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Case Review Ablative:

Case Review Ablative: 15. Object of Certain Prepositions ( pro for, on behalf of, in front of; sine without), 16. Place Where ( in in, on; sub under), 17. Place from Which ( a, ab from, away from ; e, ex out of, from; de down from, concerning, about)

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Case Review Ablative:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Case Review Ablative: 15. Object of Certain Prepositions (pro for, on behalf of, in front of; sine without), 16. Place Where (in in, on; sub under), 17. Place from Which (a, ab from, away from; e, ex out of, from; de down from, concerning, about) 18. Means or Instrument (no preposition), 19. Manner (cum with), 20. Accompaniment (cum with), 21. Respect (no preposition), 22. Time When/Within Which (no preposition), 23. Agent (a/ab by), 24. Separation (a/ab from or no preposition), 25. Comparison (no preposition), 26. Cause (no preposition) 27. Degree of Difference ( with comparative degree word) 28. Ablative Absolute (noun + participle, noun + noun, noun + adjective) 29. Description (no preposition)

  2. Helvetii undiquefluminibus, montibus, lacucontinebantur. The Helvetians were hemmed in on all sides by rivers, mountains, and a lake. 18. Prima luceproelium commiserunt et hostibus diu resisterunt. The began battle at first light and resisted the enemy for a long time. 22. Numa rege, portae templi Jani clausae sunt. When Numa was king, the gates of the temple of Janus were closed. 28. Caesar ab urbeprofectus est et ad Genavam pervenit. Caesar set out from the city and arrived at Geneva. 17. Socii ejus comprehensipaucis post diebussine judiciointerfecti sunt. His allies, having been seized a few days afterwards, were killed without a trial. 27. 15.

  3. O dei immortales!In qua urbevivimus? • O immortal gods! In what city do we live. • 16. • Num incolae Carthaginis Romanosfortitudinesuperaverunt? • The inhabitants of Carthage have not surpassed the Romans in bravery, have they? • 21. • Haec fossa est latior quam illa; hoc flumen est altiusillo. • This ditch is wider than that; this river is deeper than that. • 25. • Regulus igiturab hostibus crudelissimisinterfectus est. • Regulus therefore was killed by a very cruel enemy. • 23. • Romanimagno periculoliberati sunt. • The Romans were freed from great danger. • 24.

  4. Legatos insignes mittunt quicum Caesareloquantur. They are sending distinguished ambassadors to speak with Caesar. 20. Romanimagna cum caedein fugam ab hostibus dati sunt. The Romans with great slaughter were put into flight by the enemy. 19. Timoremilites fugerunt. Because of fear the soldiers fled. 26. Scipio erat homomagna virtute. Scipio was a man of great courage. 29.

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