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The /l/ sound

The /l/ sound. The /l/ sound. 2 possible pronunciations (allophones) Clear-L (Light-L) Dark-L. Clear-L (or light-L). the /l/ is the same alveolar lateral as in Hungarian Examples: before a vowel: lip, look, love, slip, killing, taller before /j/: value, million, volume. Dark-L.

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The /l/ sound

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  1. The /l/ sound

  2. The /l/ sound • 2 possible pronunciations (allophones) Clear-L (Light-L) Dark-L

  3. Clear-L (or light-L) • the /l/ is the same alveolar lateral as in Hungarian • Examples: • before a vowel: lip, look, love, slip, killing, taller • before /j/: value, million, volume

  4. Dark-L • Velarized the tongue moves to the soft palate (velum) • Followed by a consonant or a pause The rule of L-darkening L-darkening refers to RP only! in GA, /l/ is dark in all positions

  5. Before a consonant: spilt belch killed else tallness Before a pause: pill bell kill stale tall Dark-L

  6. Clear-L vs. Dark-L

  7. Syllabic /l/ • One type of word-final /l/ is always dark • Syllabic /l/ the /l/ is found in a syllable that lacks a vowel • The /l/ is considered to take up the role of the vowel • e.g.: cycle /saɪkɫ/; channel /ʧænɫ/

  8. L-vocalization • in some none-standard varieties • dark-L is often articulated as an [o] like vowel • e.g.: milk /mɪok/; shelf /ʃeof/ • the consonant /l/ is replaced by a vowel

  9. Now it’s the experts’ turn… • http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/sounds/con_other_5.shtml • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t73MKAQszM

  10. …and here comes the self-made expert • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNlQ5ta5GxM (01:30-) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDrHT90kWwk

  11. Practice time! • People are awfully lazy in the middle of July. • The police compelled the folk dancers to leave the hall. • Gerald walked alone till about half past twelve.

  12. Practice time! • People are awfully lazy in the middle of July. • The police compelled the folk dancers to leave the hall. • Gerald walked alone till about half past twelve.

  13. References • Balogné Bérces Katalin, Szentgyörgyi Szilárd ed., Az angol nyelv kiejtése – The Pronunciation of English. Budapest: Bölcsész Konzorcium, 2006. pp.20-22. • Nádasdy Ádám. Practice Book in English Phonetics and Phonology. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2003. • Picture from: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~krussll/138/sec3/vowel.htm

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