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Guy Berger: South Africa

Guy Berger: South Africa. Contested MEDIA dispensations. Paradigm of analysis? Pre-history and Phase 1: IBA rules Phase 2: Jordaan – hands-off Phase 3: Naidoo – role of govt Phase 4: Matsepe-Casaburri – gtr role of govt Contested: Editorial policies Convergence bill Icasa

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Guy Berger: South Africa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Guy Berger: South Africa ContestedMEDIAdispensations

  2. Paradigm of analysis? Pre-history and Phase 1: IBA rules Phase 2: Jordaan – hands-off Phase 3: Naidoo – role of govt Phase 4: Matsepe-Casaburri – gtr role of govt Contested: Editorial policies Convergence bill Icasa Conclusion Coming up …

  3. From politics …to MONEY BUT:still media freedom issues;esp. at the regulatory environment level

  4. Negotiated liberalisation & mass participation(Horwitz) Paradigm?Liberal vs Liberal pluralism

  5. It was not always so: History SA media wasCommercialised & controlled!

  6. PHASE 1: Historic Compromise = SABC board.IBA.(not the IMDT)

  7. Pallo Jordan PHASE 2: = IBA as the key policy player +parliament, not Govt

  8. PHASE 3:Jay Naidoo Not the MDDABut Com RadioSubservientSATRACutting IBA down to size

  9. Minister’spolicy-settingprerogativescontested:=compromise- govt broaddirectives Green paper, White paper1999 ActSABC: Corporatise;+ Charter;Mixed model

  10. Later echoes:04: Relicensing:SABC hammered as dodgerICASA slammed as lenient06: SABC itself questions business model.(Also 2 boards issue (2002))

  11. Naidoo’s last act: Fused regulator:ICASAWhich model? =D u a l i s m

  12. PHASE 4:I M-Casaburri.But parliament chooses a SABCboardatvariance with MinisterBoard chooses Matlare as CEO

  13. Protests:Civil society!Pansalb!Parliament!ANC itself!Minister! 2002:Whatever happened to public servicebroadcasting? = new board (04)= 2 new TVs (02)?= national interest? = Charter change?

  14. Editorial policies “Minister to approve!”OBJECTIONS:(incl by SABC, Icasa)So Parliament→ law:Board to approve; Public consultation required

  15. Convergence Bill Colloquium (only) in 03.No green or white paper.But new issue needs new policy !Minister’s policy powers:“must” consult or “may” consult?Final answer: power only on infrastructure licences.

  16. ● “Broadcast” licence needed if you are a “unidirectional”content business.●Monopoly power● Interconnect After 2 years:with “policy”intrudinglaw-making =legacy dualismin EC Act(mid-2006). Contestation ahead!

  17. ISSUES: Minister’s role● Powers to appoint councillors● Performance management● Funding in the ICASA Amendment Act 06 NB: President’s role


  19. Managed (reluctant) liberalisation Govt tactics? Deliberate overbid? = Serious control-freak urges? OR Conflating strategy & policy! = ? What/why manage/liberalise ? = contradictions & spaces What the tussles tell:

  20. So what paradigm?NOT a simple liberal view of resisting “Actonite” state,Rather:= Liberal pluralism:contestation space (incl for institutional interests)and confusion!

  21. ENVIRONMENTallows for, and elicits, elite responses & state differences. = NOT mass participation, but NEITHER a dead democracy in sum:

  22. Thank you

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