you back.

  24. 2 Chronicles 33:11 (NIV) 11 So the Lord brought against them the army commanders of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh prisoner, put a hook in his nose, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon.

  25. 2 Chronicles 33:12 (NIV) 12 In his distress he sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his ancestors.

  26. When we sin, and when our sin is pointed out to us, there is only one proper response: to humble ourselves and repent.

  27. 2 Chronicles 33:13 (NIV) 13 And when he prayed to him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God.

  28. 2 Chronicles 33:15 (NIV) 15 He got rid of the foreign gods and removed the image from the temple of the Lord, as well as all the altars he had built on the temple hill and in Jerusalem; and he threw them out of the city.

  29. 2 Chronicles 33:16 (NIV) 16 Then he restored the altar of the Lord and sacrificed fellowship offerings and thank offerings on it, and told Judah to serve the Lord, the God of Israel.

  30. The essential ingredient in our relationship with God is humility.

  31. 2 Chronicles 33:21 (NIV) 21 Amon was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem two years.

  32. 2 Chronicles 33:22 (NIV) 22 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as his father Manasseh had done. Amon worshiped and offered sacrifices to all the idols Manasseh had made.

  33. 2 Chronicles 33:23 (NIV) 23 But unlike his father Manasseh, he did not humble himself before the Lord; Amon increased his guilt.

  34. 2 Kings 23:37 (NIV) 37 And he did evil in the eyes of the Lord, just as his predecessors had done.

  35. Unbelief leads to doom.

  36. 2 Kings 24:12 (NIV) In the eighth year of the reign of the king of Babylon, he took Jehoiachin prisoner.

  37. 2 Kings 24:13 (NIV) 13 As the Lord had declared, Nebuchadnezzar removed the treasures from the temple of the Lord and from the royal palace, and cut up the gold articles that Solomon king of Israel had made for the temple of the Lord.

  38. Judah carried into exile by Babylon

  39. Jerusalem burned by Nebuchadnezzar

  40. God will not share us with anyone or anything.

  41. God is intensely jealous for you. He will not share you with anyone or anything. When you abandon Him, He will do everything in His power to demonstrate his love and get you back. No consequence is to great, not cost to high.

  42. Lamentations 3:21–22 (NIV) 21 Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. Page 244 of The Story

  43. Lamentations 3:23–24 (NIV) 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

  44. Lamentations 3:25–26 (NIV) 25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; 26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

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