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PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND SELF-REFLECTION. Today’s Learning Targets. I can explain the timeline and components of the professional growth plan. I will begin to draft a professional growth goal and action plan. Know. Handout. Wonder.

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  2. Today’s Learning Targets • I can explain the timeline and components of the professional growth plan. • I will begin to draft a professional growth goal and action plan.

  3. Know Handout

  4. Wonder • On your own, under the “W”, write three or four points about the new Professional Growth Plans that you are wondering about. • Share with your partner.

  5. Building a PGP – A New Journey

  6. Where does it fit?

  7. Sample Timeline for the PGP CEP • September/October: Review reflections and assess professional learning needs. Develop the plan. Enter into EDS. Collaborate with the administrator to finalize. • December/January: Mid-Year Review with administrator. Provide evidence of implementation thus far for discussion. • April: Review/End Plan. • May: Plan for 2015-16. Use evidence from student voice, observations, student growth, etc. to inform professional learning opportunities.

  8. The Professional Growth Plan Cycle

  9. It Begins with Self-Reflection

  10. Possible Starting Points for Professional Growth Planning (PGP) • Self-Reflection based on the Kentucky Adapted Framework for Teaching • Content standards and skills • Student voice results • Student growth goal-setting process • Professional learning experiences • Results of Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) module instruction • Program Review Data

  11. The Professional Growth Plan Cycle

  12. Building a SMART Prof. Growth Goal

  13. Build a SMART Professional Growth Goal

  14. Three Big Rock Questions for Goal Setting • What do I want to change about my practice that will effectively impact student learning? Specific, Relevant • How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? Achievable, Time-bound • How will I know if I accomplished my objective? Specific, Measurable Handout

  15. What are the measures of success? To Determine Goal Attainment? To Establish the Baseline

  16. What are the measures of success? • Student work products • Observations • Data, Frequencies • Self-Reflection, Journal • Lesson Planning/Unit Planning • Student growth (Specific to target) To Determine Goal Attainment? To Establish the Baseline

  17. Collaboration is the key

  18. Sample: Reading in any content area During the school year, I will learn to integrate literacy strategies in my instruction. I will implement learning from a literacy workshop and from reading professional literature. Measures of success will include results from analysis of student work samples, self-reflection, student surveys, and observation. Handout

  19. Sample: Reading in any content area During the school year, I will learn to integrate literacy strategies in my instruction. I will implement learning from a literacy workshop and from reading professional literature. Measures of success will include results from analysis of student work samples, self-reflection, student surveys, and observation. Handout

  20. Analyze: Writing in any content area During the 2013-14 school year, I will teach writing using more technology. I will look at different ways to use technology in writing and have students use the best ones.

  21. Possible Revision: Writing in any content area During the 2013-14 school year, I will learn to incorporate online writing tools in my writing workshop. After collaborating with the technology resource teacher to investigate Google Docs and other on-line tools, my students will have opportunities to write independently, collaboratively and give/receive feedback using the tools. This will be evidenced by student writing samples, lesson plans, and reflection. Handout

  22. Using Reflection to Set Goals

  23. Draft a PGP Goal • Individually, take 3-5 minutes to draft a PGP goal towards to work toward this year. • Refer to the “Big Rock” questions and consider SMART goals as you design your goal. • Time permitting, work as a dyad or triad to read and provide feedback on goals written.

  24. Three Big Rock Questions for Goal Setting • What do I want to change about my practice that will effectively impact student learning? • How can I develop a plan of action to address my professional learning? • How will I know if I accomplished my objective? Handout

  25. Action Plan • Now that you have a draft goal, it is time to develop action strategies. • Professional growth strategies are the “how to” – the link between the goal and goal attainment.

  26. Action Plan Example

  27. Submission into CIITS • The PGP goal must be submitted into the Educator Development Suite of CIITS. • The action plan template should be uploaded as an artifact and updated to include the impact before each post-observation discussion (See next slide). • This will help provide evidence of professional growth for domain 4. • Remember, PGPs are due in CIITS by Oct. 10th.

  28. Upload PGP Artifacts • Educator Development > My Professional Growth Plans. • Select a window. • Click View Details next to the goal chosen for the artifact. • If this is your first artifact, click Upload file in the My Artifacts section. If this is not your first artifact, click Upload another file under the same header. • Select the file you would like to upload and click Open. The file name and type in the dialog menu will be generated automatically from the uploaded file. • Enter a title (required) and description (optional). • Aligned to will automatically match whatever standard your goals are aligned to. To change this field, you must choose a new goal. Click Save.

  29. The Professional Growth Plan Cycle

  30. The Professional Growth Plan Cycle

  31. The Professional Growth Plan Cycle

  32. DOMAIN RATINGS SOURCES OF EVIDENCE TO INFORM PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Determination of Professional Practice DOMAIN 1: [I,D,A,E] REQUIRED Observation Student Voice Professional Growth Plans and Self Reflection OPTIONAL Other: District-Determined – Must be identified in the CEP Other Teacher Evidence DOMAIN 2: [I,D,A,E] PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE DOMAIN 3: [I,D,A,E] DOMAIN 4: [I,D,A,E]

  33. Planning for Next Steps

  34. Know Handout

  35. Resource • Please solicit the assistance of your instructional coach, peers and evaluator. Although they aren’t experts yet either, they can help you think through possible activities, resources and outcomes to support your plan. • See the website below for additional support: http://education.ky.gov/teachers/PGES/TPGES/Pages/TPGES-Self-Reflection-and-Professional-Growth-Planning.aspx

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