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I have been in ING for 9 years. Actually, the first 5 years was in Credit Risk dept., and after that I moved to Market Risk dept. Though Seoul branch is composed of 50:50 men & women, roughly saying, all the collegues in our dept are women.
I have been in ING for 9 years. Actually, the first 5 years was in Credit Risk dept., and after that I moved to Market Risk dept. Though Seoul branch is composed of 50:50 men & women, roughly saying, all the collegues in our dept are women. In general, as a market risk manager, I review risk parameters and monitor risk expsoure through various reports. Besides I am also involved with an-hoc projects. For instance, nowadays I am spending most of my time in the Historical VaR project, which involves extensitve testing, flow review etc. In spite of some bugs to solve, a tight schedule, I expect we would have HVaR in place mid of next year, at any rate.
Dear Stephen, Please find my sentences as below. And your keen correction would be greatly appreciated. 1. I'm working as a Corporate Sales in Financial Markets Dep't. In addition, I've been here for 3 years. 2. I help my clients to hedge their FX risks. On the whole, I offer suitable hedging structures to the client, and quote the prices when they request for it. 3. I'm providing my client with daily market comments. At least, they can get the current FX or interest rate information from me. 4. I'm reporting my job status to DH Ahn and JH Hyun. Therefore, they evaluate me based on it every year. 5. FM Sales team is consist of 5 members including myself. In short, our team is relatively smaller than other banks' sales size. Thank you very much. Best regards,
I am working in Finance department. On the whole, my job is reporting to the local regulatory such as BOK, FSS. In addition, I provide the internal report to the head office. For your information, I joined ING in October 2008.
Dear customer, I’m pleased to receive your query and I hope you are satisfied with my proposal below. Recently our bank is gathering some investors for the deposit linked to KOSPI index. At maximum, the rate will be 40% when the increase of KOSPI is over and at 20% compared the KOSPI on deposit date. At minimum, 0% is when the change on KOSPI index is within 20%. We don’t’ have any product to give over 6% fixed rate. In addition, tax scheme is regular. The due date is end of this month, thus if you have interest on it, please contact to 123.5678 via phone to speed up. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Dear Stephen - I have been in charge of FX, money market products in ING Seoul branch for 10years. In fact this career is one of the longest experience in Korean market. - My boss is JH Hyun, Head of Financial Market ING Seoul branch. What’s more he has good sense in Korean market. - I’m a trader, my main counterparties are banks. Therefore I have good relationship with most banks. - My department consists of trading desk and sales desk. In general each desk helps each other. - I have to do deals in the limit of credit line. For instance settlement limit and tenor limit are the examples of credit line. Best regards
I'm work for ING Bank Seoul Branch for 6 years as a HR generalist in Human Resources department. Currently, I'm reporting to MS Kim of Head of Human Resources Korea. I'm responsible for staff compensation, training, assistance to head of HR based on region and all HR activitis. For example, I prepare staff salaries, arrange internal & external training, control staff movements and communication with regional office to solving related to HR problem such as staff evaluation, holiday, HR management system, etc. I hope to improve my career in HR field therefore I'm considering take an external training courses, in addition, I need to read business articles in English as well.
Dear Mr Parsons, I joined ING 5 years ago as a experienced staff and had a tough time to adjust under new environment. Nevertheless, it was a really good chance to get knowledge about various products and give us valuable memories as well. What's more, I am having a good relationship with other collegues enjoying chat sometimes. In general, I am satisfied with my job here although it's not quite easy to do my workload as well as solve any problems which I often face during my working hours. Best regards,