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African dwarf frogs

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African dwarf frogs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Meet Fierce and Pierce Our African Dwarf Frogs Hymenochirusboettgeri

  2. The African dwarf frog originated from the streams and small rivers of central Africa. Now they live in our apartment in London, Ontario in their own ecosystem.

  3. Ecosystem Bamboo plant acts as natural aerator providing oxygen Natural spring water The gravel acts as a natural biological filter, converting excess food and waste to soluble nutrients used by the bamboo plant. It also removes ammonia, preventing water from becoming dirty and toxic.

  4. African dwarf frogs live entirely under water, coming up to the surface periodically to breathe air. The lid prevents the frogs from jumping out of the tank and quickly dehydrating.

  5. African Dwarf frogs: • are tongueless • are toothless • do not weigh more than a few ounces • grow to a maximum of 2.5 inches • have a life expectancy of about 5-15 years

  6. Food Fierce and Pierce each eat two of these tiny food pellets twice a week. The bag will last a year! African dwarf frogs also eat freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, and frozen brine shrimp.

  7. Fierce and Pierce Burbling When stationary, they float in one spot, with legs and arms completely outstretched, resting on one foot. This “Zen position” is a normal behaviour called "burbling".

  8. African dwarf frogs are nocturnal. Click on the photo below, to watch Fierce and Pierce frolicking at night.

  9. They Sing! Click the icon below to hear the sound Fierce and Pierce make. Males “sing” when mating or excited. As our frogs are both males, note that African dwarf frogs “sing” even if they have no intention of mating.

  10. Fierce and Pierce, two distinct personalities, bring us much joy. Perhaps this introduction will tempt you to investigate African dwarf frogs further.

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