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Celson Lima COST Action C21 Belfast, May 2006

Celson Lima COST Action C21 Belfast, May 2006. Ontology-like Resources in Construction. CV. Working in European Projects since 1992 Researcher at CSTB, Sophia Antipolis, France (2001) Doctoral degree in Electrical Eng.: New University of Lisbon, Portugal (2001)

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Celson Lima COST Action C21 Belfast, May 2006

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  1. Celson LimaCOST Action C21 Belfast, May 2006 Ontology-like Resources in Construction

  2. CV • Working in European Projects since 1992 • Researcher at CSTB, Sophia Antipolis, France (2001) • Doctoral degree in Electrical Eng.: New University of Lisbon, Portugal (2001) • Master degree in Mechanical Eng.: UFSC, Brazil, co-operation with FCT/UNL (1994) • Graduated Computer Science: UFSC, Brazil (1986) • Main areas of interest: KM, Standards and Interoperation (eBusiness), Coordination Systems, NOs

  3. Outline • Background • Production Process • Some Examples • Where we are now • Challenges

  4. 1. Background: Semantic Resources • SRs: Ontology-similar entities • Taxonomies, classification systems, thesauri, etc. • Sharing knowledge precisely • No ambiguity, accuracy • Interoperability • Likely to be integrated into Standards • Challenges dealing with SRs • Difficult to standardise, few SRs available for Construction • Creation process: time consuming • Semi-automatic generation, with human validation

  5. 1. Background: Projects(1/3) • Research Projects • eConstruct • Goal: e-procurement • Results: bcXML, bcBuildingDefinitions taxononomy + sw tools, multilingual capabilities (6 languages) • Operation: creation/publication/use of e-catalogues bcXML compliant • One single product: door, 3 000 elements • e-COGNOS • Goal: develop KM-tool ontology enabled • Results: e-CKMI, e-COSer, e-COGNOS Ontology • 15 000 concepts, OWL • Operation: support of KM functionalities

  6. 1. Background: Projects (2/3) • Research Projects • FUNSIEC • Goal: map Semantic Resources for Construction • Results: methodology + sw tools + mapping tables for ISO12006, IFC, e-COGNOS and bcXML • Operation: creation of mapping tables between 2 SRs • IFD: ‘observer’ (On-going initiative) • Goal: Define the way Construction should define and create « Construction objects » (library of) • Focus: Harmonisation of ISO 12006-3 (world wide) • ISO 12006-3 Family • LexiCon, Barbi: Library of « Construction Objects » • Focus: implement the ISO 12006-3 • MultiLingual: Dutch, English, German, French, Norwegian

  7. 1. Background: Projects(3/3) • IFC: Industry Foundation Classes Vision • to provide a universal basis for process improvement and information sharing in the construction and facilities management industries Mission • to define, promote and publish a specification for sharing data throughout the project life-cycle, globally, across disciplines and across technical applications Set the Standard • for object-based data exchange and sharing of virtual buildings • International, industry-driven, cross-discipline • all data for the VIRTUAL BUILDING MODEL Deliverables • Information for Construction (IFCTM and ifcXMLTM) • goes beyond CAD information • involves non-geometric applications • includes operation of buildings • handles physical things, process, general ideas and relationship among them

  8. Consultant Architect • Raw material • Information & • knowledge • Money • Time • … Main Contractor FM manager Sub-contractor Client Building Site 2. Production Process in Construction DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA Interoperability

  9. 3. Some Examples • eConstruct • Design, implement and disseminate a new communication technology tailored to the BC needs • Target: "eConstruction" • Internet-based, commerce-oriented transactions, Business-to-Business (B2B) or Business-to-Consumer (B2C) operations • Integration and data exchange between application tools in the B&C Market • bcXML: Building and Construction eXtensible Mark-up Language • Prove its usefulness: bcXML Reference Architecture • Software Clients, Kernel components, and Creation Tools

  10. <<datatype>> <<datatype>> 1 1 NativeLanguage Taxonomy language integer 1 1 MinCardinality MaxCardinality +SupertypeRef 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 +TargetObjectRef 1 1 1..* 1..* 1 1 Relationship <<group>> 1 1 Translation Object 0..n 0..n Description 0..n 0..n 1 1 1 1 +PartRef <<datatype>> 0..* 0..* anyUri 0..n 0..n ExternalReference 1 1 1 1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 <<enumeration>> 0..* 0..* <<key>> Unit Name Explanation NativeExplanation NativeName m Property RestrictedValue kg 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n s 0..1 0..1 ... all currencies 0..* 0..* <<datatype>> Measure anySimpleType <<datatype>> Context string 0..1 0..1 3.1 bcXML MetaSchema Features 1. Multi-linguality 2. Objects & specialisation (SupertypeRef, PartRef) 3. Decomposition 4. Assigned properties 5. Units supporting enumerated values 6. Restricted values 7. External references (supplier's particularities)

  11. Supplier Catalogue Server Resource DB Server Kernel Software Clients Creation Tools bcXML Browser bcXML Browser Catalogue Resource DB Server Supplier Catalogue Server Catalogue VR Front-end bcXML XML Data(Catalogues) Catalogue Generator IfcBrowser Catalogue Data(Spreadsheet) Internet bcXML Messages Computer Aided Selling (CAS) Catalogue Explorer ProjectDB XML-Server LexiCon Explorer EXPRESS Data Manager CAS Catalogue Taxonomy Server Lexicon.xml Taxonomy CAS Catalogue Definer bcBuildingDefinitionstaxonomy LexiCon Converter bcXML XML Data(Catalogues) 3.1 Architecture + Tools

  12. Supplier Info Catalogue Generator bcXML Taxonomy Converter XLS XML EXCEL spreadsheet Properties bcXML Compliant Catalogue bcXML Generator Products Values XML 3.1 Catalogue Generator

  13. 3.1 Client Applications

  14. 3.2 IFCs Design & Construction Documents Project Program • Integrating the whole Life cycle Project Feasi- bility & Funding Construction Contract Building Information Model (IFC) Portfolio & Asset Management Commissioning Master planning Facility Management Repairs & Refurbishment Operations & Maintenance Energy, Environment, Sustainability

  15. Shape (explicit) Shape (extrusions) beams, pipes, ducts, walls etc. Electrical Elements transformers, motors, generators, switches, protective devices, power and communication outlets panels, cubicles Shape (topology) line representations for pipe, duct, etc. Sanitary Elements WC’s, urinals, baths, bidets, traps gulleys Furniture inc. system furniture Building Elements wall, door, window, roof, stairs, etc. Fire Protection Elements sprinklers, hose reels, hydrants, wet/dry rising mains Relations Between Elements holes, chases, voids, zones HVAC Equipment chillers, fans, pumps, boilers, coils, cooling towers, heaters, heat exchangers, etc.. 3.2 What IFC can do

  16. Structural analysis: structural members, boundary conditions, connections, supports, loads, etc. Spaces, Space Structure space, storey, part, building, site Systems piping, ducting, cable, structural Structural Elements members, profiles, rebars, properties, joints, features, surface Controls, Instruments sensor, actuator, controller, gauge, meter Grids Draughting Manholes manholes, inspection chambers, access chambers, meter chambers, valve chambers 3.2 What IFC can do Zones, Compartments fire, workstation, rising ducts, shafts Lighting fittings, rendering, photo-accurate lighting

  17. Time Series time related events Holes and Bases holes, sleeves, packing, framing, upstands, vibration isolation Constraints rules, specifications, requirements trigger conditions Brackets and Fasteners brackets, drop rods, steel sections, bracket assemblies, screws, bolts etc. Environmental Impact embodied energy, CO2 Help request, action, permit, warranty, operation Asset Management maintenance history, inventories 3.2 What IFC can do

  18. External Data Actors people, organizations, addresses £ $ Classification Costing cost planning, estimates, budgets, whole life OCCS Associated Documents Uniclass Work Plans and Schedules inc. nested schedules, resource allocation Connectivity services, structure, building Orders work orders, change orders, purchase orders 30 3.2 What IFC can do

  19. Cleansing / Transformation e-CKMI API Indexing Acquisition Representation e-Cognos User Portal / Manager Updating Sharing / Dissemination KRs Link Table & Tree Structure e-CKMI Kernel KM Services e-COGNOS Ontology e-CKMI API e-Cognos Wrapper Refreshing Ontology Server Database Semantic Vector Search/Discovery External Services e-COGNOS Repository 3.3 The e-COGNOS Project Human Interface - ordinary users - system administrator

  20. 3.3 The e-CKMI • Capture and manage diverse organisational knowledge: documents, actors, projects, organisations, interests, user profiles • Provide support for knowledge acquisition, transformation, indexing, updating, refreshing, searching, and dissemination • "Service"-based, flexible, open framework (end-user chooses appropriate services) • Linguistic and semantic functionalities based on ontology-enabled mechanisms • Human-centred, Web-based, configurable, API-based, ontology-based, open source

  21. OWL CoMMA Ontology bcXML Schema IFC Model SUMO BS6100 bcXML Compliant taxonomy e-COGNOS Ontology 3.3 The e-COGNOS Ontology • Sources of inspiration: IFC, bcXML, W3C, … • Development process: iterative approach • Current status: ± 15000 concepts • Growing mechanism: bcXML based End Users Ontology Manager

  22. EXCEL spreadsheet bcXML Meta-Schema Converter XLS XML e-COSer eCOGNOS Ontology bcXML Compliant taxonomy bcXML Generator XML 3.3 Growing the Ontology • Input format: OWL / bcXML • Input process

  23. A pair Concept/Description per Language Same Code: synonyms (same meaning) in the taxonomy. 3.3 Excel Template

  24. E-COGNOS ONTOLOGY YIT Hochtief e-COGNOS ONTOLOGY KERNEL OTH TW 3.3 Lessons Learned - Ontology(1/2) • Ontology Editor OWL compliant • Bigger ontology = better ontology? • Standards: good idea, interesting approach, but … • End users prefer to stick with their own vocabularies • Ontological indexes >= statistical ones • The real challenge: convince ordinary users • Current approach

  25. 3.3 Lessons Learned - Ontology (1/2) • Ordinary users • Ontology: they don't want to hear about it! However … • It would be great to have richer indexes! • They have to be convinced that the ontology can really help them • Advanced users: willing to do more in order to get more • The "poor" Ontology manager

  26. Project Manager Architect Contractor Facilities Manager Designer Consultant Users Domain Call for tenders Building Maintenance Sales Process Knowledge Management e-Catalogues Regulation Check Application Domain e-Procurement LexiCon (ISO12006) e-COGNOS Ontology bcXML Taxonomy IFC BS 6100 Resource Domain OSIECS Meta-Model / Model 4. Where we are now: FUNSIEC • Framework

  27. Domain Scoping SRs Identification OSIECS Architecture OSIECS Metamodel Conversion & Mapping OSIECS KERNEL Metamodel & Model OSIECS Model Syntax Converter Semantic Analyser Experts Testing & Validation Converter Detector of Mappings (FUNONDIL) Validator Maintenance Domain Initiatives Semi-automatic tools 4.1 FUNSIEC • Results: Methodology + Kernel

  28. 4.1 FUNSIEC • Results: Metamodel & Model

  29. 4.2 e-Regulations: CONNIE • Goal: develop sw tool to help exploiting regulations electronically • Uses SRs to support • Query expansion • KM-related functionalities • Multilingual issues • On-going eContent Project

  30. 4.3 Pilot cases of SEEM: SEAMLESS • Goal: develop sw tool to help implementing the SEEM vision • Targeting: SMEs • Uses SRs to support e-Business interoperation • Global Ontology, Local Ontologies, Mediators • IST Project (just started)

  31. 5. Challenges • ‘Education’ • Capitalisation on SRs more effectively

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