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Requirements on a DCS system for GEM-based detectors Bernd Voss Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI). Outline. Aim.

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  1. Requirements on a DCS system for GEM-based detectorsBernd VossHelmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI)

  2. Outline DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  3. Aim Present the status, the thoughts given and decisions made on the subjects so far Learn & Discuss about options Looking for advice for set up & Get it running DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  4. 4 3 2 1 1 Detector Setup Overview • GEM-TPC (2 x ½) ‘short version’1.2m (1.5m) • GEM-Trackers (4) (GT1..4) Target spectrometer@PANDA ‘V833’ DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  5. Cooling Support & LV- Distribution Front-End Electronic Pad Plane Support & Media-Distribution GEM stack Drift electrode Cylindrical (½) GEM-TPC Prototype Assembly Sensor info DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  6. Possible cabling hooks: central bar & circumference Cooling Support & LV- Distribution Front-End Electronic Pad Plane Support & Media-Distribution Window GEM stack Drift electrode Shielding Cover & Read-out Plane Planar GEM-Trackers Design study Sensor info DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  7. DCS structure General • It starts at the detector + its supplies + operation monitors • It has to cope with various (sensor-) hardware, information pathways(WHICH information goes from WHERE to WHERE, communication protocols (I2C, SPI, CAN, Ethernet TCP/IP …) • It has to deal with information for device-configuration, -control, -operation and supplementalambient & operational conditions DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  8. System design options • Separate sites: • ‘in-situ’, ‘local’, detector-near systems • µController, CPLD, DSP, FPGA, SPS (Siemens S7) etc… • ‘off-site’, supply & electronics room • ‚Zoo‘ of Hardware • May involve various software solutions / SCADA systems • Assembler, C, … • EPICS • LabVIEW • MonALISA • PVSS/UNICOS DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  9. In-situ Part Hardware Requirements • Dense & compact • Local ‘intelligence’ & pre-processing • Modular (test and p-o-p activities) • Coping with the needs of a hostile environment • Radiation tolerance • Aging resistance • Insensitivity to magnetic fields (no inductivities based on magnetic material) • Communication via LWL • So far, no appropriate candidates under investigation DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  10. In-situ Detector Control & Monitoring Concept • Current concept: • Modular, expandable, flexible • Hierarchical interlocking • Failsafe operation • Hard- & software limits • History recording • Design: • Placement on the rim of the Media-flange • Questions: • Should we go this way? DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  11. Gas System Sensor info DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  12. Low- & High-Voltage supply • Mpod19’’ Mainframe / Power bin (5k€) • ten module slots • primary HV power supply 600W for 1- 4 HV modules, expandable • Controller with Ethernet / USB interface • 9U high with frontal / lateral air inlet • MPV 8008LV module(1.5k€) • 8 channels • 0..8V, 10A, max. 50W, floating, low noise • Sub-D high power connectors 1x for 4 ch • Sub-D 37 pin for sense & control • MPV 4015LLV module(1.4k€) • 4 channels • 0..15V, max. 2,5A, max. 50W, floating • MPV 1008LV module High Power(0.7k€) • 4 channel, 2 Mpod slots • 0- 7V, max. 115A, max. 500W, floating • HPn 300 106 HV module(4.4k€) • 0..-30kV, 10mA, 300W, Residual ripple < 10-4 Voutmax • I/U Setting via 10-turn potentiometer • RS 232 or CAN Interface • LED Display (4 digit) • 30 kV LEMO Connector ERA.3Y.425.CLL • LEM30_CAB5, Lemo plug 30kV & 5m cable (180€) • EHS 8060n_105_SHV HV module(2.6k€) • 8 channels • 0..-6 kV, 1mA/channel, Residual ripple < 50 mV • 6HE-cassette with CAN-Interface (Enhanced Device Control Protocol) • Resolution U/I Settings & Trip: 240 mV/ 40 nA • Resolution U/I Measurement: 1200 mV/ 20 nA • SHV-Connector with common GND Sensor info • Status: • Power system delivered (ready-to-run) • Needs installation nearby DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  13. Cooling System • Findings: • Overpressure system is preferable < 5 bar@entrance • Water is insufficient, use HFE 7100 • Cooling power > 5 kW@12,5°C • Pressure drop over cooling system: < 1 bar (optimized) • Mechanical stress 0,25 N/mm2 • Status: • Cooling system delivered (ready-to-run) • Needs installation nearby Sensor info DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  14. ‘Off-site’ Part Slow control system • PostgreSQL data base • HV values • Temperatures, flows etc. • Configuration of FEE • Queue based command exchange (back & front end)‏ • Web front end for controlling and monitoring • Sensor signals digitized by a Siemens Simatic S7 • Scalable and variable system • Mainly programed in C++ and PHP • Task of diploma student to set up the slow control • LabVIEW drivers / GUIs will be set up in parallel DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  15. Observables (approx. 46 in 2000 channels for the GEM-Trackers) Overall status Temperature Pressure Flow (of media) Voltage Current Degradation (Ageing ?) ‘Special events’ (e.g. sparks) Indicators / quantities Analog / Digital / Boolean Voltage Current Charge (?) Hardware, Sensors / Transducers GEM-detector (generic) Supply (external) Gas supply HV supply LV supply Cooling (Chiller) Control (local@detector) Gas Flow Bias voltages High voltages FEB ROB DAQ Operation FEB ROB DAQ Calibration system … DCS structure Observables & Parameters DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  16. PANDA DCS Requirements DBUI ‘Parameters’ • Currently 47 entries in table ‘Parameters’ for the GEM-based detectors DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  17. PANDA DCS Requirements DBUI ‘ProcessVariables’ • Currently 46 entries (2000 channels) in table ‘ProcessVariables’ for the GEM-Trackers DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  18. Needed information / structures: Structured Datasets allowing trees instead of simple and somewhat ‘unhandy’ flat presentation taking into account the definition of Detector Sub-Groups e.g. following the various stages and/or states of operation of the system (State Machine) Structures & Methods Suggestions I DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  19. Required, proposed methods: Easy-to-use multiple-entry interface for whole sets of data (scripting, ‚xml’ etc?) ‘Delete’ options for respective table(s) ‘Parameters’ definitions ‘ProcessVariables’ definitions Allow multiple usage of entries in table ‘ProcessVariables’ for different detector systems e.g. in cases where the same hardware is involved Possible improvement to existing features: Keep table-header information visible at any time for the data input Group Information in tables by multiple (logic) choices (e.g. GEM & Pressures & … etc.) ‘Connectivity’ definition comes ‘unhandy’ Define Interlock levels in more detail (e.g. ‘ALARM’ and ‘WARNING’) Specify clearly (variable named ‘Status’ is not helping much) Structures & Methods Suggestions II DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  20. Summary and Outlook • Working on the topics we can currently approach / address • Started with standalone solution / small scale for the lab use (PostgreSQL data base, LabVIEW) • Requirements on time-scale: • Requirements on support: Are there possible synergies between sub groups? • 2009 FOPI GEM-TPC Beam-test pending • 2010 ELSA Installation & Operation • … PANDA Construction of a PANDA GEM-TPC • Prototype of a PANDA GEM-Tracker DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  21. Backup slides

  22. Integration Working hypothesis on requirements • High-density cabling required • Use cabling as structural elements • Install in-situ intelligence to reduce cabling effort DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  23. DCS System ‚In-situ‘ Part DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

  24. DCS System ‚Off-site‘ Part DCS system for GEM-based detectors PANDA Week, Torino,

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