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Tutorial on Aspect TbiLLC 2013 Daniel Altshuler Heinrich-Heine Universität

Tutorial on Aspect TbiLLC 2013 Daniel Altshuler Heinrich-Heine Universität. (1) Data set 1 a. Bill was writing a letter to complain. b. Bill had written a letter to complain. c. Bill wrote a letter a letter to complain. (2) Data set 2 a. The boxer was punching him.

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Tutorial on Aspect TbiLLC 2013 Daniel Altshuler Heinrich-Heine Universität

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  1. Tutorial on Aspect TbiLLC 2013 Daniel Altshuler Heinrich-Heine Universität

  2. (1) Data set 1 a. Bill was writing a letter to complain. b. Bill had written a letter to complain. c. Bill wrote a letter a letter to complain. (2) Data set 2 a. The boxer was punching him. b. The boxer had punched him. c. The boxer punched him.

  3. (1) Data set 1 a. Bill waswriting a letter to complain. b. Bill had written a letter to complain. c. Bill wrote a letter a letter to complain. (2) Data set 2 a. The boxer waspunchinghim. b. The boxer had punched him. c. The boxer punched him.

  4. (1) Sue came home late. a. Bill waswriting a letter to complain. b. Bill had written a letter to complain. c. Bill wrote a letter a letter to complain. (2) Bill finally managed to open his eyes. a. The boxer waspunchinghim. b. The boxer had punched him. c. The boxer punched him.

  5. Moens & Steedman 1988 The perfect: A function from a set of culminations to a set of consequent states of those culminations which are ongoing at the reference time. Consequent state: “It does not necessarily include all events that are objectively and in fact consequences. It rather includes only those consequences that the speaker views as contingently related to other events that are under discussion, say by causing them or by permitting them to occur.”

  6. Derivation with present perfect (16) Harry has now arrived. (17) Derivation of (38) i.[Harry now arrive]CULMINATION ii.[[Harry have now arrive]CULMINATION]CONSEQUENT STATE speech time, reference time arrived

  7. Derivation with the pluperfect (18) a. Every one began to clap. b. Harry had arrived. (19) Derivation of (39) i.[Harry arrive]CULMINATION ii.[[Harry had arrive]CULMINATION]CONSEQUENT STATE began to clap, reference time speech time arrived

  8. Coercion (20) #Bill has ran (on the treadmill next to his sister). (21) #The star has twinkled (22) a. #Einstein has visited Princeton. b. Princeton has been visited by Einstein. Food for thought (23) Einstein hat Princeton besucht. Einstein has Princeton visit “Einstein visited Princeton”

  9. Problems: Kamp et al (2011) (24) Today Fritz has submitted his paper. (25) Heute hat Fritz seine Arbeit eingereicht. Today has Fritz his paper submitted • (24) and (25) are true if Fritz submitted his paper within the period of time denoted by the adverb today and heute respectively

  10. Present Perfect Puzzle (Klein 1992) (26) *Yesterday Fritz has submitted his paper. (27) Gestern hat Fritz seine Arbeit eingereicht. Yesterday has Fritz his paper submitted

  11. Some work on the German Perfect A small sample: Klein 1992; 1999, Musan 2000, Löbner 2002, von Stechow 2002, Rathert 2004, Pancheva & von Stechow 2004, Rothstein 2008, Kamp et al. 2013, Mittwoch, forthcoming.

  12. Kamp et al’s (2013) project • Tense and adverbs concern distinct temporal coordinates • Perfects across languages differ with respect to what event parts combine with tense and which combine with adverbs. • Revise Moens & Steedman’s analysis for English present perfect and German “ordinary” present perfect with hab- • Moens & Steedman’s analysis works well for the German zustandsperfekt with sei-.

  13. Kamp et al’s (2013) analysis (28) Today Fritz has submitted his paper.

  14. Kamp et al’s (2013) analysis

  15. Kamp et al’s (2013) analysis

  16. Kamp et al’s (2013) analysis

  17. Kamp et al’s (2013) analysis

  18. German present perfect (29) Heute hat Fritz seine Arbeit eingereicht. Today has Fritz his paper submitted The German perfect differs from the English perfect in: • leaving ‘alt’ (the feature that relates to the adverb) at e (rather than shifting it to ec) • the ‘tlt’ (the feature that relates to the tense) is still shifted to s.

  19. Back to the present perfect puzzle (30) *Yesterday Fritz has submitted his paper. (31) Gestern hat Fritz seine Arbeit eingereicht. Yesterday has Fritz his paper submitted

  20. Meaning of the perfect

  21. Back to Einstein examples (32) a. #Einstein has visited Princeton. b. Princeton has been visited by Einstein. (33) Einstein hat Princeton besucht. Einstein has Princeton visit “Einstein visited Princeton”

  22. German present perfect (34) Einstein hat Princeton besucht. Einstein has Princeton visit “Einstein visited Princeton” • The German present perfect involves shifting tlt to a formal result state. “Such a states doesn’t require an independent characterisation that must hold at the utterance time, let alone one which predicates some property of an individual mentioned in the sentence”

  23. English present perfect (35) a. #Einstein has visited Princeton. b. Princeton has been visited by Einstein. • The English present perfect involves shifting tltto a target result state. Such a states require an independent characterisation that must hold at the utterance time; often concerning some property of an individual mentioned in the sentence.

  24. Zustandsperfekt (36) Heute ist die Arbeit eingereicht (Literally: ‘Today is the paper submitted.’) • The result state includes today. • Some kind of current relevance of the submission can be detected • Salient reading: Fritz submitted the paper before the beginning of today.

  25. Current relevance

  26. Zustandsperfekt (37) Heute ist die Arbeit eingereicht (Literally: ‘Today is the paper submitted.’) Analysis • Shifts both tlt and alt to the result state • The result state is a target (not formal) result state

  27. Zustandsperfekt (37) Heute ist die Arbeit eingereicht (Literally: ‘Today is the paper submitted.’) Analysis • Shifts both tlt and alt to the result state • The result state is a target (not formal) result state Explains: (38) *Gestern ist die Arbeit eingereicht (Literally: ‘Yesterday is the paper submitted.’)

  28. Summary • English present perfect • Shift tlt to target state • Shift alt to ec (entire event nucleus, with target state) • German ‘ordinary’ present perfect • Shift tlt to formal result state • Shift alt to e (event, without formal result state) • German ‘zustandsperfekt; • Shift tlt to target state • Shift alt to target state

  29. Other questions • combination with stative VPs • ‘seit’ phrases • quantification (with the universal perfect) • perfect interpretation in languages that don’t have perfect morphology

  30. Against result state theory (39) Peter hat gerade gespült, als ich heimkam. Peter has in-the-moment done-the-dishes when I home-came ‘Peter was doing the dishes when I got home.’ • “As the eventuality denoted by such a present perfect is viewed as ongoing, there can be no perfect or resultant state meaning” (Rothstein, pg. 49)

  31. Food for thought Narration within an elaboration (41) John built a house last year. First he got an architect to draw up a plan. Next he hired a contractor. At the end he was very pleased(Bittner 2008, pg. 21). Perfect progressive (40) From this lodge I turned into the field opposite to Ingress Park, where Mr. Alderman Harmer has been building a splendid mansion: it is entirely of stone, and is in the Gothic style.

  32. Next time • All aspectual operators make reference to an event’s consequent state. Aspectual operators differ in: • whether they relate an event or its consequent state to temporal coordinates that are specified by tenses and temporal adverbs • the type of relation that holds between the given eventualities and the aforementioned temporal coordinates.

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