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Improving the GFDL/URI Coupled Hurricane-Ocean Model for Transition to Operations Isaac Ginis

Improving the GFDL/URI Coupled Hurricane-Ocean Model for Transition to Operations Isaac Ginis University of Rhode Island. B. Thomas, URI I-J. Moon, URI A. Falkovich, NCEP M. Bender, GFDL. Support is provided by JHT/USWRP.

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Improving the GFDL/URI Coupled Hurricane-Ocean Model for Transition to Operations Isaac Ginis

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  1. Improving the GFDL/URI Coupled Hurricane-Ocean Model for Transition to Operations Isaac Ginis University of Rhode Island B. Thomas, URI I-J. Moon, URI A. Falkovich, NCEP M. Bender, GFDL Support is provided by JHT/USWRP

  2. Implemented to operations at NCEP in 2001 after three years of near-real time testing in 1998-2000 Improvements implemented in 2003: New ocean model domain configurations Ocean coupling over entire ocean domains Gulf Stream and Loop Current data assimilation GFDL/URI Coupled Model

  3. Examples of the Coupled Model ForecastsHurricane Isabel Initial Time: 00 UTC 15 Sept, 2003 Sea Surface Currents Sea Surface Temperature

  4. Ocean coupling in the Eastern Pacific basin High resolution version of the GFDL model Air-sea flux parameterization Coupled hurricane-wave-ocean system Ongoing Efforts Toward Future Improvements

  5. Hurricane IGNACIO 22-27 AUG, 2003

  6. Hurricane Ignacio GFDL Model Forecast (12Z 24 AUG, 2003) Red - Operational Green - Coupled Black - Observed

  7. Goal: To better resolve the hurricane core region, especially in major hurricanes Grid configuration: 1/2o (stationary); 1/6o and 1/12o (movable) High-resolution Version of the GFDL/URI Coupled Model

  8. Hurricane Isabel, Sept 8 12Z, 2003 High resolution GFDL model Operational GFDL model

  9. 3-Nest 2-Nest

  10. Hurricane Isabel (2003) kts High Res GFDL SHIPS

  11. Air-Sea Fluxes in High Wind Conditions Behavior of Cd and Ch in the GFDL model ? Cd Ch Wind Speed (m/s)

  12. Idealized Sensitivity Experiments

  13. New Coupled Wind-Wave Model young waves mature waves

  14. WW3 CWW

  15. Wave Field in a Hurricane

  16. Operational GFDL Model Future Coupled Hurricane-Wave-Ocean Model Atmosphere Atmosphere GFDL Hurricane Model GFDL(WRF) Hurricane Model Wind & Air Temp. Flux Wind & Air Temp. Flux SST Wave Boundary Model SST SST & Current Wave Spectra Flux Flux Currents, NCEP WAVEWATCH III POM (HYCOM) POM Elevations, & SST Ocean Ocean Waves

  17. Plans for Operational Implemantion • Ocean coupling in the Eastern Pacific is planned for operational implementation in 2004 • The high resolution GFDL coupled model will be tested in near real-time in 2004 is planned for operational implementation in 2005 • The coupled GFDL hurricane-wave-ocean model is being developed

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