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Artificial Intelligence and Large-Scope Science: Workflow Planning and Beyond

INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE. Artificial Intelligence and Large-Scope Science: Workflow Planning and Beyond. Yolanda Gil USC/Information Sciences Institute gil@isi.edu www.isi.edu/~gil

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Artificial Intelligence and Large-Scope Science: Workflow Planning and Beyond

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  1. INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Artificial Intelligence and Large-Scope Science:Workflow Planning and Beyond Yolanda Gil USC/Information Sciences Institute gil@isi.edu www.isi.edu/~gil In collaboration with others in the Intelligent Systems Division and the Center for Grid Technologies at USC/ISI including: Ewa Deelman, Carl Kesselman, Jim Blythe Supported in part by NSF’s GriPhyn and SCEC/CME projects, and by internal grants from USC/ISI

  2. Outline • Motivation • Large-scope large-scale science • Challenges and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence • Research on workflow planning at USC/ISI • Using AI techniques in Pegasus to generate executable grid workflows • Future directions in support of scientific workflows • Intelligent interactive assistance and automatic completion • Active workflows • Cognitive grids • Knowledge infrastructure for science • Challenges in Community-Based Knowledge Capture and Representation

  3. The Southern California Earthquake Center’s Community Modeling Environment (SCEC-CME)(http://iowa.usc.edu/cmeportal/)

  4. Integrating Diverse Models of Complex Phenomena… Historic records Fault models Fault ruptures Effect on structures Site response models Wave propagation

  5. …for Broader Use • Geophysicists, civil and structural engineers, city planners, emergency managers, … • Analyze seismic hazard • Learn and understand seismic hazard • Of course, scientists need this infrastructure as well!

  6. Not Just Large-Scale and HPC Issues:Large-Scope Science and Engineering Research • “Whereas large-scale means increasing the resolution of the solution to a fixed physical model problem, large-scope means increasing the physical complexity of the model itself. Increasing the scope involves adding more physical realism to the simulation, making the actual code more complex and heterogeneous, while keeping the resolution more or less constant.” -- Report from ACM Workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research, A. Sameh et al on Computational Science and Engineering, June 1996

  7. How This is Done Today • Scientists: • Verbal communication needed to compose models • When an earthquake occurs, hard to respond quickly • Other users (e.g., building engineers): • Use models based on correlations of historical data • Employ consultants that know how to setup these models • Delay in accessing state-of-the-art scientific models

  8. Scientific Workflows Task Result: Hazard curve: SA vs. prob. exc. Duration-Year UTM Converter (get-Lat-Long- given-UTM) Lat. long Fault-Grid-Spacing UTM (, , , ) PEER-Fault Gaussian Dist No Truncation Total Moment Rate Rupture Offset Mag-Length-sigma Ruptures Dip Rake Hazard curve: SA vs. prob. exc. Magnitude (min) Hazard Curve Calculator: SA vs. prob. exc. Ruptures rfml Magnitude (max) Rupture Magnitude (mean) Lat Long. CVM-get- Velocity- at-point Field (2000) IMR: SA exc. prob. Velocity Lat Long. SA exc. probs. Site VS30 Site Basin-Depth-2.5 Basin-Depth Calculator rfml Lat Long. Basin-Depth SA Period Gaussian Truncation SA exc. prob. Std. Dev. Type • Models composed into end-to-end scientific workflows that model/analyze complex physical phenomena • In-silico experimentation • Data collection and analysis • Reproducibility, reusability, pedigree

  9. Executing Scientific Workflows on Grids Many sources of data, services, computation Security & policy must underlie access & management decisions Discovery R R RM RM Registries organize services of interest to a community Access RM Resource management is needed to ensure progress & arbitrate competing demands RM RM Policy service Security service Policy service Security service Data integration activities may require access to, & exploration/analysis of, data at many locations Exploration & analysis may involve complex,multi-step workflows • Grids support this process through middleware services: • Seamless integration and management of resources (OGSA) • Job submission (Condor) • Resource Monitoring and Directory Service (MDS) • Replica Location Service (RLS) • Metadata Catalog Services (MCS) From [Kesselman 04]:

  10. Challenges • Complexity: Many choices are involved as workflow is composed • Alternative application components, files, and locations • Many different interdependencies may occur among components • May reach many dead ends • Usability: Users should not need to be aware of infrastructure details • Files are distributed, indexed, replicated • Match application requirements to host capabilities • Solution cost: Evaluate the alternative solution costs • Performance • Reliability • Resource Usage • Global cost: minimizing cost across organizations • Individual user’s choices in light of other user’s choices • Reliability of execution: job resubmission upon failure • Detection, diagnosis, repair • Anticipation and avoidance, resource reservations

  11. Challenges and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence • We need alternative foundations that offer • expressive representations to capture the complex knowledge involved in both the application domain and the execution environment • flexible reasoners to explore this complex space systematically and incorporate constraints, tradeoffs, policies • Many Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are relevant: • Planning to achieve given requirements • Searching through problem spaces of related choices • Using and combining heuristics • Reasoners that can incorporate rules, definitions, axioms, etc. • Schedulers and resource allocation techniques • Coordination and communication in distributed problem solving • Expressive knowledge representation languages • Reasoning under uncertainty • Dynamic replanning and reactive control • Learning in complex dynamic environments • Learning to improve problem solving skills

  12. Outline • Motivation • Scientific workflows • Challenges and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence • Research on workflow planning at USC/ISI • Using AI techniques in Pegasus to generate executable grid workflows • Future directions in support of scientific workflows • Intelligent interactive assistance and automatic completion • Active workflows • Cognitive grids • Knowledge infrastructure for science • Challenges in Community-Based Knowledge Capture and Representation

  13. Reasoning about Distributed Execution Infrastructure in Grids with Pegasus(work with J. Blythe, E. Deelman, C. Kesselman, and others) Workflow Generation [Gil et al, IEEE IS 04]

  14. Pegasus: Using AI Planning Techniques to Generate Executable Grid Workflows • Given: desired result and constraints • A desired result (high-level description of data product) • A set of application components described in the grid • A set of resources in the grid (dynamic, distributed) • A set of constraints and preferences on solution quality • Find: an executable job workflow • A configuration of components that generates the desired result • A specification of resources where components can be executed and data can be stored • A specification of data sources and data movements • Approach: Use AI planning techniques to search the solution space and evaluate tradeoffs • Exploit heuristics to direct the search for solutions and represent optimality and policy criteria

  15. Advantages of Using AI Planning • Provide broad-base, generic foundation • Use general techniques to search for solutions • Explores alternatives, supports backtracking • Incorporates domain-specific and domain-independent heuristics (as search control rules) • Allow easy addition of new constraints and rules • Incorporate optimality and policy into the search for solutions • Interleave decisions at various levels • Can integrate the generation of workflows across users and policies within virtual orgs.

  16. Reasoning about Workflows in Pegasus c b f e h g i Final Workflow Desired Results c f b a h f d i e h Data processing tasks g a a i KEY The original node Input transfer node Registration node Output transfer node Unnecessary nodes d

  17. Pegasus Application Domains (work with E. Deelman and dozens of scientists) • Pulsar search for gravitational-wave physics (LIGO) • 975 tasks, 1365 data transfers, 975 output files, 96hrs runtime • Galaxy morphology for NVO and NASA in Montage • Thomography for neural structure reconstruction • High-energy physics – Compact Muon Solenoid • 7 days, 678 jobs, produced ~200GB • Gene alignment • In 24 hours, ~ 10,000 Grid jobs, >200,000 BLAST executions, produced 50 GB

  18. Small Montage Workflow ~1200 nodes [Deelman et al, 04]

  19. Artemis: Integrating Distributed Info Sources on the Grid (work with E. Deelman, S. Thakkar, R. Tuchinda) [Tuchinda et al, IAAI-04] Data Source Dynamic Model Generator Metadata Catalog Services Query Wizard Entity selection Data Source Models User Metadata Catalog Services Filters Prometheus Query Mediator … Model mappings Data Source Metadata Catalog Services Theseus query execution Ontology

  20. Outline • Motivation • Scientific workflows • Challenges and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence • Research on workflow planning at USC/ISI • Using AI techniques in Pegasus to generate executable grid workflows • Future directions in support of scientific workflows • Intelligent interactive assistance and automatic completion • Active workflows • Cognitive grids • Knowledge infrastructure for science • Challenges in Community-Based Knowledge Capture and Representation

  21. Scientific Workflows: Future Directions • Using AI to support the workflow creation process • Interactive assistance and automatic completion • Using AI to support the scientific experimentation process • Active workflows • Using AI to augment the execution infrastructure • Cognitive grids

  22. The Process of Creating an Executable Workflow User guided • Creating a valid workflow template (human guided) • Selecting application components and connecting inputs and outputs • Adding other steps for data conversions/transformations • Creating instantiated workflow • Providing input data to pathway inputs (logical assignments) • Creating executable workflow (automatically) • Given requirements of each model, find and assign adequate resources for each model • Select physical locations for logical names • Include data movement steps, including data deposition steps Automated

  23. Challenges for Interactive Composition of Valid Workflow Templates • Provide flexible interaction • User can start from initial data, from data products, or steps • User can specify abstract descriptions of steps and later specialize them • User can reuse, merge, or build from scratch • Automatic tracking of workflow constraints • User is notified if there are problems but does not have to keep track of details • Proactive assistance • System should not just point out problems but help user by suggesting fixes (always) • And… how do we define what “valid” means?

  24. Assisting Users in Creating Workflow Templates (with J. Kim and M. Spraragen) [Kim et al, IUI-04] [Spraragen et al, 04] • User interaction results in modifications to workflows • Specify desired result, external/user provided input • Add/remove step, add/remove link • Specialize step (e.g., IMR -> IMR-SA) • As user creates a workflow, intermediate stages result in possibly incorrect workflows • ErrorScan algorithm detects errors and generates possible fixes • Knowledge base that represents components and constraints • Formal definitions of desirable properties of workflows based on AI planning techniques • Fixes are multi-step and “click-through” • Errors and fixes are ranked using heuristics • If no errors detected, workflow is guaranteed to be correct

  25. Scientific Workflows: Future Directions • Using AI to support the workflow creation process • Interactive assistance and automatic completion • Using AI to support the scientific experimentation process • Active workflows • Using AI to augment the execution infrastructure • Cognitive grids

  26. Supporting the Interactive and Incremental Nature of Scientific Exploration (with M. Ellisman, E. Deelman, C. Kesselman) • Workflows cannot always be created in advance • Experimental design depends on initial / partial results • Scientific experimentation is often exploratory • Need to support interactive and incremental creation and execution of workflows • Active workflows: represent evolving workflows and are continually authored, refined, executed, and modified

  27. Supporting the Evolution of Active Workflows (I)

  28. Supporting the Evolution of Active Workflows (II)

  29. Supporting the Evolution of Active Workflows (and III)

  30. Scientific Workflows: Future Directions • Using AI to support the workflow creation process • Interactive assistance and automatic completion • Using AI to support the scientific experimentation process • Active workflows • Using AI to augment the execution infrastructure • Cognitive grids

  31. Pervasive Knowledge Sources and Reasoners(work with J. Blythe, E. Deelman, C. Kesselman, H. Tangmurarunkit) Workflow History Workflow history Workflow history Policy Information Services Policy KB Other KB Application KB Resource KB Workflow Refinement Policy Management Other Grid services Smart Workflow Pool Resource Matching Workflow Repair Workflow Manager Resource Indexes [Gil et al, IEEE IS 04] High-level specification of desired results, constraints, requirements, user policies Simulation codes Replica Locators Community Distributed Resources (e.g., computers, storage, network, simulation codes, data) Pervasive Knowledge Sources Intelligent Reasoners

  32. Cognitive Grids: Pervasive Semantic Representations of the Environment at all Levels Semantics for File-based data User and VO policy Application Component models Models Users and Applications High-level Current Request Status, Results, Request Provenance Information descriptions Intelligent Reasoners (matchmaking, refinement, repair, coordination, negotiation…) Provenance and Refined Workflow Policy Knowledge- Resource Knowledge- Monitoring bases bases Higher-Level Service (Virtual Data Tools, Resource Brokers) Monitoring, Resources Tasks knowledge Resource Policy Semantic Resource Descriptions Descriptions Basic Grid Middleware (Globus Toolkit, Condor-G, DAGMan) Grid Resources (Compute, Data, Network)

  33. Cognitive Grids: Distributed Intelligent Reasoners that Incrementally Generate the Workflow User’s Workflow refinement Request Levels of abstraction Policy reasoner Application Workflow repair -level knowledge Relevant components Logical tasks Full abstract workflow Tasks Not yet bound to Onto-based Matchmaker executed resources Partial and sent for executed execution execution time

  34. Syntax-based matchmaking of resources to job requirements Condor matchmaker Attribute based discovery and selection Scheduling of jobs based on Grid-able users that specify job execution sequences and computing requirements Scripting languages Workflow languages, Task graphs Explicit mappings from task to jobs, simple job brokers Explicit service negotiation and recovery strategies Knowledge-based reasoning about resources enables Semantic matchmaking Aggregate resource reasoning Task-level reasoning to plan and schedule jobs and resources More agility and coordination Wide range of users can specify high level requirements in a mixed-initiative mode Mapping of high-level requirements to details required for execution End-to-end resource negotiation and adaptive strategies to accommodate failure Many Opportunities for AI TechniquesThe Grid Now The Future Grid

  35. Outline • Motivation • Scientific workflows • Challenges and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence • Research on workflow planning at USC/ISI • Using AI techniques in Pegasus to generate executable grid workflows • Future research in support of scientific workflows • Intelligent interactive assistance and automatic completion • Active workflows • Cognitive grids • Knowledge infrastructure for science • Challenges in Community-Based Knowledge Capture and Representation

  36. Knowledge Infrastructure for Science: Challenges in Community-Based Knowledge Capture & Representation • be a community-wide effort • have community-wide acceptance • be used in practice on a daily basis to compose simulation code and annotate their results

  37. Scientists Ask Lots of Questions, Knowledge Representation has few Answers • How do you get started? • How to ensure the community will accept it (use it)? • How do you (can you?) represent alternative views? • What is the process to contribute to it? • What is the process to make changes to it? • What is the impact to my application when there is an update? • How is it implemented? • How is it managed? • Who does what, when, where, why?

  38. SCEC/GO Workshop on Ontology Development: Lessons Learned and Prospects [Bada et al, forthcoming] • SCEC learns from the Gene Ontology (GO) experience (Workshop Nov’02, Cambridge UK): • Had a successful jumpstart • Done by biologists, not knowledge engineers • Developed by a wide, distributed community • Focused on specific aspects of genomics • Fly-base, yeast, mouse • Used 24/7 from day 1 • Accepted widely by the community • Extended based on use requirements of a wide community • Quite large (13K terms) • Simple (and messy) representation • Simple infrastructure • Process to accommodate changes, curation

  39. Some Policies for Organizing Contributions • Curated by knowledge engineers: processes changes requested by users • http://www.ecocyc.org • Curated by domain experts: group of domain curators processes changes requested by users • http://www.geneontology.org • Open contributions: any user can add content • http://www.dmoz.org, http://www.openmind.org • Open editing: any user can edit and create any page on a web site. • http://wiki.org

  40. Broad Range of Contributors of Scientific Knowledge (with T. Chklovski) More inexpensive More inaccurate More ambiguous Deeper into society/impact More expensive More accurate More concrete Deeper into the science <<< >> <>>>>> <subclassOf foton … <>>>>

  41. Thank you! • Scientific workflows • pegasus.isi.edu • Cognitive grids • www.isi.edu/ikcap/cognitive-grids • AI and science • IEEE Intelligent Systems Jan/Feb 2004, De Roure, Gil, Hendler (Eds), Special issue on e-Science • www.isi.edu/~gil

  42. “As We May Think” “Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them […]. The lawyer has at his touch the associated opinions and decisions of his whole experience, and of the experience of friends and authorities. The patent attorney has on call the millions of issued patents, with familiar trails to every point of his client's interest. […] The chemist, struggling with the synthesis of an organic compound, has all the chemical literature before him in his laboratory, with trails following the analogies of compounds, and side trails to their physical and chemical behavior. […] There is a new profession of trail blazers, those who find delight in the task of establishing useful trails through the enormous mass of the common record. The inheritance from the master becomes, not only his additions to the world's record, but for his disciples the entire scaffolding by which [their additions] were erected.” --- Vannevar Bush, 1945 http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/computer/bushf.htm

  43. Searching for Pulsars with the Pegasus Planner • Used AI planning techniques to compose executable grid workflows with hundreds of jobs • Laser-Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) data, which aims to detect waves predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity • Used LIGO’s data collected during the first scientific run of the instruments in Fall 2002 • Targeted a set of 1000 locations of known pulsars as well as random locations in the sky • Performed using compute and storage resources at Caltech, University of Southern California, and University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

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