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North Point Eagles SOARR with Professionalism . CATCH IT!. S afety, O rganization, A chievement, R espect, R esponsibility. PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. Created by: Velvet Gipson, Jason Madden, Sheila Roche, and Elsa Velez. What is PBIS?.

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  1. North Point Eagles SOARR with Professionalism CATCH IT! Safety, Organization, Achievement, Respect, Responsibility

  2. PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. Created by: Velvet Gipson, Jason Madden, Sheila Roche, and Elsa Velez

  3. What is PBIS? • A school-based intervention for reducing disruptive and aggressive behaviors. • Helps create a better climate for the entire school • A way to have more positive interactions with students. • Analysis of school behavior data

  4. Teachers deserve to work in a positive environment. Students who behave well deserve to get most of the attention, not the ones who misbehave. Teachers deserve to know what the discipline data looks like at your school and be part of the decision making process. Teachers deserve to teach the lesson they intended without major behavioral disruptions. As of 10-4-05, we had over 100 referrals. As of 10-19-05, we had over 200 referrals. Why do we need PBIS?

  5. PBIS Involvement Remember: • PBIS involves all of us • we decide what our focus will be • we decide how we will monitor • we decide what our goals are • we decide what we’ll do to get there • we evaluate our progress • we decide whether to keep going or change

  6. What do teachers have to do… • Believe in the program • Make it work in your classroom • Use the tools given to be consistent • Maintain a positive attitude

  7. Timeline for Implementation of PBIS Program • Staff Survey to be completed October 31 • School-Wide lessons presented to students during science classes on November 21-22 • Full implementation of PBIS will begin second semester

  8. North Point Vision/Theme S.O.A.R.R. with Professionalism • SSafety • OOrganization • AAchievement • R Responsibility • RRespectfulness • PProfessionalism North Point

  9. Eagle Buck Reward Program • Eagle Bucks should be used as reinforcement for observed positive behaviors • They can be given out any time during the school day. Such as in the classroom, hallway, lunch room, ect… • Eagle Bucks can be redeemed by students for a variety of different rewards • Positive behaviors are defined in the North Point Behavior Matrix

  10. Want more info • Go to www.pbismaryland.org Select Tutorial from menu on left

  11. Knowledge Check • Name one thing teachers have to do to make PBIS work? • What does PBIS stand for? • What does S.O.A.R.R. stand for? • What is the name of our reward program?

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