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PolKa a tunable polarimeter for (sub)mm bolometer arrays

PolKa a tunable polarimeter for (sub)mm bolometer arrays. Giorgio Siringo Bolometer Development Millimeter & Submillimeter Astronomy Group Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) gsiringo@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/gsiringo/polka/polka.html

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PolKa a tunable polarimeter for (sub)mm bolometer arrays

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  1. PolKaa tunable polarimeter for (sub)mm bolometer arrays Giorgio Siringo Bolometer Development Millimeter & Submillimeter Astronomy Group Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) gsiringo@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/gsiringo/polka/polka.html BPol Workshop - October 25-27, 2006 PolKa = Polarimeter für Bolometer Kameras

  2. PolKaa tunable polarimeter for (sub)mm bolometer arrays PolKa team Giorgio Siringo Ernst Kreysa Lothar A. Reichertz Collaboration Giuseppe Cimò Thomas Krichbaum IPHT, Jena Bolometer Development Group @ MPIfR Walter Esch Hans-Peter Gemünd Ernst Kreysa (group leader) Gundula Lundershausen Giorgio Siringo PolKa = Polarimeter für Bolometer Kameras

  3. HUMBA: Hundred Millikelvin Bolometer Array (discontinued) • 19 NTD bolos, DC biased, AC coupled, • l = 2 mm (150 GHz), 100 mK (dilution fridge) • Used at the HHT and IRAM 30 m to observe SZ effect • HHT 19-channel Array: (discontinued) • 19 NTD bolos, DC biased, AC coupled • l = 850 mm (350 GHz) , 300 mK • Facility instrument at the Heinrich Hertz Telescope (HHT) • SIMBA: SEST Imaging Bolometer Array(discontinued) • 37 NTD bolos, DC biased, AC coupled + 5 AC biased and DC coupled • l = 1.2 mm (250 GHz) , 300 mK • Used in fast scanning without chopping secondary • Facility instrument at the Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope (SEST) MPIfR Bolometer Arrays

  4. MAMBO (Max-Planck Millimeter Bolometer) • NTD bolos, DC biased, AC coupled, l = 1.2 mm (250 GHz) , 300 mK • MAMBO-1: 37 elements • MAMBO-2: 117 elements • Facility instruments on the IRAM 30 m telescope, Pico Veleta, Spain • LABOCA (Large APEX Bolometer Camera) • 295 NTD bolos, AC biased, DC coupled, l = 850 mm (350 GHz) , 300 mK • Facility instrument on the APEX telescope (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment, Llano de Chajnantor, Chile) • SABOCA (Submillimeter APEX Bolometer Camera) • 37 TES bolos + SQUIDs multiplexing and amplification • = 350 mm (860 GHz) , 300 mK To be installed as facility instrument on the APEX telescope in early 2007 • LABOCA-2 (Large APEX Bolometer Camera) • 288 TES bolos + SQUIDs multiplexing and amplification • Will replace LABOCA at the end of 2007 • TES development in collaboration with IPHT (Institute for Physical High Technology) of Jena MPIfR Bolometer Arrays

  5. LABOCA-2 Wafer(IPHT, Jena) 288 TES bolometers with integrated SQUIDs on a 4-inch wafer

  6. Polarimeter using a half-wave plate (HWP) • modulation: a rotating half-wave plate • analyzer: a fixed wire-grid polarizer • demodulation: a lock-in amplifier

  7. Polarimeter using a HWP analyzer horizontal analyzer vertical • The modulation frequency is four times the mechanical one • Unpolarized radiation is not modulated (in theory…)

  8. The PolKa polarimeter • PolKa is designed to be used with any of the MPIfR bolometer arrays (large diameter, wide range of wavelengths) • It uses a reflection-type HWP to modulate the polarization (crystal-type have stronger absorption and it is difficult to produce large diameters) • The HWP isrotated continuously by a precision motorized air-bearing: no chopping secondary mirror • Raw data (not demodulated) are acquired (fast data acquisition) • Demodulation made offline via a “software lock-in” algorithm

  9. polarizer mirror The reflection-type HWP (RHWP) The RHWP is made of two parts: • a wire-grid polarizer • a flat metallic mirror By tuning the distance t between the two parts it is possible to produce a 180° phase shift between the two components of polarization for any operating wavelength This device uses metallic reflections and absorption is negligible

  10. polarizer mirror The reflection-type HWP (RHWP) but: • large wire-grid polarizers are needed • they are produced only in a few labs in the world • have very long delivery time (order of years) • are expensive (in the range 103 - 105 $) We decided to produce them in our labs

  11. Wire-grid production • ~4000 tungsten wires • wire size: 20 mm • step: 63 mm • position error: ~ 15 mm rms • clear aperture: 246 mm • market price: ~ 10,000 $

  12. At the telescope Heinrich Hertz submillimeter Telescope (HHT), Mount Graham, ~120 Km north-east of Tucson, Arizona 3,186 m above the see level diameter: 10 m surface accuracy: 15 mm rms

  13. At the telescope

  14. At the telescope

  15. At the telescope • the 246 mm version of PolKa was tested at the HHT on Jan 2002 • receiver: MPIfR 19 channel array@850 mm • rotation frequency: 3.5 Hz • polarization modulation: 14 Hz • full size HWP: full 19 channel array on the sky • improved analyzer system and... we had excellent weather!

  16. At the telescope Observing modes We had two main observational strategies: • Polarization On-Off: to perform polarized flux measurements or detection experiments. Used on point sources. NEFD ~ 1650 mJy t(1/2) /(20” beam) • Polarization On-the-Fly maps: to map the polarization pattern of extended sources. NEFD ~ 380 mJy/(20” beam) per coverage (6’x6’, t~0.5 h) complemented by • Total power measurements: to get I and for point, focus, skydip

  17. Polarization OO results an example: 3C279 OO data NOT demodulated AC coupling The signal is strong enough to be fitted using a sine!

  18. Polarization OO results Linear polarization was detected on the two quasars 3C279 and 1633+382

  19. Polarization OO results

  20. Ori OMC-1 Coppin & al., A&A 356 (2000) Polarization OtF results A comparison: SCUBA-Pol • SCUBA-Pol @ JCMT: • 4092 m above the see level • 15 m telescope • 850 mm • Crystal type HWP • Step & integrate + wobbler • PolKa @ HHT: • 3186 m above the see level • 10 m telescope • 850 mm • Reflection type HWP • Continuous spinning & no wobbler SCUBA-Pol map Length = pol. degree Vectors rotated by 90°

  21. Length = pol. degree Vectors rotated by 90° 12 maps co-added: ~ 6 h pol. degree map Coppin & al., A&A 356 (2000) Siringo & al., A&A 422 (2004)

  22. SCUBA-Pol / ~7 h int.time Orion OMC-3 MMS3-4 PolKa map / 1.5 h int. time (3 scans) pol.intensity map B.C.Matthews & al., ApJ, 562 (2001)

  23. Contours = CO(6-5) Grey-scale = 1.2 mm continuum IRAS 05358+3543 H.Beuther & al., A&A, 387 (2002) pol. degree map ~ 3 h int. time (6 scans)

  24. Summary • We proposed a new concept of polarimeter for mm/submm wavelengths: RHWP + continuous spinning - wobbler • Results: • polarization detection on 3C279 and 1633+382 • polarization variability of 3C279 • high resolution polarization maps of Orion OMC-1, MMS3/4 in Orion OMC-3, IRAS 05358+3543 • The good points of PolKa are: • tunable over a wide range of wavelengths • low insertion loss (RHWP) • easy changeover between polarimetry and photometry • high modulation efficiency • high imaging quality (no chopping mirror) • These results confirm that the new concept is valid

  25. We have 2 new RHWP units for our active experiments: • MAMBO-1 on the IRAM 30m telescope • Pico Veleta, Spain (3000 m amsl) • larger telescope: 30 m dish • longer wavelength: receiver MAMBO-1@ 1.2 mm • more sensitivity: MAMBO-1 has 37 bolometers • higher resolution: 11” beam • LABOCA on APEX • better site: Llano de Chajnantor, Chile (5,100 m amsl) • submillimeter telescope: 12 m dish, 15 mm rms • wavelength: 850mm • large array: 295 bolometers • high resolution: 18” beam • larger array: 11’ • fast mapping speed: 2’/s • higher sensitivity: 1 square degree in 1.5 hour, 125 mJy rms noise level Ongoing experiments

  26. Contributions to BPol from ground based polarimeters: • Foreground observations (dust) • Instrument calibrations • Complications: • Small angular scale • Limitations due to the atmosphere • Available ground based polarimeters with bolometers: • QUaD, South Pole (optimized for CMB), 100-150 GHz • PolKa + MAMBO-1, Pico Veleta, Spain, 250 GHz • PolKa + LABOCA, APEX, Chile, 350 GHz • SHARP + SHARC-II, CSO, Hawaii, 860 GHz Hints for discussion

  27. PolKaa tunable polarimeter for (sub)mm bolometer arrays Giorgio Siringo Bolometer Development Millimeter & Submillimeter Astronomy Group Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) gsiringo@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/gsiringo/polka/polka.html BPol Workshop - October 25-27, 2006 PolKa = Polarimeter für Bolometer Kameras

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