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REP. Register of Educational Personnel (REP) Info Session for EOY 2011 Submission Due: June 30, 2011. REP Changes. www.michigan.gov/CEPI. Select CEPI Applications/REP/EOY 2011 Data Field Descriptions. REP Changes. CYBORG Changes. A. X06SCR.

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  1. REP Register of Educational Personnel (REP) Info Session for EOY 2011 Submission Due: June 30, 2011

  2. REP Changes www.michigan.gov/CEPI. Select CEPI Applications/REP/EOY 2011 Data Field Descriptions

  3. REP Changes

  4. CYBORG Changes A. X06SCR Changes: Educational Setting is a dropdown, Title I/II moved to X07SCR

  5. CYBORG Changes B. X07SCR – New Screen • Changes: PIC# Is a New Field on X07SCR, loaded from your CEPI File • EG-SCR User Field is now on X07SCR as Personnel Type • EF-SCR Ethnicity/Race Field is now on X07SCR, in Compliance with CEPI • X06SCR Title I/II is now on X07SCR • Educator Effectiveness is a new field and is on X07SCR

  6. SMART Changes A. PIC# Added Next to Employee # B. Demographics Tab ‘Before’ and ‘After’ 1. Title I/II moved to Ethnic Tab

  7. SMART Changes C. Ethnic Tab ‘Before’ and ‘After’ 1. Ethnicity Ranking Removed; Races re-ordered 2. Title I/II and Educator Effectiveness

  8. REP File Creation CYBORG Rep Information is Entered into CYBORG Screens X06SCR, X07SCR, X28SCR, and 30-SCR Updates Nightly to SMART if Refresh is “ON” and Personnel Type is valid. Changes in CYBORG won’t be reflected until the next day. SMART Loads into appropriate SMART screen based on Personnel Type District creates SMART Rep File. Some programming is done behind the scenes based on CEPI Edits SMART FILE District submits Smart File to CEPI

  9. Review of Personnel Type Codes

  10. Review Data Required in REP

  11. Review of PD A. Professional Development is reported in the End of Year Submission B. Administrators – Update the Admin Cont Ed field on X06SCR C. Teachers 1. PD Tracking Website – PD is “automatically” included in the SMART Rep 2. HR Enters the PD on the SMART Tab for each Teacher 3. Send file to CDOT to load (KALPA)

  12. CYBORG Edits SMART “EMPLOYEE ANALYSIS (EA)” FOR REP WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE Use the four TSO jobs to edit for omissions/errors on CYBORG REP Screens Do the REPJOB first; the other three can be done in any order. A. REPLIST – shows you who should be sent to the SMART REP Screens (Active, LOA, Termed between 12-1-10 and 6-30-11). Look for blank Personnel Type Field….these people won’t be pulled into REP unless they are changed. Edit as necessary (students, board members, and some “active” people don’t get pulled into REP). B. REPEDUC – shows omissions/errors on 30-SCR Education Screen C. REPCERT – shows omissions/errors on the X28SCR Assignment Screen D. REPJOB – shows omissions/errors on the X06SCR

  13. Suggested Timeline A) NOW: 1) Turn on SMART Rep Refresh 2) Contact Carole if you want all your contractors terminated 3) Use: REPLIST, REPJOB, REPCERT, and REPEDUC for Errors/Omissions 4) Correct CYBORG Screens as necessary, at least for the REPLIST B) NOW to June 15, 2011 1) Continue Correcting CYBORG Screens 2) Submit “early and often” 3) Correct all submission errors FIRST 4) Turn SMART REP Refresh Off 5) Do final corrections at CEPI Website (L/T Subs, LOAs) 6) Correct red X’s LAST C) June 15, 2011 to June 30, 2011 1) At least 2 weeks prior to the deadline, print and verify CEPI Reports D) Submission Due: June 30, 2011

  14. Ethnic/Race Verification Options A. CYBORG B. C. D. Pull Up Each Survey and Compare; Change as needed surveys Visual Compare Enter Changes D. Analyzer EMPRACE surveys Visual Compare Enter Changes District Spreadsheet D. Analyzer EMPRACE Direct Load to CYBORG District Spreadsheet

  15. Ethnicity/Race Verification A. EMPRACE Decision Analyzer (Excel Dump of X07SCR) Available in Common Library of Decision Analyzer. Carole will run for you if your district isn’t familiar with Decision Analyzer 3. Can be sorted the same way as the district spreadsheet (or paper survey) and visually compared. Also a good time to look for empty PICs and personnel types

  16. Contractor Problems/Soln’s A. Contractor files from PESG/PCMI/Kelly have people who haven’t worked during this submission period 1. PESG creates file from “Approved Contractors for the F/Y”, not from their billing/payables files 2. PESG doesn’t put a termination date in unless formal paperwork is filled out by the contractor – contractors like to keep their options open and “re-up” every year 3. Subs can elect up to 10 districts, and can be reported up to 10 times if all districts don’t edit the files Solution: Work with A/P to determine who has actually worked this fiscal year. EDIT the files before loading or entering into SMART, or submitting directly to CEPI.

  17. Contractor Problems/Soln’s B. Contractor Records are over-writing Employee Records when CEPI processes our bulk files i.e. An employee also coaches. Some districts contract out non-instructional pay. Currently, the coaching record is read last on the file and “overlays” the instructional record Solution: Our programmer is re-ordering the file…..contractors will be read first followed by employees….therefore employee information will always be the last record read.

  18. Contractor Problems/Soln’s C. Contractor Tab in SMART is “Growing” Every Year 1. Contractors currently on SMART, but not on the new PESG file are not being automatically terminated when we load the new file. Therefore, the file grows larger every year. Solutions: 1. Quit using SMART to track contractors..direct load instead a. Terminate ALL* contractors as of 11-30-2010 (contact Carole to do this behind the scenes). Contractors won’t pull into SMART Rep this submission. b. Get current file from PESG, and edit for accuracy c. Submit direct to CEPI (but not as the last bulk load!!!) 2. Clean up SMART a. Use SMART contractor list to compare to current PESG file b. Work with A/P to determine who really worked this fiscal yr c. Terminate contractors who haven’t worked this fiscal year

  19. PIC#/Emp# Origination A. PIC #s can now be generated between submission periods (i.e. at time of hire, monthly, etc.) 1. 3 levels of PIC# access – see CEPI email or website 2. If not done at time of hire, reports are available to find empty PIC # fields in CYBORG 3. Right now, EMPRACE in Decision Analyzer shows empty PICs B. HR Departments Requesting Ability to Assign the Employee # and fill out 4 REP Screens before sending paperwork to Payroll: 1. Payroll Ramifications 2. District Decision & Agreement between HR and Payroll 3. CDOT Training (Have Document, Re-do the “Blue Sheets”)

  20. Educator Effectiveness A. Information on CEPI Website B. Districts must implement an annual performance evaluation for teachers and administrators B. For 06/30/2011 – All district PRINCIPALS must be reported C. For 06/30/2012 – All Educators must be reported

  21. SMART Employee Analysis A. Allows user to create their own reports by “point and click”. B. User Chooses Fields, Selection Criteria, Sort, and Subtotaling Features C. Allows Exporting to Excel D. Example Select Fields E. Demonstration Export to Excel

  22. Q/A ???

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