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The Moon

The Moon. By: Emilie Felax. Facts About the Moon. The moons real name is Luna The temperature on Luna (Moon) ranges from about 130°F in the daytime to -170°F at night. The moon is about 238,857 miles away from Earth. It would take about 80 moons to equal the mass of Earth.

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The Moon

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  1. The Moon By: Emilie Felax

  2. Facts About the Moon • The moons real name is Luna • The temperature on Luna (Moon) ranges from about 130°F in the daytime to -170°F at night. • The moon is about 238,857 miles away from Earth. • It would take about 80 moons to equal the mass of Earth. • The moon is the closest moon to the sun because Mercury and Venus don’t have moons. • The moon rotates at 10 miles per hour compared to the earth's rotation of 1000 miles per hour. • When a month has two full moons, the second full moon is called a blue moon. • The moon is not a planet, but a satellite of the Earth. • Only 59% of the moon's surface is visible from earth. • The moon is about ¼ the size of the Earth.

  3. Cool Facts About The Moon When Neil Armstrong took that historical step of "one small step for man one giant step for mankind" it would not have occurred to anyone that the step he took in the dust of the moon was there to stay. It will be there for at least 10 million years. From the moon, earth looks crystal clear. That is because the moon has no atmosphere to spoil the view. The moon also lacks water and any sign of life.

  4. Phases of the Moon • New Moon • Waxing Crescent • Waxing Half Moon • Waxing Gibbous • Full Moon • Waning Gibbous • Waning Half Moon • Waning Crescent • New Moon

  5. How Many Craters Are On The Moon? • Too many to count. • Approximately 300,000 craters visible from telescopes on the ground. • High-definition photographs from lunar probes reveal millions of craters. • Extreme close-ups show countless microscopic craters. • There are estimated to be roughly 300,000 craters wider than 1 km on the Moon's near side.

  6. Different Types of Craters • There are many different types of craters. Here are two types. • Simple Impact Craters: have bowl-shaped depressions, with smooth walls. This crater has a diameter less than 9 miles (15 km). Their depth is 20% of the diameter. • Complex Impact Craters: have a single or multiple peaks in the middle of the crater. These craters have diameters between 12 and 110 miles, and the central uplift is usually one or a few peaks.

  7. How Did The Craters Form On The Moon? • Scientists believe that almost all of the Moon's craters were formed from impacts; asteroids or meteors or comets or SOME kind of space rock that hit the Moon and caused the crater. • The moon has many more craters than Earth because it doesn’t have an atmosphere. The atmosphere of Earth acts like a shield. Even when there is a crater on Earth, it will soon be eroded by wind and water. Impact craters are collisions with the moon and an asteroid, meteorite, or comet. • These objects can hit at many different speeds, but it is usually an average of 12 miles per second. The speed, mass, and size if the object that is falling will have an impact on the size, and shape of the crater it leaves on the surface. Most craters have a diameter is about 15 kilometers. 

  8. Bibliographic Information • National Geographic website (www.nationalgeographic.com) • National Geographic Nature Library – Sky • www.Answers.com

  9. Thanks for watching

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