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Uninsured Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

Uninsured Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Gerard Russo, Ph.D. Sang-Hyop Lee, Ph.D. Lawrence Nitz, Ph.D. Thamana Lekprichakul, Ph.D. Rui Wang, Ph.D. Candidate Jaclyn Lindo, Ph.D. Student University of Hawai `i at Mānoa HRSA SPG Technical Workshop VIII 30 January 2006.

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Uninsured Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

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  1. Uninsured Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders Gerard Russo, Ph.D. Sang-Hyop Lee, Ph.D. Lawrence Nitz, Ph.D. Thamana Lekprichakul, Ph.D. Rui Wang, Ph.D. Candidate Jaclyn Lindo, Ph.D. Student University of Hawai`i at Mānoa HRSA SPG Technical Workshop VIII 30 January 2006 This research is funded in part through a U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, State Planning Grant to the Hawaii State Department of Health, Sub-Contract Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii. Research conducted by the University of Hawaii, Social Science Research Institute in collaboration with the Hawaii State Department of Health, Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs: Hawaii Uninsured Project and the Hawaii Health Information Corporation.

  2. Data Sources: Uninsured Hawaiians • Current Population Survey 2003-2005 • 3-year average • Separate Estimates for Hawaii & Mainland • Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders Combined • Broad Definition: Mixed Race Counted as Hawaiian & Pacific Islander • Narrow Definition: Only Hawaiian & Pacific Islander • Hawaii Health Survey 1997-2004 • DOH Definition: Count Part-Hawaiian as Hawaiian • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2000-2004 • BRFSS Definition: Part Hawaiian & Hawaiian Combined • Adults Only: Age 18-99 Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  3. Summary of CPS 2003-2005 Estimates: Uninsured Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  4. Uninsured Hawaiians in Hawaii: Multi-Year Survey Averages with 95% Confidence IntervalsCPS 2003-2005 (3-year Average) Persons Age 0-99HHS 2000-2004 (5-year Average) Persons Age 0-99BRFSS 2000-2004 (5-year Average) Persons Age 18-99 NOTE: CPS Estimates Include Pacific Islanders. Broad definition includes mixed race. Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  5. Insured and Uninsured Hawaii Population by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005 (3-year average) Broad Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  6. Percentage of Hawaii Population Insured and Uninsured by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005 (3-year average) Broad Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  7. Percent Uninsured by Ethnicity/Race with 95% Confidence Interval:Hawaii CPS 2003-2005, 3-year AverageBroad Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  8. Insured and Uninsured Hawaii Population by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005 (3-year average) Narrow Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  9. Percentage of Hawaii Population Insured and Uninsured by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005 (3-year average) Narrow Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  10. Percent Uninsured by Ethnicity/Race with 95% Confidence Interval:Hawaii CPS 2003-2005, 3-year AverageNarrow Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  11. Insured and Uninsured Mainland Population by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005, (3-year Average)49 States & DC, Broad Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  12. Percent Insured and Uninsured Mainland Population by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005, (3-year Average)49 States & DC, Broad Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  13. Percent Uninsured by Ethnicity/Race with 95% Confidence Interval:Mainland CPS 2003-2005, 3-year Average49 States & DC, Broad Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  14. Insured and Uninsured Mainland Population by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005, (3-year Average)49 States plus DC, Narrow Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  15. Percent Insured and Uninsured Mainland Population by Ethnicity/Race: CPS 2003-2005, (3-year Average)49 States & DC, Narrow Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  16. Percent Uninsured by Ethnicity/Race with 95% Confidence Interval:Mainland CPS 2003-2005, 3-year Average49 States plus DC, Narrow Definition Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  17. Percent Uninsured by Ethnicity/Racewith 95% Confidence Interval:HHS 2000-2004 (5-year Average) Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  18. Percent Uninsured by Ethnicity/Racewith 95% Confidence Interval:Hawaii BRFSS 2000-2004 (5-year Average) NOTE: BRFSS Surveys Adults Age 18-99 Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  19. Percent Distribution of Uninsured Hawaiian Children Age 0-18: CPS 2003-2005 and HHS 2000-2004 Uninsured Children Age 0-18CPS 2003-2005 (3-Year Average). Uninsured Children Age 0-18HHS 2000-2005 (5-Year Average). Note: Hawaiian includes Hawaiian, part-Hawaiian and pacific islanders. Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  20. Percent Distribution of Uninsured Hawaiian Adults Age 19-64: CPS 2003-2005 and HHS 2000-2004 Uninsured Adults Age 19-64CPS 2003-2005 (3-Year Average). Uninsured Adults Age 19-64HHS 2000-2005 (5-Year Average). Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  21. Number and Percent Uninsured by Race/Ethnicity: BRFSS 2000-2004 (5-year average) Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  22. Number and Percent Uninsured by Race/Ethnicity:HHS 2000-2004 (5-year average) Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

  23. Mahalo! This research is funded in part by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources & Services Administration State Planning Grant Hawaii State Department of Health. Preliminary results. Subject to revision.

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