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Linking today’s education. w ith tomorrow’s successes!. SIP. 2012-2013 SIP Development Office of School Improvement. Workshop Objectives . Participants will: Develop essential skills and tools for the completion of the 2012-2013 SIP
Linking today’s education with tomorrow’s successes!
SIP 2012-2013 SIP Development Office of School Improvement
Workshop Objectives Participants will: Develop essential skills and tools for the completion of the 2012-2013 SIP Identify resources available to be used to complete the 2012-2013 SIP Increase the understanding of the school improvement process
Keep in mind that SIPs require… • a team process • ongoing communication • stakeholders’ feedback/input • ongoing reviews documented in EESAC minutes • timeline development • updates based on data analysis and students’ needs
1 EESAC’s roster & by-laws are updated. 2 Needs assessments are conducted using appropriate data. 3 Opportunities are provided for EESAC and staff to present recommendations for the 2012-2013 SIP. 4 EESAC assists in developing the SIP and assistance are documented in EESAC meeting Minutes. 5 SIP is reviewed by district and region staff during peer review. 12 Staff and EESAC provide evaluative comments in preparation for next SIP. Ongoing School Improvement Process 11 Mid-year data and narrative posted to FLBSI site. 6 Baseline assessments are administered and needs assessments aligned. 10 Interim assessments administered and data analyzed for adjustments to SIP. 9 Ongoing monitoring of SIP for implementation and effectiveness is documented in EESAC Minutes. 8 SIP is presented to District School Board for approval. 7 Data results and SIP are presented to EESAC and staff, and then posted to FLBSI. We are HERE!
MAKING THE CONNECTIONEESAC/SIP Recommended minimum number of meetings: 4 per school year, one per grading period In order to monitor and adjust progress Include SIP and Data Reviews on every EESAC Meeting Agenda Document SIP reviews and decisions in EESAC Minutes Include SIP on Faculty Meeting Agendas
Accessing Bylaws, Minutes & Rosters http://osi.dadeschools.net/
Florida’s Proposed Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) • AMO-1, School Grade • Provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of the school including subgroup proficiency and student learning gains • AMO-2, Increase Student Performance in Reading and Mathematics • Focuses schools on increasing the proportion of students scoring at levels 3 and above and reducing the proportion of students scoring at levels 1 and 2 by 50% over six years
Florida’s Proposed Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) AMO-3, Adequate Progress of Students in the Lowest- Performing 25% in Reading and Mathematics Includes over representation of specific subgroups that are low-performing and focuses schools on raising their achievement and reducing achievement gaps AMO-4, Comparison of Florida’s Student Performance to the Highest Performing States and Nations National: NAEP outcomes for reading and mathematics in grades 4 and 8 International: TIMSS, PIRLS, PISA
Start the Process • Locate an electronic copy of the 2011-2012 SIP. • Open and save to your desktop an electronic copy of the 2012-2013 SIP template from the OSI website: http://osi.dadeschools.net • Copy and paste all applicable sections from the 2011-2012 SIP to the 2012-2013 SIP template. • Provide the SIP Writing team with the 2011-2012 SIP EOY worksheets that the grade level/ departments provided.
Update and revise: • Highly Qualified Administrators/Coaches • Highly Qualified Teachers • Staff Demographics • Teacher Mentoring Program • Title I – Additional Requirements • MTSS/RTI • Literacy Leadership Team • Pre-school Transition • Post-secondary Transition Part I
http://osi.dadeschools.net/sip/ The principal’s EESAC Verification code will be emailed to the principal upon request via email.
0001 – Marlin Elementary School 000011 – Sherian Demetrius 0001 – Marlin EL 0002 - Dolphin EL
Transfer all data from the “Instructional Staff” list to the SIP template.
Who receives a mentor: • Teachers new to the profession, without previous teaching experience & • First and second year teachers in Education Transformation Office schools are eligible to receive a MINT certified site-based mentor. • Help for 2nd and 3rd year teachers: • Teachers with previous teaching experience and teachers in years two and three are eligible to receive a buddy teacher. • A buddy teacher occupies a leadership role in the school such as a department chair, grade-level chair, reading coach, mathematics coach, National Board Certified Teacher, etc. To become a mentor, see Appendix _I_
Multi-Tiered Support System/Response to Instruction/Intervention (RtI) – Schools servicing students in grades K-12 must complete. http://www.justreadflorida.com Literacy Leadership Team (LLT) – Schools servicing students in grades K-12 must complete. Align to the District CRRP -
All High Schools must complete this section. See the next two slides for a sampling of the High School Feedback Report. Schools should use current available data to update possible strategies for improving student readiness for the public postsecondary level.
In each Goal Area, click the “HELP” • Use data sources to analyze and define areas in need of improvement • Specific responses to the guiding questions are not required to be written onto the SIP template; however, they provide relevance between the Anticipated Barrier and Strategies Guiding Questions
http://osi.dadeschools.net Click Here
Guiding questions for Reading • Based on 2012 FCAT 2.0 data, what percentage of students scored at Achievement Level 3? • Based on 2012 FCAT 2.0 data, what percentage of students scored at Achievement Levels 4 or 5? • Based on a comparison of 2011 FCAT 2.0 data and 2012 FCAT 2.0 data, what was the percentage point increase or decrease of students maintaining Achievement Levels 3, 4, 5? • What are the anticipated barriers to increasing the percentage of students maintaining Achievement Level 3 or moving to Achievement Levels 4 or 5 on the 2012 FCAT 2.0? • For students scoring Achievement Levels 1 or 2, what strategies will be implemented to provide remediation and increase achievement to Level 3? • For students scoring Achievement Level 3, what strategies will be implemented to maintain satisfactory progress and/or increase to Achievement Levels 4 or 5? • For students scoring at Achievement Levels 4 or 5, what strategies will be implemented to maintain above satisfactory progress and provide enrichment? • What percentage of students made learning gains? • What was the percentage point increase or decrease of students making learning gains? • What are the anticipated barriers to increasing the percentage of students making learning gains? • What strategies will be implemented to increase and maintain satisfactory progress for these students? • What additional supplemental interventions/remediation will be provided for students not achieving learning gains? • What percentage of students in the lowest 25% made learning gains? • What was the percentage point increase or decrease in the lowest 25% of students making learning gains? • What are the anticipated barriers to increasing learning gains in the lowest 25%?
Guiding questions for Reading - continued • What additional supplemental interventions/remediation will be provided for students in the lowest 25% not achieving learning gains? • Which student subgroups did not meet AMO 2 targets? • What are the anticipated barriers to increasing the number of subgroups meeting AMO 2 targets? • What strategies will be used to ensure students meet AMO 2 targets? • What clusters/strands, by grade level, showed a decrease in making satisfactory progress? • How will the Instructional Focus Calendar be created to address area(s) of improvement (clusters/strands)? • How will focus lessons be developed and revised to increase students making satisfactory progress for these clusters/strands? • How will school level leadership ensure that student reading placement meets the criteria of the attached student placement chart? (as outlined in State Board Rule 6A-6.054, which is also attached) • In addition to the Baseline and Mid-Year assessment, how often will interim or mini-assessments be administered? • How often will the teachers and School-Based Leadership Team (principal, assistant principal, instructional coaches) meet to analyze data, problem solve, and redirect the instructional focus based on the academic needs of students? • How often will data chats be held at each of the following levels: teacher/student; teacher/administration? • How will the Problem-solving Model and progress monitoring be utilized to strengthen Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)/Response to Intervention (RtI) Tier 1 instruction and differentiation? • How will the Problem-solving Model and progress monitoring be utilized to identify students in need of MTSS/RtI Tier 2 supplemental intervention? • How will the Problem-solving Model and ongoing progress monitoring be utilized to identify students in need of MTSS/RtI Tier 3 intensive intervention?
ATTENDANCE GOAL Guiding Questions for Attendance • What was the attendance rate for 2011-2012? • How many students had excessive absences (10 or more) during the 2011-2012 school year? • What are the anticipated barriers to decreasing the number of students with excessive absences? • What strategies and interventions will be utilized to decrease the number of students with excessive absences for 2012-2013? • How many students had excessive tardies (10 or more) during the 2011-2012 school year? • What are the anticipated barriers to decreasing the number of students with excessive tardies? • What strategies and interventions will be utilized to decrease the number students with excessive tardies for 2012-2013?