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opological “Defects”

opological “Defects”. Pepe Flix, Eva Domingo for the IFAE group. Procedure and MC used I. Calibrated and cleaned without noise. J.Rico:. Camera file without noise. File with common events. MC reflector file. Calibrated and cleaned (several ways) with noise.

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opological “Defects”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. opological “Defects” Pepe Flix, Eva Domingo for the IFAE group

  2. Procedure and MC used I Calibrated and cleaned without noise J.Rico: Camera file without noise File with common events MC reflector file Calibrated and cleaned (several ways) with noise Camera file with noise Event-wise file merger Camera simulation program MC calibrationmacro Quantitative checks to understand the use of Hillas parameters for low energy events and their g/h.

  3. Procedure and MC used II Spot Size = .5 cm Zenith angles < 30 degrees Gammas = 180 kevts :: Protons = 22 kevts Fixed Window... Standard Cleaning: 3.0,1.5

  4. Original Motivation :: DISP I Determine arrival direction for every single shower image in the FOV. The source position along the major shower axis is given by: [only intrinsic image parameters] E L O N G A T I O N

  5. Original Motivation :: DISP II

  6. Original Motivation :: DISP III +

  7. Original Motivation :: Alpha Plots gammas hadrons

  8. Topology Id Method I :: Topology distance d12 d14 This “topological distance” differenciates the diff. topologies. Can be analitically calculated... ... or from MC data: - remove islands - Image contained in Inner camera

  9. Topology Id Method II :: Evaluate D D = 404 mm D = 180 mm D = 224 mm D = 464 mm D = 240 mm ETC... +

  10. Topology Id Method III :: D distributions

  11. Topology Id Method IV :: NTopologies Showers contained in Inner camera!

  12. Topology Id Method V :: Completeness TOTAL InnerContained InnerContained - NoIslands (Esther) gammas

  13. Topology Id Method VI :: W/L distributions gammas

  14. Topology Id Method VII :: Topology freq. fUsedPixels == 3 fUsedPixels == 4 fUsedPixels == 6 fUsedPixels == 5 gammas

  15. Topology Id Method VIII :: Efficiencies fUsedPixels == 3 fUsedPixels == 4 fUsedPixels == 6 fUsedPixels == 5 gammas

  16. Comparisons to diffuse hadron images I Are the evaluated efficiencies per Topology per NUsedPixels an effect of the camera pixelization? Compare to a diffuse source of images: - We used protons... although physics is different, if pixelization effects affect the images, the effect should be visible. - Although, we have 55 Gb rfl of diffuse gammas waiting to be analyzed... (Thanks to Adrian)

  17. Comparisons to diffuse hadron images II gammas hadrons incomplete!

  18. Comparisons to diffuse hadron images III gammas TOTAL InnerContained InnerContained - NoIslands As expected: different image shapes hadrons

  19. Comparisons to diffuse hadron images IV gammas hadrons fUsedPixels == 3 fUsedPixels == 4 fUsedPixels == 6 fUsedPixels == 5

  20. Comparisons to diffuse hadron images V gammas hadrons fUsedPixels == 3 fUsedPixels == 4 fUsedPixels == 6 fUsedPixels == 5

  21. Comparisons to diffuse hadron images VI hadrons gammas

  22. Conclusions Work is in progress, unfortunately unfinished: indications... Apply the same treatment to diffuse MC gammas, same physics involved + more statistics! Image Filtering? of those topologies in which Alpha cannot be determined + check MC Q factors.TRY Qn for a evaluations Use different cleaning methods + island treatments. Compare Topology frequencies in recent data: how real events behave compared to the expected MC? Is there be any trigger condition which would maximize the number of useful topologies for low events? (4NN?) DISP method optimization for low energies (Eva’s talk).

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