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ENDO & REP LAB REVISION 1431. Pituitary Adenoma Circumscribed mass in sella turcica. Pituitary adenoma Uniform, polygonal cells arranged in sheets& cords Supporting connective tissue ( reticulin is sparse) Mitotic activity scanty Cytoplasm acidophilic. Hashimoto's thyroiditis:

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  2. Pituitary Adenoma Circumscribed mass in sella turcica

  3. Pituitary adenomaUniform, polygonal cells arranged in sheets& cordsSupporting connective tissue (reticulin is sparse) Mitotic activity scanty Cytoplasm acidophilic

  4. Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Lymphoid follicle at the right center germ center

  5. Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (DeQuervain's disease), which probably follows a viral infection and leads to a painful enlarged thyroid. giant cell

  6. Diffuse hyperplastic gland in a case of Graves disease. The follicles are lined by tall, columnar epithelium. The crowded, enlarged epithelial cells project into the lumina of the follicles. These cells actively resorb the colloid in the centers of the follicles, resulting in the "scalloped" appearance of the edges of the colloid scalloping

  7. Nodular goiter : gland is coarsely nodular and contains areas of fibrosis and cystic changes

  8. Colloid nodular goiter. Follicles are variable sized, distended with colloid, and lined by flat inactive epithelium. Stroma shows hemosiderin, hemorrhage and fibrosis. colloid

  9. Follicular adenoma of the thyroid. A solitary, well-circumscribed nodule is seen

  10. Photomicrograph of follicular adenoma. Well-differentiated follicles resemble normal thyroid parenchyma

  11. Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid : grossly discernible papillary structures

  12. Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. : well-formed papillaelined by cells with characteristic empty-appearing nuclei

  13. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid These tumors typically contain amyloid, visible here as homogeneous extracellular material, derived from calcitonin molecules secreted by the neoplastic cells Amyloid

  14. Nodular glomerulosclerosis (the Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion) of diabetes mellitus. Nodules of pink hyaline material form in regions of glomerular capillary loops in the glomerulus

  15. Hyaline arteriolosclerosis

  16. Diabetic retinopathy. A view of the fundus shows large areas of preretinal hemorrhage below the optic disc; pale dots represent exudates in the left side. Neovascularization is present on the right side of the optic disc exudates Neovascularization hemorrhage

  17. Adrenocortical hyperplasia. The adrenal cortex is yellow, thickened, and multinodular owing to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the lipid-rich zonae fasciculata and reticularis.

  18. Adrenocortical adenoma. The adenoma is distinguished from nodular hyperplasia by its solitary, circumscribed nature. The functional status of an adrenocortical adenoma cannot be predicted from its gross or microscopic appearance

  19. capsule Adrenal cortical adenoma at the right resembles normal adrenalfasciculata. The capsule is at the left. There may be some cellular pleomorphism. cells are vacuolated because of the presence of intracytoplasmic lipid. No mitosis Normal adenoma

  20. POLYCYSTIC OVARIES Multiple cysts associated with thickening of ovarian capsule

  21. Serous cystadenoma

  22. Serous cystadenoma

  23. Histologic detail of classic nonciliated, mucin-secreting, columnar lining epithelium of a mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary Mucinous cystadenoma ovary

  24. Benign (Mature) Cystic Teratomas

  25. Granulosa Cell Tumor

  26. Describe morphology of condyloma acuminatum of the cervix uteri HPV Koilocytosis :nuclear hyperchromasia and angulation with perinuclear vacuolization produced by cytopathic effect of HPV Red pink to pink brown elevated papillae and rugose

  27. Fungating (Exophytic) Ca Cx carcinoma of cervix

  28. Simple hyperplasia endometrium with dilatation of glands.

  29. Complex hyperplasia of endometrium, gland back to back

  30. Leiomyoma of the uterus are often multiple. Seen here are submucosal, intramural, and subserosal leiomyomata of the uterus.

  31. Leiomyosarcomas, have very large bizarre giant cells along with the spindle cells. A couple of mitotic figures appear at the left and lower left.

  32. Seminoma of the testis Well circumscribed, large, soft , gray-white ,fleshy, homogeneous tumors that bulge from the cut surface of the affected testis

  33. Seminoma of the testis Large, uniform cells with distinct cell borders, clear, glycogen-rich cytoplasm, and round pale nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate

  34. Nodular hyperplasia of prostate • 50 - 100 gm • Begins in the inner zone of the prostate, and • extends to involve lateral lobes • Well-defined nodules bulge from the cut surface

  35. Normal prostate Nodular hyperplasia prostate • Glandular & stromal proliferation • Glands variable in sizes, prominent • papillary infoldings • Corpora amylacia

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