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Innovative Teachers: European Poster Event 200 5. ERIKA PETRASKOVA www. szs.edu. s k SLOVAK REPUBLIC. NAME: School: COUNTRY: Area(s) covered:. the teaching of students in class and/or elsewhere providing learning opportunities communications and collaboration. TEACHER´S COMMENT:

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  1. Innovative Teachers: European Poster Event 2005 ERIKA PETRASKOVA www.szs.edu.sk SLOVAK REPUBLIC NAME: School: COUNTRY: Area(s) covered: • the teaching of students in class and/or elsewhere • providing learning opportunities • communications and collaboration TEACHER´S COMMENT: Teleproject is one of the best ways that develope higher cognitive functions and enable to do creatively-humane education. For that reason I prefer learning by doing teleproject.

  2. Together for the world without poverty Activities for students in first grades • Discovering Africa - work with tabulators. • Gross national product on one inhabitant in USD - work with table and graph. • Quiz on Africa - work with lists and columns.

  3. Photogallery

  4. Activities for students in second grades • Preparing presentation in MS PowerPoint on: "Together for the world without poverty".

  5. Project´s goals • Develop higher cognitive functions, evaluative thinking, creativity • Strengthen IKT abilities (acquiring, selecting, processing & evaluating of information) • Acquire better skills in IKT using, improve one’s computer and mainly multimedia literacy – learn to create some electronic presentations • To strengthen a team spirit, develop cooperative thinking • Encourage to greater justice in the world, equality, respecting of the human rights, democracy and social coexistence even outside the Europe

  6. Preconditions’ planning and arranging The project was realized on 24 lessons. It was divided into 4 phases: • specification of the project’s topic, main goals setting, project tasks assigning, setting of the solution’s scope, discussion on the given topic (4 hrs) • setting of the more detailed goals, making of the timetable, collecting of available info on given topic, ensuring the group cooperation (6 hrs) • independent pupils’ work on making an e-presentation (8 hrs) • publishing and defending of the project ‘s solution, its assessing and working out of the final evaluating report (6 hrs) Pupils were given 13 multimedia PCs (one for each student) with aDSL Internet connection and 3 scanners (1 for 4). They could work in two to four members teams.

  7. Course of the project

  8. Working tools • MS Internet Explorer, • MS PowerPoint, • IrfanView, • MS Word, • MS Excel, • Pegasus Mail, • NetMeeting, • YahooMessenger, • Windows Commander, • WinSPC

  9. Several results of the student´s working How can we help? What causes the poverty? Which countries are the most poor? What is the poverty? Which deseases are typical for the poor countries? How many people die every year for the sake of undernourishment?

  10. More info about teleproject: http://www.zsuzhorodska.sk/projekty/globalweb/globaledu.htm http://www.szs.edu.sk/projects/gew2004/afrika.html

  11. Student’s reactions What did I get out of this project? I learned much about the poverty and life in Africa how some humanitarian organisations such as UNICEF and UN help those poor people. From now on I will try not to waste the food . and water because I know the value of bread. and clean water for the people living in Africa. I am very thankful to my parents that I have everything that I need and I don’t live in such poverty as people in Africa. I liked this teleproject very much. I am glad that we participated in it. I appreciate the cooperation of my colleagues and I hope that I will work with them on other interestinprojects. Miroslav This teleproject gave me a lot. My first reactions weren’t very positive because I couldn’t work with a computer very well. However, it has changed after finishing the project . I had to browse various web sites, surf on the internet, make the presentation in MS PowerPoint. So not even I learned how to use the PC but I enriched my knowledge with some interesting things that I hadn’t known before. I realized that in comparison with other countries our country isn’t as poor as some people say. I learned about some diseases that can’t be found in our country. I had to read more which isn’t my strong point. However, what could I do. The project is project. I am glad that our task was to work on such topic because it is relevant. Regina

  12. Erika PetraskovaSecondary School of NursingSladkovicova 36080 01 Presov, SlovakiaTel: +421 517733304Fax: +421 517733706 URL: www.szs.edu.skE-mail: erika@szs.edu.sk Thank you for your interest!

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