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Second Grade is Amazing!

Join Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. Mitchel, and Mrs. Wymer in the exciting journey of second grade. Stay updated with the daily schedule, communication methods, behavior expectations, assessments, and homework. Let's make learning fun!

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Second Grade is Amazing!

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  1. Second Grade is Amazing! GO CREW #2 Starring: Mrs. Clark Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. Mitchel, and Mrs. Wymer

  2. 2nd Grade Crew diana.lovell@allenisd.org @lovellsfalcons stacey.mitchel@allenisd.org @SMitchel02 stefanie.clark@allenisd.org @Mrs_Clark_Story melissa.wymer@allenisd.org @MrsWymer02 GO CREW #2

  3. 2nd Grade Schedule 7:40 – 7:45 Prepare for the day/Lunch Count/Attendance 7:45 – 7:55 Morning Announcements 7:55 – 9:20 Math 9:20 – 9:25 Snack 9:25 - 9:55 Recess 10:00 – 10:30 Fly Time 10:30 – 11:45 Reading/Writing 11:45 - 12:15 Lunch 12:15 – 1:00 Reading/Writing 1:00 - 1:15 Social Studies 1:15 - 2:00 Specials 2:00 – 2:30 Science 2:30 – 2:45 Second Steps 2:50 – 2:55 Dismissal

  4. Communication • Daily Folders (Please initial each day) • Graded papers will be in the Daily Folder on Thursdays. • 2nd Grade monthly electronic newsletter and Story Teller • Teacher e-mail • Story 2nd Grade web page • “Remind” APP – Second Grade 19-20 • Class Dojo – Contact teacher for student’s specific code If there is a last minute change in how your student will go home from school, please call the office instead of e-mailing your student’s teacher.

  5. Behavior Story Elementary has implemented the Second Steps Program to assist children sort through complicated emotions, make sound decisions, build positive relationships, and manage strong feelings. Story Elementary has a school wide discipline plan that the teachers and students will follow. The Daily Folder will contain a behavior chart, homework, notes and/or other items. Teachers will give warnings for most inappropriate behavior before issuing any conduct marks. Warnings will be written in their folder as an indication that they had more than one verbal warning. A note will be given after the written warning if the behavior continues, and will be recorded as a daily conduct mark. More severe behaviors will result in immediate consequence and will be recorded as a conduct mark. Please initial in the space for each day to communicate to us that you have seen the behavior chart. The students are required to take this home each night and return the following day. This is our way of communicating to the parents if there is a behavior issue from day to day. So, please check this nightly. # of Conduct Marks = 9 Weeks Conduct Grade O = 0-3 S = 4-9 N = 10-15 U = 16+

  6. Behavior Students who are following expectations will receive Falcon Bucks and/or Dojo Points that can be used to purchase a special activity. Students may also be given special privileges for setting a good example for others to follow. Additionally, please note that all extra-curricular activities are a privilege and can be taken away if there are behavior concerns. This includes parts of or whole events. Some of the activities that are included in this, but are not limited to, are: Field Day, assemblies, field trips, talent show, yearbook signing, class parties, and kickball tournaments. In Art, Music, and PE, the expectations are that students follow our school’s rules.  If a student breaks a rule, they will receive a verbal warning.  If it happens again (or for a serious offense) they will receive a written conduct mark.  A note will go home with the student and will need to be signed by the parent and returned to school.  The number of conduct marks will determine a student’s conduct grade in specials, using the following:   O = 0-1 marksS = 2-3 marks N = 4-5 marks U = 6+ marks

  7. Grades Grades will only be accessible through Skyward. Hard copies will not be sent home. See the chart below for progress report and report card dates. Skyward is also available as an APP once you have signed up. The link for Family Access (Skyward) on the AISD District webpage is: https://www.allenisd.org/domain/73

  8. Assessments CCA Assessment- Approximately every six weeks, we will be giving the CCA campus assessment in reading and math. This data will be used to determine the needs for your child in these two subjects. This will help us place them appropriately for our FLYtime intervention block. The FLYtime groups are flexible and fluid and may be changed after each assessment is given. This intervention block includes classes in either SSI or another teacher’s class, to focus on the skills which would be needed to either fill gaps in learning, or provide practice/extension in reading or math. ISIP Assessment- ISIP is a computer program used to assess students’ reading levels. Students take this assessment at the beginning of every month. This data is also used to help determine the needs for each child.

  9. Homework • Reading – 20 minutes nightly • Math – 10 minutes nightly • Students will not have to record their reading minutes or math minutes. We encourage each student to take responsibility for their learning at home. Additional homework may be assigned as the need arises. • Unfinished daily work will be sent home to complete as necessary.

  10. Reading In second grade, literacy is an important part of our day. So many things happen to enrich, scaffold, and build on every student’s literacy exposure and experience. Students are exposed to many different genres and text styles. Teachers love to share their mentor texts to model fluency with read-alouds and explain what good authors do to create mental pictures in the reader’s minds. The students have the opportunity to build their reading stamina through daily reading activities.

  11. Reading • Fluency: Fluency is the ability to read smoothly with few or no errors and have the ability to read with expression. If a student is able to read fluently, then he or she will better comprehend what was read. Research shows that a second grader should be able to read 80-100 words per minute. • What Good Readers Do:Students learn what good readers do across different genres by making connections, creating mental images, asking questions, and understanding story elements. • Reading Strategies:Students learn to use ideas to make and confirm predictions. They also learn to ask questions, seek clarification, and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers from evidence from text. Students will read for pleasure and to acquire information.

  12. Reading At home, you can… • Have your child read every night. Research shows that the more a child reads the better reader, writer, and speller he/she will be. Read with your child. You can take turns reading pages. You are a great role model for your child. A child is never too old to listen to their parents read to them. • Check for understanding as they read. You can help your child practice this skill by having them stop after reading a few pages and tell you what they just read about. • Encourage your child to read “just-right” books. Books that are too hard require a lot of decoding unknown words and slows the comprehension of the story. Books that are too easy do not challenge the reader to develop their reading skills.

  13. Writing • We will be using elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. • Students will write: Stories, poems, letters, informational texts, persuasive statements, and personal narratives. • We will teach and practice writing complete sentences. We will also work on capitalization and punctuation. • Most of the time, we will use a rubric to assess a student’s written piece.

  14. Writing At school we will… • write every day • keep our writing in a writing journal • publish some pieces of our writing • We will also be working on listening attentively, asking relevant questions, and following directions. • Students will work on speaking clearly and to the point as well as working productively with others.

  15. Writing At home, you can… • write in front of your child to model different forms of writing such as letters, emails, lists, or journaling. • give your child a special notebook for them to write in at home. Encourage them to write in their notebook. • help your child stretch/sound out words and pointing out the letters/sounds that they heard correctly. Please do not automatically spell words for your child. • keep a word wall in a folder by giving each letter a page and writing down words that your child struggles with or has practiced sounding out. Students need to practice using resources such as word walls, dictionaries, thesaurus, and spell check.

  16. Word Work We will be studying in our Words Their Way books for phonics, as well as practicing Patterns of Power for grammar: • Word families with short and long vowels • Consonant clusters, blends, and digraphs • Y as a consonant and vowel • Vowel digraphs • Prefixes, suffixes, irregular plurals • Doubling final consonant, r-controlled words, and dropping /y/ and changing to /i/ • Rhyming words

  17. Word Work At school, we will… • create word lists that use our rule for the week. • review and practice high-frequency words from the district word list. • add words to our class word wall and our personal word walls. • increase our vocabulary by identifying meaning of unknown words. At home, you can… • help your child with high-frequency words. • have your child do activities using the words on his/her individual word list • create a word list with your child using the rule that is being taught at school for the week.

  18. Math We will be studying: Place Value to 1,200 • Counting, place value-thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, comparing and ordering numbers using symbols and language Addition and Subtraction Facts • Strategies for recalling and applying basic facts such as counting on, making a 10, using doubles and neighbors • Flexible strategies when adding and subtracting larger numbers Time and Measurement • Telling time to minute intervals, measuring in standard units Money and Personal Financial Literacy • Counting coin combinations to $1, importance of saving and understanding the banking system

  19. Math At home you can… • Use flashcards *Addition and Subtraction flashcards purchased at most stores including Dollar Tree or Walmart *Homemade flashcards using index cards or paper • Use Playing cards *Playing cards can be purchased at most stores • Practice adding to ten and twenty to increase fluency • Practice subtraction facts from ten and twenty • Look for patterns • Use a Notebook or a dry erase board • Practice identifying coins & counting money • Telling time on an analog clock and working on elapsed time passed.

  20. Math Math Fact Practice It is important to practice your math facts for addition and subtraction on a regular basis. You can practice in any way that works for YOU! Below are some suggestions of different ways that might make practicing facts fun! These websites may be helpful to practice your facts: http//prodigy.com http://gregtangmath.com/ - click games, Kakooma https://www.prodigygame.com/ - practice a variety of grade level skills https://www.mathplayground.com/ - great variety of addition games http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com/ - click games, grade 2 & games are listed with descriptors http://www.lizardpoint.com/math/index.html - can play online or print worksheets https://www.sumdog.com/ - practice facts (any operation) https://www.ixl.com/math/ - has all skills, but you can search “math facts” http://www.aaamath.com/grade2.htm- pick skill, then scroll down for lessons, practice & games http://www.kidsites.com/sites-edu/math.htm - links to many other sites that may be useful for practice http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/math.htm - leveled games for all operations

  21. Math Games Play any of these games with a family member or friend. • Fact Practice War: Deal out a deck of cards between two players. Players can hold their decks or lay the piles face down on the table. Both players then turn over one card at the same time. When the two cards are down, players see who can add or subtract the two cards the fastest to find the sum or difference. Whoever says the correct answer first wins those cards. At the end of the game, the players count their cards. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins. *Each player can lay 2 cards down at the same time and state the answer to their own problem. Whoever has the greater answer wins. • Write the Equation: Shuffle playing cards and lay them face down in a stack. Player 1 draws five cards from the top of the stack. In one minute, Player 1 should try to write and solve as many addition equations as possible, using only the five numbers drawn. Repeat the steps where Player 2 draws five cards. Whoever wrote the most equations wins the round. Play until all of the cards are used.

  22. Math Games • UNO Addition/Subtraction: Use the same rules as the game UNO but add this feature…Each player must roll dice and give the sum or difference of the two numbers before playing or drawing a card. • GO FISH – but make TEN instead of books. • Dice Game Roll a die twice, or a pair of dice, and add or subtract the two numbers. To add another layer to the game, you can add the sums or differences together and play “Race to 500” (or another number). Apps Checkout these apps to help you practice your skills. Remember, these are just a few suggestions…there are a TON of apps out there! ☺ Flash to Pass-free version or $0.99 paid version Practice all types of facts while being timed Math vs. Zombies – Math Games-$4.99 Practice facts while fighting zombies Math Drills- $1.99 Practice all types of facts with the questions asked in a variety of ways Kakooma- free Fun way to practice addition facts Splash Math Grade 2-$9.99 Kind of pricey, but it might be worth it! This app has fact practice, but it really is an overall app. It has games and practices for almost all of the concepts covered in 2nd grade.

  23. Science In 2nd grade we learn that scientists: Observe Classify Predict Test Plan Record Communicate information

  24. Science We will be studying: Matter and Energy • Classify matter, combine materials to make something new, and make changes to physical properties Force and Motion • Light, heat, and magnets Earth and Space • Rocks, fresh & salt waters, natural & man-made resources, weather, water cycle, and the moon Plants and Animals • Basic needs, life cycles, and observe how living organisms depend on each other and their environment

  25. Science At school we will: keep a Science Notebook, which includes a Table of Contents. We will record our observations and keep important resources in the notebook. submit Class Science Fair Project. At home you can: encourage students to observe closely, collect & classify, talk about the weather & appropriate clothing, observe the moon and changes we see, and compare items. submit individual Science Fair Project

  26. Social Studies We will be studying: • History - Historical significance of landmarks and celebrations, timelines, sources of information, and historical figures. • Government- Functions of government, roles of public officials, elections, and government services. • Citizenship - Characteristics of good citizens, patriotic songs, national and state symbols, the Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas flag. • Economics - Goods and services, producers and consumers, choices we make in the U.S. free enterprise system, and development of product from natural resources to finished product.

  27. Social Studies • Geography Maps and globes, landforms, bodies of water, weather and seasonal patterns, natural resources, and conservation • Culture Local cultural heritage, significance of various ethnic and cultural celebrations • Science, Technology, and Society Changes due to science and technology in communication, transportation, and recreation • Social Studies Skills • Take field trip to Heritage Village and Frontiers of Flight Museum to compare then and now. Various resources to obtain information, communicating orally, visually, and written, and problem solving and decision making skills

  28. 2nd Grade Field Trips • Dallas Heritage Village- November 5th • $11.00 per participant • We will have 4 chaperones per class. Once you sign up and pay via SchoolPay, your spot will be reserved. • Sea Life Aquarium- Spring 2020 • Approximately $14.00 per participant • We will have 4 chaperones per class. Once you sign up and pay via SchoolPay, your spot will be reserved.

  29. Stay in the Know… Follow us on Twitter: Diana Lovell Stefanie Clark @lovellsfalcons @Mrs_Clark_Story Stacey Mitchel Melissa Wymer @SMitchel02 @MrsWymer02 We will use the Remind 101 app to communicate with parents. It will also be used on Field Trips to communicate with chaperones. Thank you for installing the app on your phone!   Second Grade 19-20 @f2bca2

  30. 2nd Grade Crew diana.lovell@allenisd.org @lovellsfalcons stacey.mitchel@allenisd.org @SMitchell02 stefanie.clark@allenisd.org @Mrs_Clark_Story melissa.wymer@allenisd.org @MrsWymer02

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