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US Government Disaster Response

US Government Disaster Response. Republic of the Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia through US Agency for International Development.

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US Government Disaster Response

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  1. US Government Disaster Response Republic of the Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia through US Agency for International Development
  2. US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the United States Government (USG) Agency responsible for domestic disaster assistance. On November 4, 2008, responsibility within the USG for disaster mitigation, relief, and reconstruction assistance, as defined by the Compact of free Association as amended, for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) transferred from the FEMA to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Introduction
  3. Grants Education Health Private Sector Development Capacity Building in Public Sector Environment Public Infrastructure Services Weather Service Postal Service Safety Service of FAA Civil Aviation Services Banking Services Disaster Assistance Economic Assistance to RMI
  4. Response mechanisms FSM and USA FSM disaster response USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance US Presidential Disaster Request – USAID and FEMA (the “Operational Blueprint”)
  5. FFSM National Disaster Response Office of Emergency and Environmental Management (OEEM): Responsible for disaster management under direction of President. OEEM Director is cabinet level position and main point of contact for USAID for disaster assistance. National Disaster Committee: Comprised of cabinet members and serves as advisory body for President on national disaster assistance policy. National Disaster Management Office (NDMO): Responsible for day-to-day disaster management operations NDMO Director is NEOC manager. National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC): Administrative hub of national disaster response. Micronesia Red Cross Society: Chartered in 1998, works with national and state governments.
  6. FSM State Disaster Response State Governor: Responsible for disaster management and policy for the state. State Disaster Coordinating Officer (SDCO): Responsible for direct implementation of disaster-related tasks as assigned by the Governor. Governor’s Disaster Committee: Serves as advisory body for Governor on state disaster assistance policy. National Disaster Controller (NDC) Director of Public Safety is controller for all disasters Emergency Operations Center Group Responsible to NDC to prioritize and manage immediate relief Facilitates information flow from NEOC State and Town Officers Preparation of village plans Ensure warnings and alerts Supervise assessment and report to EOC
  7. Criteria for OFDA Assistance in FSM/RMI National State of Emergency declaration by the President of the affected nation Above and beyond the capability of Government to provide assistance ; including use of the Disaster Assistance Emergency fund (DAEF) US Ambassador can issue a disaster declaration Triggers request for $50,000 from USAID/OFDA
  8. $200,000 contribution from US and RMI Accessed after State of Emergency for “immediate threats to life, health and safety” Maximum $50,000 for each event and $100,00 per year Larger amount allowed with concurrence of RMI President and US Ambassador. Disaster Assistance Emergency Fund
  9. OFDA Response Options $50,000 Commodities Regional Advisors & Consultants Assessment Team DART- Disaster Assistance Response Team RMT - Response Management Team (DC) Grants Any Combination of Above
  10. DARTs Rapid Response Assistance Conduct Assessments USG Response Strategy: Commodities Programs & Funding Technical Assistance Coordinate with: Host Government UN/IOs, NGOs Donor Nations Military

  12. IF State of Emergency declared…… IF DAEF is not adequate…… IF United Nations assistance is not adequate….. IF Ambassador’s initial $50,000 is not adequate….. THEN…. RMI President may request US Presidential disaster declaration ….Toward US Presidential Request
  13. Under Compact program, one of three following criteria must be met: Public infrastructure damage exceed $1million of supplementary assistance over and above DAEF and other sources. At least 100 primary residence main sleeping homes have been completely destroyed. Significant present and imminent impact on human life, health, and safety from extreme drought or other extraordinary cause has reached an acute crisis level, where the response costs immediately necessary to alleviate life-sustaining needs- such as drinking water, food, agriculture and health services- - are estimated to exceed $1 million over and above the DAEF and other sources. Specific Criteria for Approval
  14. US disaster assistance is always “supplemental” to other forms of assistance. IF DAEF not adequate, FSM/RMI President asks United Nations and international community for assistance. UN coordinates request for other nations. USAID and Ambassador can assist in UN request. United Nations
  15. IOM Responsibilities Maintain a small full time project presence in FSM and RMI, including Project Coordinator in Pohnpei Maintain Manila-based logistics and support personnel 3. Manage and implement various planning, pre-positioning, mitigation and disaster emergency relief and reconstruction activities
  16. IOM Responsibilities 4. Carry out supplemental procurement and replacement of pre-positioned equipment 5. Provide transport, logistics, personnel, procurement, contract, finance, administrative and other support towards disaster mitigation, relief and reconstruction. 6. Execute advance stand-by resource/service contracts, grants, personnel principally for three locations –Yap, Pohnpei and Majuro 7. Prepare to assist USAID in response to US Embassy declared disaster that do not reach the threshold
  17. Emergency Assistance

  18. Primary responsibility for saving lives, preserving public health, and re-establishing communications (including airport, road, and port operations) will remain with the governments of the affected countries. USAID\IOM will pre-position certain supplies and services. It will establish standby arrangements for supplies and services within the Pacific region. Other USG federal and military agencies can serve as standby resources if needed. Emergency Assistance
  19. 1. Medical Response 2. Energy, Water, and Sanitation 3. Temporary Shelter 4. Food and Agriculture Categories of Emergency Assistance
  20. Questions

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