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Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation. Orientation. 4 Eligibility Criteria. Do you have a disability? Does your disability impede your ability to get or keep a job? Is there a reason to believe that participation in BVR will result in successful employment outcome?
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Orientation
4 Eligibility Criteria • Do you have a disability? • Does your disability impede your ability to get or keep a job? • Is there a reason to believe that participation in BVR will result in successful employment outcome? • Are you willing and able to work?
What you should know about BVR: • By law, it can take up to 60 days to determine eligibility; no services can be provided until you are made eligible. • We look at transferable skills. We consider employment in a field where you have experience before considering a new one. • If you have already been closed successfully by BVR, why have you returned? • BVR does not furnish housing or food. We will share resources with you, but we do not provide this assistance.
What you should know (cont.): • Address external problems preventing employment such as housing, child care and transportation prior to your appointment. • Apply for financial aid if you only want to go to school. Schooling is considered when additional skills are needed to go to work due to your disability. • Have a good understanding of how work/income will affect your SSI/SSDI benefits. • Bring proof of your eligibility to your first intake appointment if you are receiving Social Security; it speeds up the eligibility determination process.
What BVR cannot do: • Provide you immediate employment. • Guarantee you a job. • Make career decisions for you. • Be an entitlement program. • Be a medical insurance program.
BVR Expectations of You: Keep appointments that are scheduled or notify the office if you cannot keep an appointment. Keep BVR informed of any changes in your circumstances that could have a positive or negative influence on returning to work. Be honest – with yourself and your counselor. Be eager and willing to learn . . . . . . be willing to try new things. Acknowledge that looking for work requiresfull time effort.
Expectations (cont.): • Take responsibility for solving problems and for making decisions yourself. • Cooperate with the regulations and rules under which the department has to work. • Take responsibility for what happens to you. Learn to do what you can for yourself.
What BVR can do: • Assist you with identifying your interests, aptitudes and skills. • Assist you in gaining a better understanding of your physical and emotional tolerances in relation to the world of work. • Teach about the choices available to you and provide more information about them.
What they can do (cont.): • Provide you with necessary technical equipment and training to perform the essential functions of an identified occupation. • Teach you the skills to find a job and find success once you are working. • Sponsor you in additional schooling or other training when it appears you need additional skills in order to go to work.
What now? • Complete the application, gather the information, and contact the BVR office for an appointment. • Call the Easter Seals Transition Coordinator if you have questions or need help.Diane Sumner @ 775.200.8840