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U n i t e d c o l o r s Czech republic

U n i t e d c o l o r s Czech republic. National dance MAZURKA. Měla babka čtyři jabka (Grandmother had four aples ) a dědoušek jenom dvě. (and grandfather only one.) “ Dej mi babko jedno jabko (“Give mi grandma one aple ) budeme mít stejně. ” (we will have both same count.”).

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U n i t e d c o l o r s Czech republic

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  1. UnitedcolorsCzech republic National dance MAZURKA

  2. Měla babka čtyři jabka (Grandmother had four aples) a dědoušek jenom dvě. (and grandfather only one.) “Dej mi babko jedno jabko (“Give mi grandma one aple) budeme mít stejně.” (we will have both same count.”)

  3. Měl dědoušek, měl kožíšek (Grandfother had a jacket) a babička jubku. (and grandmotherjubka.) “Pojď dědoušku na mazurku, (“comegrandfuther to mazurka) já si s tebou dupnu.” (I willstampwithyou.”)

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