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AGQTP - Progress Report

AGQTP - Progress Report. Review. Professional Development for Teachers in the use of ICTs for effective teaching and learning. Reflection on what the staff of St Andrews believes and value . http://jssalc.wikispaces.com/SDS+Session

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AGQTP - Progress Report

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  1. AGQTP - Progress Report

  2. Review • Professional Development for Teachers in the use of ICTs for effective teaching and learning. • Reflection on what the staff of St Andrews believes and value. http://jssalc.wikispaces.com/SDS+Session • Surveys were designed to elicit staff and student reflections on their learning

  3. Professional Development Activities • Professional Development Activities • Professional development and training • Staff briefing session • Student Free Days (January) • 19th April 2010, follow up sessions with year level teams. • 2nd planning sessions Week 10, Term 2 • Incidental sessions and ‘just in time’ training • Wednesday afternoon sessions, others as requested by teachers • Planning and review sessions with Project Team • External Consultant • ½ day planning and discussion about the feasibility of the project and possible resources • Teacher ICT Competency survey (All teachers involved in project) • Student ICT survey • Completed by a small selection of students in Prep – 3 • Completed by all students in Year 4 -6

  4. ICT Survey Results

  5. P -3 Do you know what Web 2.0 technologies are?

  6. Yr 4 -6 Do you know what Web 2.0 technologies are?

  7. Yr 4 -6 What software do you currently use for your classes?

  8. P – 3 :In what other ways would you like to use technology to improve your learning at school? • Learn faster • Digital camera • Games, science, Google Earth, moodle • Find out things for UOI • Movies, creating graphs, story writing, typing

  9. Year 4 – 6: In what other ways would you like to use technology to improve your learning at school? • More computers, more laptops • Maths, touch typing programs • Use email, publisher, excel, • Help me with my future • Use moshi monsters, write stories, make art on the computer • Ipads, iphones, listen to podcasts, DS • Wireless not protected, bring own computers to school • Using SmartBoard more often

  10. P – 3 How often do you use ICT?

  11. Yr 4 -6 How often do you use ICT?

  12. P -3 I am confident using the following ICTs in the classroom

  13. Yr 4 -6 I am confident using the following ICTs in the classroom

  14. P -3 I am confident using ICTs to create content and share my learning

  15. Yr 4 -6 I am confident using ICTs to create content and share my learning

  16. P -3 Web 2.0 I have enjoyed using these Web 2.0 tools:

  17. Yr4 -6 Web 2.0 I have enjoyed using these Web 2.0 tools:

  18. Web 2.0????????? • google images wordle, glogster, wallwisher, blog. mathleticesmoodlemoodleand googlemoodlemoodlesmart board wordlemoodlemoodle,ms.word MS email and MS excel. moodleMoodlegloster,modle,voicethredmoodlegroup wise mathletics, moodle,rainforestmathsmathleticsmoodlerainforestmathmoddlemathletictsmicrosoft word and moodle. msn lindo

  19. P- 3 I have also used the following to help me with my Unit of Inquiry and school work.

  20. I have also used the following to help me with my Unit of Inquiry and school work. 4 -6

  21. P -3 I believe using that ICTs is beneficial for my learning

  22. Yr 4- 6 I believe using that ICTs is beneficial for my learning

  23. Other comments P -3 • i think ICTs are a great way to learn things • I would like to lean more about tecnolagey • I THINK IT IS A GOOD THING TO LEARN. • I REALY LIKE DOING IT I .THINK I COULD LEARN LOTS MORE FROM IT . I LIKE DOING IT • I would like to type my work more computers in the class room I also like going to the D4lab • I like going on modle,I like going to the D4 Lab, • I would like to go on the computers more often. • DS\ ipad/ ipod/ iphone xbox360, wii, ds, groove shark, PS2, ipod, PS3 colour printer video camera

  24. Other comments 4 -6 • I would LOVE to use Moshi Monsters.com at school in ICT!!! • I love ICT because it is so much fun and you usually learn alot!!! • I would like to have access to more laptops so we all have one to use and don't have to share more laptops i would like to have more laptops so we all can have one and not have to share more laptop • i think ICTs are good enough now for the future • i would like to use publisher • I would like to use more interactive websites and have a laptop each to take home and bring back at the end of the year. • We don't have to share the laptops and we can have one each. • i use ICT for inquiry word and sometimes powerpoint MS word google,moodle • every one should have a computer

  25. http://sharing.theflip.com/greeting/15477984/sid/c0d3efb57f66cca7e9369ade683c805fhttp://sharing.theflip.com/greeting/15477984/sid/c0d3efb57f66cca7e9369ade683c805f Beliefs and values – Reporting and Assessment Policies • http://jssalc.wikispaces.com/VALUES

  26. Reflection:DO OUR PERSONAL BELIEFS & VALUES CORRELATE TO THE BELIEFS AND VALUES OF SALC? Beliefs and values – Reporting and Assessment Policies Intranet – Curriculum, Teaching and Learning http://intranet.standrewslutheran.qld.edu.au/moodle/course/view.php?id=255

  27. Assessment & Reporting Policy Beliefs and values • Assessment and reporting at St Andrews Lutheran College are based on the following fundamental beliefs: • 1. Every student is able to learn • 2. Individual progress of students should be celebrated • 3. Students learn at different rates and in different ways

  28. LearningWe believe that students learn best when: • Students feel valued, safe, supported and respected Therefore we will: • Develop positive relationships with students • Promote risk-taking among students and provide a classroom that allows students to grow and develop • Support the ‘whole’child – spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally • Listen to student ideas and opinions

  29. We believe that students learn best when: They are given time and opportunity to explore and question Therefore we will: • Make the relevance and purpose of activities clear to students • Develop a classroom culture of questioning that extends critical thinking • Provide open ended tasks with multiple entry points • Plan for units of work and tasks to extend over a sustained period of time

  30. We believe that students learn best when: Learning is challenging, motivating and enjoyable Therefore we will: • Allow students to make choices in their learning • Base activities around student interests • Communicate positive expectations and confidence in the learners’ abilities • Encourage students to embrace challenges and inquire into topics of interest

  31. We believe that students learn best when: Their learning is relevant and purposeful and connected to prior learning Therefore we will: • Assess prior knowledge, monitor and record student learning • Plan activities that allow students to build on their prior knowledge • Plan activities and make connections based around life like contexts • Integrate across Key Learning areas where appropriate

  32. We believe that students learn best when: The curriculum encourages students to be active participants in their learning and the teacher’s role is to facilitate this learning Therefore we will: • Acknowledge and value individual learning styles • Effectively model enthusiasm for learning and scaffold how to learn • Expose students to a variety of teaching strategies • Provide a supportive environment where students can be risk takers • Provide developmentally appropriate learning activities • Acknowledge and celebrate success

  33. We believe that students learn best when: The learning environment is responsive to student needs Therefore we will: • Allow students to work in groups, pairs or individually • Develop a flexible classroom arrangement • Provide access to adequate resources • Cater for individual learning styles • Acknowledge that social and emotional well being influences learning

  34. We believe that students learn best when: They have the opportunity to share and reflect on their learning Therefore we will: • Encourage students to discuss ideas as they work • Plan for a range of sharing experiences • Provide models for effective reflection • Inform students of learning outcomes • Provide structures for descriptive feedback between students and teachers and students • Foster a culture of seeking and considering a range of viewpoints

  35. We believe that students learn best when: Parents are involved in the educational partnership Therefore we will: • Inform parents of year level programs and outcomes • Seek to involve parents in classroom activities • Respect parent knowledge as a learning resource • Link classroom learning with the home

  36. Teachers are lifelong learners Therefore we will: • Be involved in professional development internally and externally • Aim for continual improvement of the teaching and learning program by being critically reflective of our practice • Engage in collaborative planning and sharing between staff members • Access current publications and resources

  37. Teaching and Learning ICT Toolbox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwS1MVZgTL8&feature=player_embedded http://jssalc.wikispaces.com/Teaching+and+Learning+ICT+Toolbox

  38. ICT Toolbox

  39. Visual Bloom’s

  40. Preparation for next week's SDS Professional Reading: Chapter 7 PYP and ICT:

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