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SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics – An Overview

SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics – An Overview . By Ackim Jere SADC Secretariat Gaborone, Botswana Regional Workshop on “Better Dialogue on Statistics for Better Development Results” for SADC , Maputo, Mozambique, 14-15 October 2013. OUTLINE. Introduction

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SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics – An Overview

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  1. SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics – An Overview By Ackim Jere SADC Secretariat Gaborone, Botswana Regional Workshop on “Better Dialogue on Statistics for Better Development Results” for SADC , Maputo, Mozambique, 14-15 October 2013

  2. OUTLINE • Introduction • Rationale for New Strategy Development • Process and Journey for Strategy • The Main Strategic Themes and Objectives • Implementation and Related Issues • M & E of Implementation of Strategy • Next Major Steps

  3. SADC - 15 Member States Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

  4. 1- Introduction SADC established at the Summit of Heads of State and Government on 17 August 1992 in Windhoek, Namibia. SADC one of 8 Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Africa duly recognized by African Union Commission. SADC currently composed of 15 member states, namely, Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe SADC’s Ultimate Goal: Eradication of poverty and improvement of the well being of the people of the region through regional integration and cooperation.

  5. 2- Rationale for New Strategy Development Key Compelling factors for New Strategy Development included: • 1998 SADC Statistical Strategy Document: • Out-dated ( not addressing recent statistical developments, technological innovations, etc.) • Not aligned to SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) • Significant increase in demand over the years for harmonized regional statistical data, to support monitoring of progress of regional integration and development in general. • Need for coordinating framework for regional statistical development and resource mobilisation

  6. 3 - Process and Strategy Development “Journey” Process: • SADC Statistics Committee (SSC) provided oversight and policy direction • Strategy Task Force (DRC, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique (Chair), South Africa, Tanzania constituted by SSC provided technical backstopping, support and reviewed drafts of Strategy • Secretariat coordinated and managed entire process; • Secretariat drafted Strategy; • Consultations with SADC Secretariat directorates/institutions, SWOT analysis, desk study undertaken; • Task Force meetings in December 2011 and April 2012 in Maputo, Mozambique to agree on content, structure/format of strategy and to review drafts

  7. 3 - Process and Strategy Development “Journey”(cont’d) “Journey”

  8. 3 - Process and Strategy Development “Journey”(cont’d) “Journey”

  9. 4 – The Main Strategic Themes and Objectives RSDS Approved by SADC Council in February 2013, Maputo, Mozambique Six Main Strategic Themes 1 - Widen the scope and range of available regional statistical data and indicators 2 - Increase comparability and quality of prioritised regional statistics; 3 - Improve services to users and promote wider use of regional statistics; 4 - Strengthen stakeholder partnerships and coordination of the SADC Regional Statistical System (SRSS); 5 - Harness the latest innovations in Information, Communications, and Technology for statistical development in the region; and 6 - Promote statistical capacity building in the region

  10. Theme 1 and ObjectivesStrategic Theme 1: Widen the scope and range of available regional statistical data and indicators • Objective 1.1: Statistical needs to support evidenced based monitoring and evaluation of progress in priority areas of the SADC Development Agenda identified. • Objective 1.2: Effective data collection mechanisms, templates, and data transfer protocols, for compilation of regional statistics established. • Objective 1.3: Prioritized comparable social and economic indicators for regional statistical publications compiled sustainably.

  11. Theme 2 and Objectives Strategic Theme 2: Increase comparability and quality of prioritised regional statistics • Objective 2.1: Consensus built and core staff trained on concepts and definitions, standards, classifications and frameworks suited for SADC for statistical areas and processes of the prioritized regional harmonization programme. • Objective 2.2: Manuals and guidelines for production of the standardized and harmonized statistics developed. • Objective 2.3: Agreed frameworks and common statistical standards and methods adapted to regional circumstances to facilitate harmonization of statistics implemented.

  12. Theme 3 and ObjectivesStrategic Theme 3: Improve services to users and promote wider use of regional statistics • Objective 3.1: Data dissemination and services to users of regional statistics enhanced. • Objective 3.2: Advocacy strategy for statistics in the region developed and implemented

  13. Theme 4 and ObjectivesStrategic Theme 4: Strengthen stakeholder partnerships and coordination of the SRSS • Objective 4.1: Policy and legal framework for the coordination of regional statistics developed and implemented. • Objective 4.2: User-producer forum at regional level to promote key stakeholder participation in regional statistical activities established. • Objective 4.3: Technical Working Groups/Task Forces for respective statistical areas or processes to drive and guide the various harmonization processes established.

  14. Theme 5 and ObjectivesStrategic Theme 5:Harness State of the art innovations in Information, Communications, and Technology development in the region • Objective 5.1: Use of ICT for statistical production of statistics and data sharing among stakeholders of the SRSS enhanced. • Objective 5.2: Use of state-of-the-art ICT innovations for disseminating, archiving, and storage of regional statistics including integrated databases for socio-economic indicators on SADC enhanced.

  15. Theme 6 and ObjectivesStrategic Theme 6: Promote Statistical Capacity Building in the Region • Objective 6.1: Analytical capacity building both at national and Secretariat level enhanced. • Objective 6.2: In-service training programmes in statistics at national level implemented. • Objective 6.3: Partnerships between National Statistical System and training institutions in the region to promote training in official statistics enhanced.

  16. 5 - Implementation and Related Issues The Proposed Regional Statistical Programme is an integral part of the Strategy. • Regional Statistical Programme provides details on proposed activities, expected outputs, broad tentative time frames, and institutional responsibilities for strategic themes. • Annual Business Plans (Annual Work Plans) - main instrument for operationalizing, implementing, and monitoring the Regional Statistical Programme. Key components of institutional framework for implementation of the Strategy will include: Council of Ministers, SADC Statistics Committee and its Technical Committee/Task Forces; Secretariat and Focal Points

  17. 6- M & E of Strategy Implementation Monitoring, evaluation and reporting considered important aspects of Strategy implementation process. M & E framework mechanism proposed for Strategy implementation through mainly the following aspects: • Annual Work Plans and Annual Progress reports; • Mid-Term Review; and • Final Review • Risks and Assumptions for successful (or lack of it) implementation of Strategy identified.

  18. 7- Next Major Steps • Through the Task Force ( Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, RSA, Tanzania) to devise operationalisation mechanisms for Strategy. • Review and resubmit cost estimates for Strategy implementation for Council consideration and approval • Mobilization of Resources for Strategy implementation • Development of advocacy and awareness measures or mechanisms to support Strategy implementation • Disseminate Strategy widely to various key stakeholders

  19. Thank You

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