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Budget Work Session

Budget Work Session. Presentation 6:00 p.m. January 26, 2011. Presentation of updated Expenditure Increases and Revenue Decreases Review of Community and Staff surveys on Reductions and Possible Improvements Presentation of the Expenditure Reduction List Short video on Education

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Budget Work Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Budget Work Session Presentation 6:00 p.m. January 26, 2011

  2. Presentation of updated Expenditure Increases and Revenue Decreases • Review of Community and Staff surveys on Reductions and Possible Improvements • Presentation of the Expenditure Reduction List • Short video on Education • Public Comment • Confirmation of February 9 or 16 as next Budget Work Session

  3. Total Increased Expenditures/Decreased Revenues for 2011-2012 School Year Decreased enrollment: $161,000 STEPS: $54,760 PERS: $58,214 FLEX: $110,410 Contingency: $62,700 5% Decrease is SSF: $250,000 Bus Maintenance: $15,000 End/Begin Fund Balance: $76,058 1% or $32.50 Insurance: $34,139 Social Studies Books: $40,000 Total Decreases/Expenditures: $862,281

  4. Unknowns and Additions to Expenditures and Decreased Revenues since January 5, 2011 The May adjustment $5.7 -$5.357 or less Enrollment: Has decreased by 5 students, resulting in an additional enrollment funding decrease of $28,745 since the January 5, 2011 Budget Work Session. FLEX Dollars: The Lane ESD service plan for OSD has increased by $90,000 since January 5, 2011. 11% SPED Cap: Contacted M. Wiltfong of ODE – remembers notice, but does not know how (or even ‘if’) that will effect SSF funds District Workman’s Comp insurance increases $5,000 for 2011-2012 Fuel cost increases anticipated to be 15%, or $13,800. Water and electricity costs will increase approximately $15,000.

  5. Adjusted (since 1.5.2011)Total Increased Expenditures/Decreased Revenues for 2011-2012 School Year Decreased enrollment: $161,000 $189,745 (decrease of 5 students since 1.5.11) STEPS: $54,760 PERS: $58,214 FLEX: $110,410$200,000 Contingency: $62,700 5% Decrease is SSF: $250,000 ($95,590 as of 1.25.11 Gov. Statement) Bus Maintenance: $15,000 End/Begin Fund Balance: $76,058 1% or $32.50 Insurance: $34,139 Workman’s Compensation: $5,000 Water and electricity: $15,000 Fuel (Heating oil, propane, gas) $13,800 Unemployment $84,000 (to the $750,000 “red” mark) Grant Writer Position $3514 Social Studies Books: $40,000 Total Decreases/Expenditures: $862,281 $907,520

  6. ERL List Survey Results Synopsis of suggestions: All returned survey data placed on website. *Cut administration: (Cut superintendent; Cut OHS/OJH Principal; Cut Maintenance/AD; Cut Technology/Bus Supervisors; freeze administration pay increases; One principal for whole district; use head teachers instead of administrators; Combine positions, i.e., Superintendent/SPED/OHS/OJH Principal/maintenance/AD; use ‘Head Teachers’ or teachers instead of administrators or supervisors) *Cut teachers (basically all OHS and OJH teachers specifically noted) *Do fundraising *Blend classrooms *Cut SPED services (aides, consolidate services; SLP; Behavior Specialist) *Conserve utilities (turn off computers on weekends; don’t turn off heat on weekends; cut paper use; water leaks) *Cut secretaries (1 sec. at OES; no secretary for OJH; one office in OJSHS) *Eliminate Classified aides *Eliminate extra duty stipends (coaches; TAG; stud. govern., sub callers, etc) *Cut PE (Cut at OES; Cut at OJH; Cut at OHS; Give credit for sports; have OES teachers teach PE) *Reduce bus pickups; don’t transport students within one mile

  7. ERL List Survey Results *Negotiate other compensation increases other than pay increases *Encourage retirements of certified and classified *Energy Audit *Have transportation supervisor do annuals of buses *Cut days *Close Buildings During summer *Cut Behavioral Specialist *Cut field trips *Cut athletics (eliminate non-league; cut golf team; cut overnight trips; one option per season per gender; cut all sports for one year) *Contract out buses *Contract custodians (make custodians 9 month employees; eliminate Fridays for custodians) *Combine Kitchens; only have one food choice option *Eliminate FRC *Consolidate schools *District level clerical to LESD; Cut LESD services

  8. ERL List Survey Results *Replace teachers with part time retired teachers *Only hire employees who live in the district *One Office at OHS *Cut librarian *Cut OJH Secretary *All employees pay for all of their insurance *Sell Westridge *Cut District Office work (Fridays only; no summer work) *Teachers secure own subs: Cut sub callers *Sell old District Office (FRC) *Cut the counselor position *Larger class sizes at the high school and junior high school *Cut LESD Services *Replace teachers with aides *Move 6th grade to OJH and cut one sixth grade teacher *Find Grants *Cut advanced classes; Do away with A.P. classes

  9. Suggested Improvements *Get more community involvement (volunteers); have retired teachers teach instead of current teachers *Don’t close OES *Play the lottery *Do the right thing – don’t take away from our kids’ futures *Keep all-day kindergarten *Use EAs for more tasks *Use retired employees more; Have retired teachers teach classes(Pers. Finance; Government; etc, and have district employees offer other classes; use guest teachers); Retired employees being hired wouldn’t cost district benefits *Don’t make any radical changes – keep things how they are; don’t try anything new *We can not improve anything in these times *Maximize communication efforts – use the DME more; Use newsletters more *Provide more electives *Encourage staff to be more positive; put students first *More after school programs *Have the counselor teach a class *Reward those who are working hard *Have low level classes in the high school; Have remedial classes in the high school/junior high *Keep technology up to date; Focus on technology; Have students do more on technology; Have more technology for the younger kids *Use DATA teams and PLCs more *Offer or add classes that help students get ready for real life (Home Ec., woodshop; shop ); more life skills classes on Friday’s from 21st century grant; Increase Art offerings, but more than just regular art) *Offer more challenging courses at OHS *Offer remedial classes for students who are struggling

  10. Suggested Improvements *Combine upper level classes; increase class sizes at the high school and junior high *Add more challenging courses *Improve the Web page *Have older kids mentor younger kids on Fridays at Friday school; Student Mentor Program *Reduce report cards to three times a year instead of four times a year *Move to a proficiency based model; Use ability level classroom groupings *Stop promoting students who have not mastered essential skills or met state benchmarks; Retain students more often; increase expectations for student performance *Have teachers continue to observe and learn from each other *Go back to trimester schedules; go to block classes *Have school year round; take away summer vacation and spread out the school days through summer *Combine OHS/OJH libraries and open libraries with full staffing *Increase teacher prep time *Have students do grounds maintenance *Continue with reading and math programs *Increase trainings; use LESD trainings more for all staff *Consolidate all three schools in one building with storage units; Don’t wait: consolidate *Don’t have students miss school to go skiing; plan activities for Fridays *Keep sports programs; *Establish an Education Foundation to raise funds *Increase PE offerings

  11. Expenditure Reduction List

  12. Changing Education Paradigm Videos\Education Changing the paradigms.flv

  13. REALITY We have a continuing decline in enrollment and a continual decline in revenues/student. No one wants to close elementary school. Massive cuts are going to occur. Social promotion is fundamentally flawed. The children of Oakridge deserve a well-rounded education that allows them to explore and achieve to their potential. Does advancing students because they have had a birthday accomplish that goal?

  14. Next Budget Work Session is February 16th, 2011 at 6:00 in the District Board Room

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