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Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Wickline`s & Mrs. Nelson`s Rockin ` Class

Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Wickline`s & Mrs. Nelson`s Rockin ` Class. Brushy Creek Elementary 2013-14. About the Teachers. Mrs. Wickline: Loves family, karate, church, children, traveling and of course, teaching! Mrs. Nelson: Loves grandchildren, cooking and shopping!.

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Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Wickline`s & Mrs. Nelson`s Rockin ` Class

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  1. Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Wickline`s & Mrs. Nelson`s Rockin` Class Brushy Creek Elementary 2013-14

  2. About the Teachers Mrs. Wickline: Loves family, karate, church, children, traveling and of course, teaching! Mrs. Nelson: Loves grandchildren, cooking and shopping!

  3. Morning Arrival • If your child arrives before 7:45am they will wait in the supervised hallway with books to read or they will eat breakfast in the cafeteria. • From 7:45 to 8:00am students unpack and begin morning work (book or activity). • The morning news show runs from 8-8:15am.

  4. Math/Calendar • Calendar: This time is whole group and we review concepts such as time, money, counting, patterns, addition, subtraction and shapes as well as calendar skills. • Mrs. Nelson`s Math Table: This time is small group. We will use the Unique learning curriculum as well as Saxon Math. Both curricula encourage practical math skills that coordinate with individual IEP goals. • Independent Math Centers: Activities in these centers may be hands-on and/or a worksheet. They coordinate with the day`s math lesson, calendar time concept, or individual IEP goals. • Homework: Assignments will vary. Please check your child`s Take-home Folder for math homework. Complete with your child and return the following day.

  5. Spelling • Spelling words/homework: These very according to instructional level and are typically used in conjunction with Reading lessons. • Please use the notecards in the take-home folder to read AND spell words nightly with your child. • Your child will spell and apply words daily at independent writing centers and Mrs. Wickline`s table. • Tests are every Friday and delivery/format of the assessment varies according to instructional level.

  6. Reading/Writing • Reading groups: This time is individualized yet grouped based on instructional level. We will use the Edmark Reading Program and the Unique reading curriculum. See syllabus for more details. • DEAR: This is a self-selected silent reading time. Teachers rotate throughout the room to assist students. • Writing Centers: During these independent centers, students practice writing letters, spelling words and names in various formats in addition to completing many hands-on, fine motor activities. • Interactive Read-aloud: We will read a book and discuss it each day as a class. This may be on the Promethean board or a Big Book. Typically, snack is during this time. • Homework: Assignments will vary. Please check your child`s Take-home Folder for reading homework. Please read Baggie Books nightly with your child. Then sign and return the following day.

  7. Lunch • Our lunchtime is from 12:16-12:41pm. Please feel free to come eat lunch with your child! There is a parent/student lunch table where you may sit together. • We encourage good eating manners at lunch. Therefore, we award a “Lunch Manners Gold Medal” on a daily basis. • When sending in lunch or a snack, please remember that Brushy Creek is a “Nut Free Zone”!

  8. Library/Computer Lab • LIBRARY: Every other Friday is our library day. The students listen to a read-aloud with Mrs. Bennett and then have an opportunity to check out a library book. Students may take their books home, but please help your child to keep the books in good condition and to return them by the next Friday. • COMPUTER LAB: Students will attend Computer Lab on a weekly basis. During lab time, your child will work on a program called SuccessMaker. This is Reading and Math program. Students also use the program on our classroom computers during center rotations.

  9. Science/Social Studies • Science, Social Studies and Health units are based on K-3rd grade standards and are from the Unique curriculum. We may spend as long as two or three weeks per unit. • Mrs. Shafer and I will be “team-teaching” these units on rotational basis. • There occasionally will be homework and assessments may be in written or checklist format.

  10. Homework • Take-home Folders: Please check these nightly for homework. • Study spelling words nightly. • Please write a note if homework could not be completed.  • Students record homework completion in their Data Notebooks. If the student has completed his homework and returned all necessary parts of the take-home folder, he can color in the smilie face. If your child has three out of four smilie faces by Friday, he/she can pick a prize. • Homework is NOT graded. However, please let your child do as much of the homework as possible. You are there for guidance. 

  11. Assessments/Grading Policy • Weekly formal and informal assessments are given to check progress on IEP goals. • Quarterly progress reports and report cards are sent home. • Graded papers are sent home on Fridays. Some work is kept at school in portfolios. • Please see the syllabus for additional details.

  12. Classroom Management • Green cards: Goal is $5!! • Center Rotations: Goal is 4  = reward • Rockstar Compliment Bucket: Goal is 20 compliments = party!!! • Star Student of the Week • Lunch Manners Award

  13. Communication • Take-home Folders: Please check your child`s folder regularly for memos and homework. • Journals: Please jot down any notes for me and initial notes from me. • Website: Our website includes a digital copy of the newsletter, syllabus and special school or class events. • Email: This is a great way of reaching me. I check my email before and after school. cwickline@greenville.k12.sc.us • Phone: Any calls between 7:45 and 3:00pm will go to voicemail. • My number is 355-5462. • Newsletter: This will be sent home every Monday. It lists • academics for the week as well as special dates to remember. • It also features our “Star Student of the Week”.

  14. Thank You... for taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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