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Types of evidence

Types of evidence. Evidence is something which can be used to demonstrate the truth of an assertion . It can take the form of a person ´s testament , an object or a document . In order for evidence to be admissible , it needs to be relevant , material and competent .

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Types of evidence

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  1. Types of evidence

  2. Evidenceissomethingwhich can be used to demonstratethetruth of anassertion. It can taketheform of a person´stestament, anobjector a document. In orderforevidence to be admissible, itneeds to be relevant, material and competent. To be relevant, evidencemustserve to makeanassertion more orless probable. Evidenceis material ifit has a significantrelationshipwiththeissues in a case.

  3. Competentevidenceisreliable. Foundationevidenceisthatwhich shows thattheseprerequisites of admissibilityhavebeenmet. There are fourtypes of evidence: real, demonstrative, testimonial and documentary. Real evidenceisusuallyanobjectwhichwasinvolved in the case. To be admissible, real evidencemust be authenticated, eitherbyidentificationorbyestablishing a chain of custody.

  4. Demonstrativeevidenceillustratesthetestimony of a witness. Itmayincludemapsordiagrams. Itisauthenticatedbythewitnesshimself. Documentaryevidenceis similar to real evidence. Typically, itincludescontractsorotherforms. It, too, must be authenticatedbya witness. Testimonial evidenceisan oral orwrittenassertionoffered as proof of thetruth. Thistype of evidencedoesnotrequirefoundationevidence as a prerequisiteforitsadmissibility.

  5. Exercises. Match thewords 1 assertion 2 evidence 3testament 4 chain of custody 5authenticated 6 prerequisite 7 admissible A somethingthatisneeded in order to continue B beingallowed in court C a signorproof of whysomethingis true D a personal account

  6. Exercises. Match thewords 1 assertion 2 evidence 3testament 4 chain of custody 5authenticated 6 prerequisite 7 admissible E proven to be the original item F a statementsomeonebelievesis true G theprocessing of evidencefromitscollection to presentation in court

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