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Year 2. Teacher – Miss Highfield Teaching assistant – Mrs Llewellyn PPA cover – M rs Petty ( P E) Mrs Winter ( French MFL) Class Governor – Mr Williams. Timetable. Monday = Science and SEAL/RE Tuesday = PE and French Wednesday = History and Computing
Year 2 Teacher – Miss Highfield Teaching assistant – Mrs Llewellyn PPA cover – Mrs Petty (PE) Mrs Winter (French MFL) Class Governor – Mr Williams
Timetable Monday = Science and SEAL/RE Tuesday = PE and French Wednesday = History and Computing Thursday = Music, Computing and PE Friday = Design Technology Subjects covered will change next half term to follow new curriculum. Library Books – Changed once a week
Literacy Guided reading or phonics every morning 9 am - 9:30. Literacy lesson every day (1 hour). Focus can be: Writing (including Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar ) Speaking and listening including drama Reading including reading comprehension Phonics Handwriting Home Readers - Please send reading diaries and reading books in every day. Your comments are vital, please sign them when you hear your child read.
Numeracy Numeracy lesson every day (1 hour). Children will follow the Primary Framework blocks of work: Counting, partitioning and calculating. Securing number facts and understanding shape. Handling data and measures. Calculating, measuring and understanding shape. Securing number facts, relationships and calculating.
Marking – Literacy KS1 • _____ = incorrect letter formation (correct formation modelled at bottom of piece of work and practice letters provided) • peice = spelling error identified – rewritten correctly x3 • VF= verbal feedback received from an adult (children to initial alongside) • 2 Stars and a Wish • Identify and explain something good about the work. • Identify and explain something good about the work. • / Explain how the work could be improved.
Marking Maths KS1 • Written work for Numeracy • = correct answer • . = incorrect answer • = reversed digit (practice digit x5 at bottom of page) • VF= oral feedback received from an adult (children to initial alongside) • 2 Stars and a Wish • Identify and explain something good about the work. • Identify and explain something good about the work. • / Explain how the work could be improved.
Additional events Christmas performances: Foundation / KS1 = afternoon 11th December morning 12th December KS2 = afternoon 15thDecember morning 16th December Foundation and KS1 Mother’s Day assembly – Friday 13thMarch am Fathers' Day assembly – Friday 19th June am
Behaviour • All classes use traffic light system • Green = good • First offence – verbal warning - “you have been warned, if you continue you will move to amber” • Second offence – name recorded on board + time missed from play / lunch time. • Third offence – sent to Miss Jones
Safeguarding Moor Hall Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. If your child is going home with another adult, we can only allow this if we have had prior written notification. Any medication should be handed into the school office and the necessary documentation completed. Please can you check expiry dates on all inhalers and Epipens. Risk assessments will be completed prior to visits etc.
Uniform Please ensure that all items (clothing / bags / books etc) are named. Long hair should be tied back, any hair accessories should be in school colours. Jewellery – small stud earrings, religious jewellery only.
Packed Lunches - suggestions No nut or peanut butter products please. A good portion of starchy food, e.g. wholegrain bap, thick sliced wholemeal bread, chapatti, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad. Plenty of fruit and vegetables, e.g. an apple, satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, mini-can of fruit chunks in natural juice or small box of raisins. A portion of semi skimmed milk or dairy food, e.g. individual cheese portion or pot of yoghurt. A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative, e.g. ham, chicken, beef, tuna, egg, or hummus. A drink, e.g. a fruit juice, semi skimmed milk or water. No sweets / chocolate bars or biscuits please.