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Unit 1

Unit 1. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Reading. Choose the correct answer to each question. l Why did Blackborow think that being "young, fit and energetic" would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip? A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energetic.

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Unit 1

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  1. Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained

  2. Reading

  3. Choose the correct answer to each question. l Why did Blackborow think that being "young, fit and energetic" would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip? A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energetic. B It would be cold and Shackleton would need young, energetic people to do difficult jobs. C Shackleton wanted people who were fit but not trained in useful skills. 1) Blackborow would not have gone unless he was young and energetic. √

  4. 2 Why did Shackleton accept Perce when he found him hiding in the ship after the voyage had started? A He didn't have time to turn round and take him back to England. B He admired his courage and encouraged him to stay. C He felt angry but could not show it so he accepted die boy. D He made the best of the situation. √

  5. 3 Why did Shackleton not show how disappointed he was when the ship sank? A He thought he could always organize another expedition. B He knew it would be easier to cross Antarctica without the ship C He felt the men would need encouraging after this disaster. D He had already taken all necessary supplies from the ship √

  6. Using language

  7. Grammar

  8. 1. He slept on firewood and straw to remind him of his sufferings. (P1) 【解析】remind提醒,使想起,使记起。 【考查方向】和一些意思相近的动词辨析,考查remind的用法:remind sb of sth/sb;remind sb to do sth;remind sb that…。 【真题再现】 ①In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. (江苏2005) A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped

  9. ②What you said just now _______ me of that American professor. (上海2000春) A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized 【点拨】①demand要求,需要;remind提醒;allow允许;hope希望。句意:小时候,我们经常被祖母提醒注意餐桌礼仪。首先,能带动词不定式做补足语的只有remind 和allow;其次,根据语境判断,此处应理解为“被提醒要做……”。故选B。 ②本题考查了remind sb of sb(sth)句式。句意:你刚才所说的话使我想起了那位美国教授。 选C。

  10. 2. Shacklenton was one of the most famous explorers of his day and it was considered a great honour to be part of any of his expeditions. (P2) 【解析】本句是consider的被动语态。它改为主动语态是:consider sb to be。句中consider意为“认为、以为”,后接动词不定式作宾补时,常用to be,如果接行为动词时,则用to have done作宾补,通常不跟 to do sth.。 【考查方向】consider作“考虑”讲时,后接动名词形式作宾语;consider作“认为”解时,常用于consider sb to be或consider sb to have done sth结构(谓语动词常用被动式)。

  11. 【真题再现】Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.(全国1993) A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented 【点拨】consider用于被动语态,后接动词不定式的完成时,表示该动作发生在谓语动作之前。选A。

  12. 3. “Hold on now, Perce. Don’t you go turning into another Tom, ” comes the reply. (P2) 【解析】hold on继续,继续坚持;忍受。 【考查方向】hold on常用于口语中,表示“抓住,继续,(电话)别挂断,继续坚持;忍受。”

  13. 【真题再现】 —Hello, John here. Can I speak to Mary, please? — _______ . (上海2000春) • Of course, but she’s out B. She will be back in a moment C. You may leave a message D. Hold on, please 【点拨】根据上下文对话内容可知,这是找约翰接电话,第二个人说:“别挂断,我去给你喊。”故答案为D。

  14. 4. With no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, the only fuel we could use was seal fat. (P9) 【解析】with常构成“with+宾语+宾补”的复合结构,在句中作状语或定语。 【考查方向】作宾补的常有名词、形容词、介词短语、过去分词、现在分词形式、动词不定式等,但过去分词表示已完成的动作或状态,它与宾语构成被动关系;动名词形式表示正在进行的动作或状态,它与宾语构成主动关系;动词不定式表示动作还没有发生。

  15. 【真题再现】 ①I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise ________.(北京2005) • going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on ②________ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor’s help to end her life. (2005江西) A.Having given up hope of cure B.With no hope for cure C.There being hope for cure D.In the hope of cure

  16. 【点拨】 ①本题须重点注意的是with 是介词,而非连词,所以它后面不能接句子;再者,noise和go on 构成主动关系,表示伴随,所以用动词-ing形式作状语。答案为A。 ②本题关键在于考虑到and的用法及句子的意思,由and前后结构一般大致可知,应选B。

  17. 5. As one of our group, Lionel Greenstreet noted in his diary after a few weeks how bored he was with the meals. (P9) 【解析】感叹句充当宾语从句。 【考查方向】感叹句有两种句式:①how+adj./adv.+主语+谓语! ②what+a(an) +(形容词)+名词+主语+谓语!感叹句充当宾语从句时,仍用感叹语序。

  18. 【真题再现】 ①Parents are taught to understand ______ important education is to their children’s future. (2004广东) A. that B. how C. such D. so ②I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ___ silly mistakes I had made.(湖南2005) A. what B. that C. how D. which 【点拨】 ①属于第一种句式:how+adj./adv.+主语+谓语! 答案为B。 ②属于第二种句式:what+a(an)+名词+主语+谓语!或what+形容词+名词+主语+谓语! 答案为A。

  19. Exercises

  20. 1.Nowadays more and more people think it challenging to ________ on dangerous journeys. A. risk B. struggle C. venture D. fight 2. The expedition team suffered beyond ________ when they got lost in the heavy forest. A. courage B. endurance C. perseverance D. rank 3. The story of rescue was so touching that all the students were listening with ________ attention. A. breathless B. soundless C. speechless D. delayless √ √

  21. 4. Luckily, most blind people ________ good senses of hearing and touch. A. bless with B. are blessed with C. bless in D. are blessed in 5. It was reported that all 224 passengers ________ died in the air-crash. A. boarding B. boarded C. on aboard D. aboard 6. The door fell down and ________ the vase beside it to pieces. A. pressed B. pushed C. crashed D. crushed √ √

  22. 7. It was doubtlessly ________ for the kids to play the same game all day long. A. discouraging B. discouraged C. boring D. bored 8. This kind of coal ________ a lot of smoke when ________. A. sends off; burnt B. sends off; burning C. gives off; burnt D. gives off; burning 9. Despite the failure of his experiments, the scientist ________ in his research. A. stuck B. insisted C. persevered D. continued √ √

  23. 10. The government is ________ building more boarding schools in the countryside. A. advising B. advocating C. arguing D. proposing 11. — How did he carry the badly injured lady to the hospital? — ________. A. It was of great care B. It was careful enough C. It was great care D. It was with great care √

  24. 12. --- Is Mr. Fan there? There is something I really need to talk to him about.     --- No, he is out. _____?     A. What’s that   B. What do you want to say     C. Can I take a message for him D. Can you trust me 13. --- Watch!     --- I _____ but I _____ anything unusual.     A. watched; have watched          B. have watched; see     C. was watching; wasn’t seeing  D. am watching; don’t see √ √

  25. 14. She became the first black woman to be _______ to the Senate. A. selected B. elected C. chosen D. picked out 15. The patient is supposed to go to the hospital for _______ checks. A. common B. normal C. regular D. usual √ √

  26. Language points

  27. 1 I try to think of happier things:warm and dry clothes,a cosy bedroom,sunny days,my mother’s face and the celebration we will get when we return,for I am part of failed expedition that tried to cross the continent of Antarctica,something that had never been done before我尝试着想一些快乐的事情:温暖和干爽的 衣服、舒适的卧室、阳光灿烂的日子、妈妈的脸庞 以及返家后得到的庆贺,因为我是试图横穿南极大 陆的一次失败探险活动的成员之一,这种事以前还 没有人做过。 值得注意的是,本句中出现了多种形式(如单 词、词组、分词、从句)的定语。for所引导的是 一个原因状语从句。

  28. expedition既可指“为特定目标而进行的团体 旅行或考察”,例如:a scientific expedition to the South Pole(对南极的科学考察),叉可指“参加 考察的团队”。在本句中,expedition取第二种意义, 即“探险队,远征队”。如: The expedition successfully reached the top of Mt Qomolongma.探险队员们成功登上珠穆朗玛峰的峰 顶。 An expedition was sent to photograph wild animals in Africa.一支探险队被派往非洲拍摄野生动物。

  29. 2.Our circumstances are so desperate that it is Uncertain whether we will ever return alive我们的境 况让人绝望,谁也不清楚会不会活着回去。 circumstance常用复数,表示“环境l情况{形 势”。如: The circumstances of this case are unusual这件 案子的情况很不寻常。 Due to certain circumstances beyond our control, We have been forced to close the exhibition for the next two days 由于某些不可拉因素,我们不得不在未来两天 关闭展览会。 常见短语有: in/under no circumstances意思是“决不}无 论如何也不”。

  30. 如: Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons中国决不首先使用核武器。 She won’t give up in any circumstances在任何 情况下她都不会屈服。 in,under the circumstances表示“在这种情况 下;因为这种情况”。如: It’s amazing that they did so well under the circumstances他们在这种情况下表现得如此出色, 实在令人惊叹。 In exceptional circumstances students may take exams at other times如遇特殊情况,学生可在其他 时段考试。

  31. alive (adj)意思是“活着的}活泼的”。这里 涉及到一个语法难点,即形容词作伴随状语,说明 状态,而不是方式。如: As soon as the king died,the queen was buried alive皇帝一死,皇后就被活埋。 Make sure that he is captured alive 一定要活捉他。 其它形容词作伴随状语的例子有: Suddenly he fell on the ground dead 突然,他倒地而死。 He went to bed,cold and hungry他上床睡觉时 觉得又冷又饿。

  32. 3.So it was with great excitement one morning in • July l914 that I read this advertisement:所以在1914 • 年7月的一个早晨,我是怀着无比激动的心情读以 • 下这则广告的: • 这旬是强调句型,正常语序是:I read this • advertisement with great excitement one morning in Jnlyl914

  33. 4 On January l8th,1915 the Endurance became stuck in pack ice (which can be solid or broken into huge floating pieces of ice )as we approached Antarctica • 1915年1月18日,正当我们接近南极洲之时,“持久号”被海上的浮冰(有的坚硬无比,有的破裂成若干块巨大的冰块漂浮在水上)卡住了。、 • stuck是stick的过去分词,意思是“被固定、卡住、塞住或阻住”。。

  34. 如: • The bus was stuck in the mud公共汽车陷在泥 • 里动不了了。 • The key stuck in the lock钥匙卡在锁里拔不出 • 来。 • He got stuck in traffic for an hour and missed the • train他被堵在路上一个小时,误了火车。 • pack ice是一个固定短语,意思是“海上大浮 • 冰”(an expanse of large pieces off floating ice driven • together into an early continuous mass)

  35. 5 I believe Shackleton must have mourned this • unexpected end to his expedition,but he did not waste • time on regrets我相信沙克尔顿肯定会对这次探险 • 意想不到的结局而痛心,但他没并有把时间浪费在 • 遗憾和悔恨中。 • must have表示对过去事情的猜测,而且是很 • 有把握的猜测。

  36. 如: • He looked great He must have enjoyed his holiday他看上去气色很好,他一定是度过了一个开心 • 的假期。 • My coat isn’t there Someone must have taken it • by mistake我的外套不在那儿,准是有人拿错了。

  37. 6 Soon Shackleton set out the framework for our • life here:no differences in rank or in social status; • everyone to keep busy;a fair division of food and • bedding;and a concerti for削1不久沙克尔顿给我们 • 这里的生活列出了规矩:取消级别和社会地位上的 • 差异,每个人都得忙起来·公平分配食物和卧具, • 关心每一个人。

  38. set out在本句中的意思是“清楚而详细地解释 • 或描绘”(to explain,describe,or arrange something in • a clear and detailed way,especially in writing)。如: • The reasons for my decision are set out in my • report我在报告里逐项列出了做出该决定的原因。 • He set out his plans for the department in his • report他在报告中详细陈述了他对部门发展的计划

  39. set out还有其它的意义:认真着手(做某事); • 出发,陈列或摆设。如: • When we set out on this project,we knew it would • be successful当我们着手做这个项目时,我们就知 • 道它一定会成功。 • After a short rest,we set out again稍作休息后, • 我们再次出发。 • Please set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of • ten请把开会要用的椅子摆成十个一排。

  40. 词语联想 set about (sth)着手(某项工作) setback妨碍,阻碍 set down把 放下来 set in(气候、季节等)开始 set off动身,出发{发射 set up竖起I创立

  41. 7 The danger of what lay ahead of them,the chances of them ever returning to find us,the fear that We might never know their fate and possible delays,at First made us feel low and discouraged起初,他们将 面临的危险、回来寻找我们的机会,以及害怕再也 无从知晓他们的命运和可能的耽搁,都使我们情绪 低落、沮丧不已。

  42. 本句的主语由三个名词词组并列组成,the • danger,the chances...The fear,但值得注意的 • 是,三个名词词组后面的短语或从句结构的语法功 • 能不尽相同:of what lay ahead of them是danger的 • 定语,of them ever returning to finds是chances的 • 定语,that引导的从旬是修饰fear的同位语从句。

  43. 8 If this stands for a period of time its salt disappears and it becomes fresh water suitable for drinking如果冰块溶化了一段时间,水里面的盐分 就会消失,之后变成适于饮用的淡水。 stand在这里的意思是“使(液体)保持静止不 动,静置·沉淀”。如: Leave the water to stand overnight让水沉淀一 晚。 Stand the mixture for 20 minutes and see what happens将混合溶液静置20分钟,看看会发生什么 变化。

  44. 9 We could also eat the remains when the fire died down火熄灭后我们也可以吃剩下的东西。 值得注意的是.remains并不是r咖甜n的复数, remain~,有动词意义,而无名词意义。remains是一 个复数形式的名词,意思是“剩余物;遗迹;遗体; 残骸”。如: the remains of a meal残羹剩饭 the remains of an army残兵败将 His remains are buried in the churchyard他的尸 体葬在教堂的墓地里。

  45. die down的意思是“渐弱;渐熄”(to become less strong or violent)。如: The wind died down风势渐渐弱了下来。 The excitement soon died down那股兴奋劲儿 渐渐冷了下来。 词语联想 die away(声音、风、光等)渐渐减弱,甚 至停止 die o行 c有生命的群体)一个接一个地死去 die out (家族、种族、习俗、观念等)完全 消失一绝种

  46. 10 As a chef, it was my duty to clean and cook these animals so 1 was soon being encouraged to vary the meals in whatever way I could It was difficult作 为厨子,我的责任就是把这些动物清洗干净并做成 熟肉。没过多久,他们就不断鼓动我想方设法变化 伙食的花样。这可真不容易。 chef和cook都有“厨师”的意思,但chef多 指“厨技高超的男性厨师,主厨”,而cook则泛指 “烹调食物的人”。

  47. 如: • He works as a chef in a restaurant.他在一家餐馆 • 当厨师。 • Who is the cook in your family?在你们家谁做 • 饭? • 这里有两个it,所指代的对象不同。第一个it • 是形式主语,指代to clean and cook these animals, • 而第二个it是代词,指代前旬中的to vary the meals • in whatever way I could。

  48. vary意思是“改变,变化·使多样化”,既可 作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。如: The temperature varies from time to time温度时 有变化。 The teacher was advised to vary his teaching methods有人建议这位老师改变一下教学方法。 Mom is a good cook;she varies the meals so that Whenever get tired of eating at home:妈妈是个好厨师。 她总是变换饭菜的口味,所以我们从不厌烦在家吃 饭。

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