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TRANSPORT AND SOCIETY. Aspects. 1. Environmental. 2. Economic. 3. Cultural. 4. Location. 5. Oil reserves. 6. Distances. Activity 1. Look at the following pictures and classify which transport is used and which is not used nowadays. You have 5 minutes to do the activity.

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  2. Aspects 1. Environmental. 2. Economic. 3. Cultural. 4. Location. 5. Oil reserves. 6. Distances.

  3. Activity 1 Look at the following pictures and classify which transport is used and which is not used nowadays. You have 5 minutes to do the activity. Are you ready?

  4. Picture 1 Caravan

  5. PICTURE 2 Rickshaw

  6. PICTURE 3 Bicycle

  7. PICTURE 4 Elephant

  8. PICTURE 5 Rocket

  9. PICTURE 6 Plane

  10. PICTURE 7 Crowded bus

  11. PICTURE 8 Canoe

  12. PICTURE 9 Old Greek wind ship

  13. PICTURE 10 Large car (Hummer)

  14. PICTURE 11 On foot

  15. PICTURE 12 Steam train

  16. PICTURE 13 Camel

  17. PICTURE 14 Small car

  18. PICTURE 15 Steam ship

  19. PICTURE 16 Sledge

  20. PICTURE 17 Magnetic levitation train

  21. PICTURE 18 Canoe

  22. SECTION 1 ANSWERS: Are used nowadays: Are not used nowadays:

  23. Activity 2 Match the pictures in section 1 that are linked (one is the result of the evolution of the other, or pictures that are the same mode of transport). • Example: Picture 17 is the result of the evolution of picture 12. You have 5 minutes.

  24. Section 1

  25. Activity 3 Match one picture from each section with a part of the world, according to the different aspects shown. You have 5 minutes to do the activity.

  26. Cultural aspects PICTURE 2 Rickshaw PICTURE 13. Camel PICTURE 18. Canoe

  27. Location or environmental aspects PICTURE 16. Sledge PICTURE 8. Canoe PICTURE 4. Elephant

  28. Economic aspects PICTURE 7. Crowded bus PICTURE 11. On foot PICTURE 10. Large car

  29. Distance PICTURE 17. Train PICTURE 6. Plane PICTURE 3. Bicycle PICTURE 5. Rocket Put in order according to the distance, from the shortest distance to the longest one Firstly, ……………….. Secondly, ………………… Then, ……………….. Finally, ………………

  30. Decide the aspect that is different Aspect: ……………….. PICTURE 8 PICTURE 18 Aspect: ……………... PICTURE 10 PICTURE 14 Aspect: ………………. PICTURE 17 PICTURE 12

  31. Activity 4. Write three sentences according activity 3, using the table below: Example: If I were born in Polynesia I would use a canoe as a means of transport

  32. Activity 5 Compare the answers given in activity 3 with your partner. You can use some of the expressions below: Example: ‘In my opinion, a canoe is used in Polynesia as a means of transport.’OR‘In my opinion the aspect that is different between pictures 18 and 19 is the economic aspect’.

  33. HELP In fact, from my point of view, students should walk because the school is close to home. In other countries, students don’t have money to buy a book, there are no buses, there are no roads, and there are no schools!! What do you think about the bus used to go to the school? In my opinion it is not comfortable!! I think it is OK!! And what is your opinion?


  35. Activity 6 Draw two diagrams (sectors or bar diagram); one about the world oil production, and the other about the % of population.

  36. HELP • To build a sector diagram, you have to transform a % into an angle value. Remember that 100% is equivalent to a 360º angle, so 50% is equivalent to a 180º angle. To know the angle that corresponds to a value you have to make a simple calculus: Example: Spain oil production. In the list appears 27,230bbl/day from a total of 90,932,000. To know the angle that corresponds to Spain in the sectors diagram, we will calculate in the following way: (27,230 x 360) / 90,932,000 = 0,1º (a very small angle!!!, so Spain doesn’t produce lot of oil!) To build a bar diagram, write the name of the country in the horizontal line, and its corresponding value in the vertical line, drawing a rectangle. Take care with the values given in the vertical line!! Remember in all the situations to include ‘others’ in the diagram and the use of different colours for each sector or bar diagram.

  37. Activity 7 Write 10 comparative sentences between different countries, according to the diagrams and/or the list. You can use words from each square in the table below: Examples: According to the list Ethiopia has a greater population than Spain. OR Although Arabia Saudi has more oil reserves than Spain, Spain has a higher GDP than Arabia Saudi.

  38. Activity 8 Compare your answers with your partner from the nearest group, and write down 2 different answers given by them. Remember to use expressions as the below: Example: In our opinion …………….. From our point of view ……..

  39. Activity 9 (HELP) HYPOTHESISING • If I don’t study, I will not pass the exam. (Future, certain) (If + verb in present → will + verb). We say that if we do one thing, then it is sure that a second event will happen in the future. • If I study this unit, I may/might/could pass the exam. (Future, possible) (If + verb in present → modal verb (may/might/could) + verb). We say that if we do something, then it is possible that a second event will happen in the future. • If the teacher asked me about this question, I would pass the exam. (Future possible) (If + verb in past → would + verb). We talk about possibilities, meaning that, in a hypothetical situation something would happen. • If I had studied, I would have passed the exam. (Past, speculative) (If + verb in past perfect → would + verb in present perfect). We talk about something we can’t change. If something was done differently in the past, then maybe the outcome would have been differently, but it is just a speculation.

  40. Activity 9 Write 4 sentences, one of each type, according with these situations: • Imagine that you have some problems with English because you didn’t want to study this language in the past. What would you say now? • Imagine that you have to wake up now because if don’t, you will miss the train (certain). What would you say? • Imagine that you are talking with your partner, thinking about what to do in case you win money in a lottery, and you decide that you would buy a large car. What would you say? • Imagine that you like surfing, but you live in a village that is so far away from the coast, and you think about what would happen if you were living in a small island with windy days. What would you say?

  41. Activity 10 Describe a world if all Indian and Chinese people had cars like the Americans. Think about the environment, the oil, the materials, the population, etc. (you can use the data from the table below, the internet and the HELP given below). (200 words) You can start the writing activity witha sentence as proposed: If all Indian and Chinese people had a car like the Americans, the world would…


  43. Activity 11 • Explain to the class what you have imagined in activity 10. If you want, you can use visual aids. HELP: How to gives a good oral presentation. Structure your presentation following the list below: • Start saying your name. • Tell the audience what are going to say (introduction). • Explain it (main body). • Tell the audience what you have said (summary). • At the end, thank the audience. • Practice the presentation previously with your partner. • Study the parts that each student is going to present according to their skills. Work in groups. • Control your volume, tone, speed and pauses during the presentation. • Look atyour classmates. Eye contact is important. Project the voice as well. • Use gestures, hand movements, but not too much. • Smile. • Keep it short and simple (KISS). Don’t give too much information. Be clear and concise. • If you use a visual that helps in the oral presentations don’t talk to the visual. • In general, BE PRACTICE.

  44. SELF AVALUATION About the unit: • Write your mark (a number between 1 and 10) Fill in the PIGEOMETRE: • 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 • What have you learned from this unit? • What was easy for you? • What did you find difficult? • What do you do out of school to help you with your English work? • What would you find most helpful? • What do you like doing most? • What do you like doing least? • Any suggestions?

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